
Want to help out? Read our walkthrougs!

  • The Necromancer → The Temptation

    As you progress from one campaign to the other, things get trickier, especially if you play at the highest difficulty level. You need to pay much more attention to the development of your heroes, and the choice of a starting bonus can sometimes make the difference between a long struggle and a walk in the park.

    You will find in the...
  • The Cultist → The Ship


    • Capture Erewel
    • Agrael must survive

    Secondary Objective:

    • Capture Ur-Nebryzias (later during the mission)
    • Complete the dragon's quest (later during the mission)

    Carries Over:

    • Agrael (max level: 30)

    Spoiler: view a screenshot of the surface

    This mission has a similar layout to the previous. Agrael still starts in the SW

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  • The Cultist → The Promise


    • Capture the Heart of the Griffin
    • Agrael must survive

    Carries Over:

    • Agrael (Max Level: 18)
    Spoiler: view a screenshot of the surface (1.2 MB)


    At the beginning of the scenario, you must choose a bonus from one of these three:

    • Gold: 2000
    • Succubus: 8
    • Phantom Forces (very useful before patch 1.3)
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  • The Cultist → The Betrayal


    • Find a route to Sheogh
    • Agrael must survive

    Carries Over:

    • Agrael (Max Level: 10)
    Spoiler: view a screenshot of the surface (1.5 MB)


    The tutorial is over; we will have some real challenge soon. Before we start this exciting campaign, let's briefly discuss what skills are useful for your main hero - Agrael. If you want to survive heroic, you better start planning

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  • The Queen → The Fall of the King


    • Rescue Isabel and capture Dunmoor
    • Capture any town in 1 week
    • Hold Dunmoor against enemy attacks (later during the mission)
    • Set up Tears of Asha in Dunmoor (later during the mission)
    • Send Godric to Nicolai (later during the mission)
    • Isabel and Godric must survive

    Carries Over:

    • Isabel & Godric (Max Level 24)
    Spoiler: view a screenshot of the surface (1.5

  • The Queen → The Siege


    • Clear the area of enemy scouts
    • Build a Jousting Arena and upgrade it
    • Defeat the enemy army (later during the mission)
    • Isabel must survive

    Carries Over:

    • Isabel (max. level: 18)

    Spoiler: view a screenshot of the surface (1.4 MB)


    At the beginning of the scenario, you must choose a bonus from one of these three:

    • Archer:
  • The Queen → The Rebellion


  • Capture Strongbow within a week
  • Assemble 100 archers
  • Capture Ashwood
  • Isabel must survive

    Level Cap: 12

    Carries Over: Isabel

    Spoiler: view a screenshot of the surface (1.1 MB)

    First of all, I think the ten footmen are probably the most useful bonus. Money isn't going to be a problem in this mission.

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  • The Queen → The Queen

    A first walkthrough article has been posted for The Queen scenario of the Haven campaign in Heroes V. Why a walkthrough for the tutorial you may ask? Well, some people may think that the tutorial lacks some detail, especially for the combat part. In my article I describe the most important parts of the interface and lists the controls that are really useful to the new player. I also a...
  • Heroes of Might and Magic V → Story

    Year 28-40 of the Seventh Dragon: 1st demon incursion – Wars of Fire

    The first and greatest wizard of the world of Might & Magic, known as the Seventh Dragon, sacrifices himself to end the wars and repel the demon incursion. To prevent the demons’ return, he seals them in a dimensional prison, created in the depths of the Fiery Mountain. However, from then on, the repercussions of the Demon invasion will echo through the world in the form of sects, cults, and spies.

    849 YSD: 2nd demon incursion – War

  • The Samaritan → Gaia, Where Are You?

    Recommended bonus: none, pick whatever spell you wish (I chose magic arrow)

    So you start near a destroyed ship. Go up one square from your starting position and search for survivors (you will be asked if you want to look for survivors). You should have 11 grand elves. Visit the nearby wagon to gain 5 ore. Go to the Home of Ekaterin and she will ask you to clean her husband's obelisk. Go to the Lost Soul (looks like a wraith) and agree to help. Go to the obelisk nearby (which should be black), and then back to

  • In The Wake of Gods → Gorynich

    Recommended bonus: whatever you wish (I chose wizardry)

    First, collect all the resources around. When you find a chest, and you have to choose between 0 gold and -500 experience, choose 0 gold because you WILL have -500 exp. While exploring, you should find a monk. Don't visit him unless you see the puzzle and the other monks east. After that, talk to him and he will disappear and give you access to the puzzle. This is probably the trickiest part of the map. What you have to do is, make a column of the same

  • In The Wake of Gods → The Begininng

    Recommended bonus: Attack skill
    (I prefer attack. It's not too much of a difference)

    First, collect all the resources around. In the southwest corner of the map, there is a sign that says something like "Congratulations! You've found a secret passage to the end of the campaign" Do not visit it, because your hero will die.

    After you take ALL of the resources, go to the crusaders to the east. After you reach them, run away! Be sure you will NOT end your turn when the crusaders tell you to stop! What I

  • Unholy Alliance → Fall of Sandro

    Defeat Sandro and all his minions to win the campaign. However, if any of your four heroes are defeated in combat or you fail to defeat Sandro's forces in four months, the scenario is lost. Starting Bonus: 10 Halberdiers or 3000 Gold or 2 of each precious resource.


  • Unholy Alliance → Union

    Defeat all the Necromancers in the area and create the Angelic Alliance to win the scenario. However, if Gem, Gelu, Crag Hack or Yog are defeated in combat, the scenario is lost. The four heroes are limited to level 40 but will carry their experience, skill, and spells on to the next scenario. Starting Bonus: 10 Wood and 10 Ore or 30 Marksmen or 10 Crusaders


  • Unholy Alliance → Barbarian Brothers

    Crag Hack and Yog must find the Sword of Judgment, Armor of Wonder, and Lions Shield of Courage to win the scenario. However, if either hero is defeated in combat, the scenario is lost. They are limited to level 37 but will carry his experience, skills, and spells on to their next scenario. Starting Bonus: 4000 Gold or 10 Ogres or 40 Orcs.


  • Unholy Alliance → To Strive, To Seek

    Gem and Gelu must find the Sandals of the Saint, Helm of Heavenly Enlightenment, and the Necklace of Celestial Bliss to win the scenario. However, if either hero is defeated in combat, the scenario is lost. They are limited to level 37 but will carry his experience, skills, and spells on to their next scenario. Starting Bonus: 6 Rogues or Spyglass or Boots of Speed.


  • Unholy Alliance → Invasion

    Defeat the Rangers and Barbarians against Sandro and his forces of undead to win the scenario. However, if Sandro is defeated in combat, the scenario is lost. Sandro is limited to level 40 but will carry his experience, skills, and spells on to his next scenario. Starting Bonus: +3 Attack or +3 Defense.


    Click on a map

  • Unholy Alliance → Wrath of Sandro

    Wipe out all invading forces to win the scenario. However, if Sandro is defeated in combat, the scenario is lost. Sandro is limited to level 40 but will carry his experience, skills and spells on to his next scenario. Starting Bonus: +3 Spell Power or +3 Knowledge.


  • Unholy Alliance → Agents of Vengeance

    You must capture Castle Crypthome to win the scenario. However, if Gem or Gelu is defeated in combat, the scenario is lost. The heroes are limited to level 33 but will carry their experience, skills and spells on to their next scenario. Starting Bonus: 15 Wood Elves or 20 Silver Pegasi.


    Click on a map to see a larger

  • Unholy Alliance → Secrets Revealed

    Yog and Crag Hack must defeat the Necromancers to win the scenario. However, if either hero is defeated in combat, the scenario is lost. Yog and Crag Hack are limited to level 33 but will carry their experience, skills and spells on to the next scenario. Starting Bonus: 6000 gold or 15 Crystal or Boots of Polarity.


