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Might and Magic 6,...
Yesterday, 18:02 by Tomsod (8580 replies)
in Might and Magic
Just in case, you've written it here as 424EDO, with O as in the letter, while it should be zero since...
Elemental Mod for MM7...
Yesterday, 12:27 by raekuul (238 replies)
in Might and Magic
Blaster of the Wraith, now that would be overpowered.
Yesterday, 07:43 by Pol (3 replies)
in Articles
Page does not exist! :rip:
PDF link restored.
Keep putting points...
08.03, 01:43 by juanthomas (3 replies)
in Might and Magic
There really isn't a point when you stop putting points in your focused skills, just a few points where...
Death Path new HotA...
07.03, 21:50 by SimHotA (1 reply)
in Mapmaking Guild
Hello everyone!
I created my first HotA map about two months ago, and I'm searching for someone who...
[New Mod] Might and...
04.03, 20:19 by YamiDragoon (122 replies)
in Might and Magic
Oh wow, how much I'd love for this to be compatible with Merge, it looks AMAZING!
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