
Want to help out? Read our walkthrougs!

  • Rise of the Necromancer → Duke Alarice

    Defeat Duke Alarice and his allies to win the campaign. However, if Sandro or Finneas are defeated in combat, the scenario is lost. Sandro and Finneas are limited to level 25, but will carry their experience, skills and spells on to their next campaign. Starting Bonus: 5 Vampires or Citadel or 10 (each) of the 4 precious resources.


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  • Rise of the Necromancer → Finneas Vilmar

    Defeat all of Sandro and Finneas' enemies to win the scenario. However, if Sandro or Finneas is defeated in combat, the scenario is lost. Sandro and Finneas are limited to level 20 but will carry their experience, skills and spells on to the next scenario. Starting Bonus: +2 Defense or 8 Vampires or 15 (each) Wood and Ore


  • Rise of the Necromancer → Master

    Defeat Ethric and all of his allies to win the scenario. However, if Sandro is defeated in combat, the scenario is lost. Sandro is limited to level 10 but will carry his experience, skills and spells on to the next scenario. Starting Bonus: 3000 Gold or +2 Knowledge or 3 Liches


  • Rise of the Necromancer → Target

    Defeat all of Sandro's enemies to win the scenario. However, if Sandro is defeated in combat, the scenario is lost. Sandro is limited to level 5 but will carry his experience, skills and spells on to the next scenario. Starting Bonus: Lightning Bolt Scroll or 8 Walking Dead or +2 Attack Skill


  • The Price of Peace → To Slay an Immortal


    1. Find the Sword of the Gods.
    2. Defeat Mazellian.

    Carries Over:

    • Emilia, Solymr, and Kodge (max level 36)

    Walkthrough (Introduction):

    This is basically two scenarios in one. Emilia, Tharj, and some low level heroes need to explore the surface part of the map (and find the sword) while Solymr explores the underground part of

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  • The Price of Peace → Slave to Fear


    • Find Emilia.

    Carries Over:

    • Solymr (max level 30)


    Grab the three artifacts where you start out, but remove the chainmail unless you’ve made Solymr into a combat hero. Then head west. Solymr is all by himself, but that’s ok. The neutral

  • The Price of Peace → An Unusual Betrayal


    • Defeat Sir Landrew.

    Carries Over:

    1. Emilia and Tharj (max level 30)
    2. Reed (to scenario 8)


    If either of your heroes has nobility, then be sure to visit your starting town before proceeding. Also, if you have charm or diplomacy, then you should

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  • The Price of Peace → The Rainbow Crystal



    • Defeat Old King Dreggar.

    Carries Over:

    • Solymr (max level 20)


    Once again you start out with three genies, so join them with Solymr and split them into three stacks so they can maximize their use of song of peace. Then head south, collecting halflings along the way. You’ll find a

  • The Price of Peace → The Servant


    1. Find the Black Dragon Graveyard.
    2. Defeat Teal.

    Carries Over:

    • Solymr (max level 15)



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  • The Price of Peace → At the Crossroads


    • Be the only player to own towns.

    Carries Over:

    • Emilia (max level 15)


    You start out with just Emilia, but very quickly some dwarves and halflings will join you. So head south and claim the treasure chest and resources, and then buy some peasants. With that small army you can defeat the berserkers to the west, grab even

  • New Beginnings → Driving for the Boots

    Take the Dead Man's Boots to Gem's starting town to win the campaign. However, if Gem or Clancy are defeated in combat or you lose the boots, the scenario is lost. Your heroes are limited to level 25, but Gem will carry her experience, skills and spells on to the next campaign. Starting Bonus: 4000 Gold or 15 Wood or 7 Crystal.


  • New Beginnings → Retrieving the Cowl

    Bring the Vampire's Cowl to the town of Leafhall to win the scenario. However, if Gem or Clancy are defeated in combat or you lose the Cowl, the scenario is lost. Your heroes are limited to level 20, but Gem and Clancy will carry their experience, skills and spells on to the next scenario. Starting Bonus: Town Hall or 15 Wood or +1 Defense Skill.


  • New Beginnings → After the Amulet

    Acquire the Amulet of the Undertaker to win the scenario. However, if Gem or Clancy are defeated in combat, the scenario is lost. Your heroes are limited to level 15, but Gem and Clancy will carry their experience, skills and spells on to the next scenario. Starting Bonus: Blacksmith or 15 Wood or +1 Spell Power.


  • New Beginnings → Clearing the Border

    Defeat all your enemies to win the scenario. However, if Gem is defeated in combat, the scenario is lost. Gem is limited to level 10 but will carry her experience, skills and spells on to the next scenario. Starting Bonus: 10 Wood and 10 Ore or 8 Crystal or Level 1 Mage Guild.


  • Elwin and Shaera → Overview

    Elwin is the only hero that carries over in the campaign, so make sure he is powerful, and make sure he learns as many spells as possible. Also, since he'll get the summoning skill, it's best that you travel with a full army so you can control which creatures he summons. Similarly, it's better for Elwin to be a Warden or Summoner than a Beastmaster, although you'll still want to pick up some combat skills.

  • Elwin and Shaera → Together

    1. Defeat Lord Harke.


    Click on a map to see a larger version.

    First Leg

    Elwin starts right outside your starting town, but he hasn't officially visited it yet. So if Elwin has nobility, bring up the town's information screen so

  • Elwin and Shaera → Reflections

    1. Find Mirilass.
    2. Capture Harke Manor.

    Carries Over:
    1. Elwin (max level 32)


    Click on a map to see a larger version.

    First Leg

    After flagging the nearby ore pit, sawmill, and tree lodge, head south across the bridge. You'll quickly run into

  • Elwin and Shaera → True Love

    1. Construct a Mirror of True Love.

    Carries Over:
    1. Elwin (max level 28)


    Click on a map to see a larger version.

    First Leg

    Ignore the piles of wood for now and head straight north. As you exit the glade,

  • Elwin and Shaera → Mark of the Tiger

    1. Solve the tragedy of the white tigers.

    Carries Over:
    1. Elwin (max level 22)


    Click on a map to see a larger version.

    First Leg

    This is one of those maps that is very convenient for the computer players,

  • Elwin and Shaera → The Lovers

    1. Find Shaera's father, Gramin.

    Carries Over:
    1. Elwin (max level 15)


    Click on a map to see a larger version.

    First Leg

    Elwin starts out with the summon wolf spell, and that plus his weak combat skills
