Other Features

HoMM 5 >Magic



Overall, the magic system of HoMM4 was fine. However, there is one major issue. Every school of magic has a specific subskill which determines the power of the spells. However, this skill only applies to spells that have numerical values, so only chaos and nature really benefitted from it. Overall, probably only 25% of the spells had numerical values and were determined by the subskill. For example, take order magic, with it's subskill of wizardry. The only spells that are influenced by wizardry are the illusion spells (there are two) and the three direct damage spells. All other spells have fixed numerical values and are not influenced by wizardry at all. If these five spells are not used (which is often the case), then the wizardry skill is just a waste of XP, only to fill up the requirements for Order Magic.

My proposal is to make the subskills work, more or less like the elemental magic skills in HoMM3. The same spell had different effects with different levels of skill. There will not necesarrily be a new effect for every increase of the subskill and the effects will not be as drastic as they were in HoMM3, where one point of magic skill made the difference between a single spell and a mass spell.

HoMM 5 >Magic > Life

Life magic

Level 1:

- Bind wound
Basic: Heals damage, determined by level and spirituality.

- Bless
Basic: Target does maximum damage.
Expert: Target does maximum damage +1.
Master: Target does maximum damage +(level of target, 5 for heroes)

- Handlight
Basic: All creatures within 20 yard radius of caster suffer no darkness penalties.
Advanced: Caster also does 25% more melee damage against undead.

- Exorcism
Basic: Expels all negative level 3 spells or lower on target.
Advanced: Expels all negative level 4 spells or lower on target.
Expert: Expels all negative spells on target.

- Spiritual armour
Basic: Increases melee defense by 25%.
Advanced: Increases melee and ranged defense by 25%.

- Heavenly wrath
Basic: Damage on target determined by level and spirituality.
Advanced: Double damage on undead.

- Defender
Basic: Melee defense increased by 50% when defending.
Expert: Melee and ranged defense increased by 50% when defending.

Level 2:

- Heavenly shield
Basic: Caster gains number of hitpoints, based on level and spirituality.

- Heal
Basic: Heals hitpoints, based on level and spirituality.
Advanced: Heals poison and plague.
Master: Heals meltdown.

- Retribution
Basic: Attacker suffers damage when attacking target, based on level and spirituality.
Expert: Double damage to undead.
Master: Double damage to Death, Chaos and Alchemy allignments.

- Alchemy ward
Basic: 50% resistance against Alchemy spells.
Advanced: 25% increase in defense against Alchemy alligned creatures.
Expert: 50% increase in defense against Alchemy alligned creatures.

- Archeon ward
Basic: 50% resistance against Archeon spells.
Advanced: 25% increase in defense against Archeon alligned creatures.
Expert: 50% increase in defense against Archeon alligned creatures.

- Chaos ward
Basic: 50% resistance against Chaos spells.
Advanced: 25% increase in defense against Chaos alligned creatures.
Expert: 50% increase in defense against Chaos alligned creatures.

- Death ward
Basic: 50% resistance against Death spells.
Advanced: 25% increase in defense against Death alligned creatures.
Expert: 50% increase in defense against Death alligned creatures.

- Nature ward
Basic: 50% resistance against Nature spells.
Advanced: 25% increase in defense against Nature alligned creatures.
Expert: 50% increase in defense against Nature alligned creatures.

- Order ward
Basic: 50% resistance against Order spells.
Advanced: 25% increase in defense against Order alligned creatures.
Expert: 50% increase in defense against Order alligned creatures.

- Martyr
Basic: 90% of damage done to target transferred to other target.
Expert: Full transfer of damage.

- Song of peace
Basic: Target cannot attack or cast hostile spells for one turn.
Master: Effect lasts two turns.

- Mirth
Basic: Morale of target increases by 5.
Advanced: Morale of target increases by 8.
Expert: Morale of target goes to maximum.

- Summon ship
Basic: Summons a ship, build or last occupied by player.
Expert: Summons the closest unoccupied ship.
Master: Summons a ship out of nothing.

Level 3:

- Celestial armour
Basic: Increases melee defense of all allied targets by 25%.
Expert: Increases melee and ranged defense of all allied targets by 25%.

- Holy shout
Basic: Does damage to all undead, based on level and spirituality.

- Divine wrath
Basic: Does damage on single target, based on level and spirituality.
Expert: Does double damage to all undead.
GM: Does double damage to all creatures of Death, Chaos and Alchemy allignment.

- Regeneration
Basic: Heals number of hitpoints per round, based on caster level.

- Mass bless
Basic: All allied targets do maximum damage.
Expert: All allied targets do maximum damage +1.
GM: All allied targets do maximum damage +(level of target, 5 for heroes)

- Mass healing
Basic: Heals damage for all allied targets.
Advanced: Heals poison and plague on all allied targets.
Master: Heals meltdown on all allied targets.

- Mass exorcism
Basic: Expels all negative level 3 spells or lower on all allied targets.
Expert: Expels all negative level 4 spells or lower on all allied targets.
Master: Expels all negative spells on all allied targets.

Level 4:

- Mass alchemy ward
Expert: All allied targets have 50% resistance against Alchemy spells.
Master: All allied targets have 25% increase in defense against Alchemy alligned creatures.
GM: All allied targets have 50% increase in defense against Alchemy alligned creatures.

- Mass archeon ward
Expert: All allied targets have 50% resistance against Archeon spells.
Master: All allied targets have 25% increase in defense against Archeon alligned creatures.
GM: All allied targets have 50% increase in defense against Archeon alligned creatures.

- Mass chaos ward
Expert: All allied targets have 50% resistance against Chaos spells.
Master: All allied targets have 25% increase in defense against Chaos alligned creatures.
GM: All allied targets have 50% increase in defense against Chaos alligned creatures.

- Mass death ward
Expert: All allied targets have 50% resistance against Death spells.
Master: All allied targets have 25% increase in defense against Death alligned creatures.
GM: All allied targets have 50% increase in defense against Death alligned creatures.

- Mass nature ward
Expert: All allied targets have 50% resistance against Nature spells.
Master: All allied targets have 25% increase in defense against Nature alligned creatures.
GM: All allied targets have 50% increase in defense against Nature alligned creatures.

- Mass order ward
Expert: All allied targets have 50% resistance against Order spells.
Master: All allied targets have 25% increase in defense against Order alligned creatures.
GM: All allied targets have 50% increase in defense against Order alligned creatures.

- Mass fervor
Expert: Morale of all allied targets increases by 6.
Master: Morale of all allied targets increases by 9.
GM: Morale of all allied targets goes to maximum.

- Prayer
Expert: Increases hipoints and damage of all allied targets by 25%
GM: Also adds 2 points of speed and movement to all allied targets.

- Fairweather
Expert: Dispells all weather and darkness effects and sets the weather to "cloudy".
Master: Sets the weather to "sunny".

- Resurrection
Expert: Heals creatures and raises creatures from the dead. Does not work on dead heroes. Master: Works on dead heroes.
GM: Castable on dead heroes on the adventure map.

Level 5:

- Sanctuary
GM: Creates a spot on the battlefield, determined by caster, where any unit can reside and be invulnerable, but cannot do anything but defend or wait, until they leave the spot. The sanctuary cannot hold more than one stack at the time, and is dispelled when there is only one stack left on the side that cast the spell. Regeneration still works under sanctuary, and the stack can still receive beneficial spells from allied creatures.

- Divine intervention
GM: All creatures heal some damage and mass exorcism at expert level is cast. Raises dead heroes.

- Guardian Angel
GM: Protects a number of creatures based on caster level, which rise from the dead, the moment they are killed. Only protects heroes once and can only be cast on a stack once per battle.

HoMM 5 >Towns and creatures >Life

The town of Life

The town now has a larger focus on magic and angelic aspects, but does not have any war machines. However, the skills of metallurgy are still present, even with the departure of the alchemists. Overall, this makes the life town stronger than it was. The heroes are still priest(esse)s and knights.

Level 1:

Squire (Squires' guild)
They still hit things with their little flails and can still inflict stun. Their defense has increased a bit to make up for their speed, which is mediocre at most. The most important function of the squire is to defend the Marksmen in the early levels.

Marksman (Archery range)
The marksman does decent damage and still shoots without ranged penalty. Their defense is quite low, so they do need protection. Marksmen are a bit faster than the old crossbowman.

Level 2:

Halbardier (Guardstower)
Halbardiers attack with a long weapon that does very decent damage. However, they die quite easily, due to their low defenses. However, they gain a 50% increase in defense when defending, becuase they use the halbard blade to dodge attacks.

Healer (Hospital)
The healer is a spellcaster with a decent defense and a completely neglectable attack. The healer can cast heal, bless, spiritual armour and heavenly wrath (level 1 DD). Great in combination with combat heroes.

Level 3:

Swordman (Training barracks)
These troops fight with swords and do decent damage. They have medium speed and a good defense. They wear armour, but are not completely covered in plate armour.

Cherubin (Heavenly portal)
Winged attacker with the ability to cast any ward desired (including life ward, but there is no might ward). They attack with heavenly light which comes from their hands (melee attack). This attack does 50% additional damage to undead.

Level 4:

Monk (Monestary)
Ranged attacker, but this time with a decent damage. They should also have no melee penalty and a death ward. The monk should look like the zealot from HOMM3, because the HOMM4 look is just plainly horrible.

Paladin (Cathedral)
The guy in shiny armour is back and still has a double attack. They have a decent attack and defense and are now a bit faster. They also have a death ward, like the monk does.

Level 5:

Champion (Jousting arena)
They still ride horses and they still have a jousting bonus. They are not top level anymore, so their damage and defense have been scaled down a bit. They are still decent and fast units when compared to others. Numbers are low to medium.

Zealot (Abbey)
The zealot is a spellcaster who can cast regeneration, celestial armour, heal and divine fire (level 3 DD). They have medium numbers, but have decent defense. Their melee combat abilities are neglectable.

Level 6:

Archangel (Altar of light)
Fast attack units with the ability to cast Ressurection and raising the morale of the entire army by one. They do good damage, but are killed fairly easily, so use them wisely. For some reason, they looked more impressive in HOMM3. You get three per week at comparable cost.

Valkyrie (Divine gate)
These female warriors were send by the heavenly forces to defend and lead their followers into battle. They have fair speed, but will never be as easily manouvrable as the flying angels. However, they do more damage and are much harder to kill. The Valkyrie always has maximum damage and the presence of valkyries in the army increases the attack of the entire army by 10%.

Comments (1)   

HoMM 5 >Towns and creatures >Story >Heroes >Magic

Welcome to the Heroes of Might and Magic V proposals. The content of this webpage is the result of almost a year of posting on forums like Heroes Community, The Round Table, Guardians Grove and others. During this time, many of the ideas started to come together as an almost complete design for the new game.

Of course, some of the content was changed over time as ideas became irrelevant or were improved. For example, my system used to be an Octagon. Now, it is a Septagon, because the Spirit town made no sense for the rest of the storyline. The Archeons will also be reformed.

Most of the depth in my proposals lies within the storyline and the build-up of towns. I made a number of proposals for the gameplay, but not is as much depth. It can always be added, though.

The setup for HoMM5 will mostly be based on the septagon (previously known as the Octagon, before I kicked out one town). The septagon shows how the towns are allied and how they perceive the other towns. In HoMM4, this was implemented in a way, but a flawed way according to some people. For example, the Order town was allied to both Life and Death, while those two were supposed to be archenemies.
Also, the towns of Life and Death were obviously enemies. The same thing with the towns of Order and Chaos, which left the town of Nature standing by itself. In the new septagon, each town has two allied towns, two distrusted towns and two enemy towns. Please refer to the diagram below to see it more clearly.

For more information, please refer to the story.

Marelt Ekiran.

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HoMM 5 >Heroes


Combat skills
Starting skills

The heroes are still the pillars of the whole game, and there should be a lot of flexibility in their development. The individual heroes should also have unique, but balanced specialities and flaws.

Might: Blademaster
Magic: Alchemist

Might: Commander
Magic: Witch

Might: Barbarian
Magic: Shaman (only limited magic abilities)

Might: Scout
Magic: Sorcerer

Might: Death Knight
Magic: Necromancer

Might: Knight
Magic: Priest

Might: Archer
Magic: Druid

Might: Lord
Magic: Mage

Comments (8)   

HoMM 5 >Magic >Death

Death magic

Level 1:

- Cancellation
Basic: Cancels all blessings of level 3 or lower on target.
Advanced: Cancels all blessings of level 4 or lower on target.
Expert: Cancels all blessings on target.
GM: Cancels anti-magic (but not divine magic shield).

- Curse
Basic: Target does minimum damage.
Expert: Target does minimum damage -1 (to minimum of 1).
Master: Target does minimum damage -1 -20% (to minimum of 1).

- Poison
Basic: Target suffers damage every turn, determined by level and morbidity.

- Disrupting ray
Basic: Lowers target's defense by 20%.
Advanced: Lower's target's defense by 25%.
Master: Disables defending option on target.

- Weakness
Basic: Lowers target's attack by 20%.
Advanced: Lowers target's attack by 25%.
Expert: Lowers target's attack by 30%.

- Raise skeletons
Basic: Raises number of skeletons from dead stack, determined by level and morbidity.

Level 2:

- Darkbolt
Basic: Damages target, based on level and mordidity.

- Unholy song
Basic: 5% lowering in attack and defense for every alignment removed from Death on all enemies.
(So 5% for alchemy and chaos, 10% for might, archeon and order, 15% for life and nature).
Expert: Adds 5% to this number (but still doesn't work on death alignment).

- Animate dead
Basic: Animates a number of hitpoints of dead, determined by level and morbidity.

- Life drain
Basic: Minor damage on target, determined by level and morbidity. Caster gain half of hitpoints.
Master: Caster gains all hitpoints.

- Fatigue
Basic: Lowers target's movement by 3.
Advanced: Lower's target's movement and speed by 3.
Expert: Lower's target's movement and speed by 4.

- Sorrow
Basic: Lowers target's morale by 5.
Advanced: Lowers target's morale by 8.
Expert: Lowers target's morale to minimum.

- Raise ghost
Basic: Raises a number of ghosts from dead stack, determined by level and morbidity.

- Cloud cover
Basic: Changes "sunny" and "cindering" weather to "cloudy".

- Mire
Basic: Decreases movement of hostile army by one third for next turn.
Advanced: Decreases movement of hostile army by one half for next turn.
Master: Decreases movement of hostile army by two thirds for next turn.
GM: When cast on neutral stack, it becomes stationary (will not attack at night).

Level 3:

- Aura of fear
Basic: Target gains "no retaliation" ability.
Expert: All enemy units within 1 yard radius of caster have -5 morale.
GM: Breaks death and mind resistance.

- Magic leech
Basic: Target takes twice the spell points to cast spell. Half of normal spell cost to caster.
Expert: All of normal spell cost to caster.
GM: All of current spell cost to caster.

- Mass curse
Basic: Target does minimum damage.
Expert: Target does minimum damage -1 (to minimum of 1).
GM: Target does minimum damage -1 -20% (to minimum of 1).

- Mass cancellation
Basic: Cancels all blessings of level 3 or lower on target.
Expert: Cancels all blessings of level 4 or lower on target.
GM: Cancels all blessings on target and cancels anti-magic (but not divine magic shield).

- Plague
Basic: All living targets suffer damage per turn, determined by level and morbidity.
Master: Only enemy targets affected.

- Raise mummy
Basic: Raises a number of mummies from dead stack, determined by level and morbidity.

Level 4:

- Darkfire
Expert: Damages target, determined by level and morbidity.

- Death call
Expert: Animates a number of hitpoints of dead creatures, determined by level and morbidity.

- Mass sorrow
Expert: Lowers all enemy targets morale by 6.
Master: Lowers all enemy targets morale by 9.
GM: Lowers all enemy targets morale to minimum.

- Mass weakness
Expert: Lowers all enemy targets attack by 20%.
Master: Lowers all enemy targets attack by 25%.
GM: Lowers all enemy targets attack by 30%.

- Dark shroud
Expert: Sets the weather to "Dark".
Master: A Dark Shroud storm appears on the battlefield. GM: Torchlight and handlight have no effect.

- Sacrifice
Expert: Kills one stack and uses the hitpoints of that stack to heal another stack.
Master: Healing is killed hitpoints +50%.
GM: Healing is killed hitpoints +100%.

- Raise vampire
Expert: Raises a number of vampires from a dead stack, determined by level and mordibity.

Level 5:

- Hand of death
GM: Instantly kills a number of creatures, determined by level and morbidity.

- Dark grasp
GM: Lower's target's attack and defense by 40%, adds slow strike effect (see, alchemy), halves speed and movement and causes minimum morale and luck.

- Vampiric touch
GM: Target heals 1 hitpoint for every 2 hitpoints of damage.

Comments (1)   

HoMM 5 >Towns and creatures >Death

The town of Death

Of all towns, death will have the largest transformation, because it has to go from a mixture of demonic and undead, back to a pure undead town. In the story, I explained that the demonic creatures were murdered by the large hordes of undead after the return of the necromancer's expidition. There were only six undead in HOMM4 and I will have to turn that into at least twelve. Of course, the lich should be brought back and some others from HOMM3. The rest must come from the resurrected demons.
After the demons were killed and resurrected, the necromancers did some more experiments. They managed to connect a demon summoning device with an undead transformer, which gave them a steady supply of undead creatures.

Level 1:

Skeleton (Excavation).
This classic creature is back and still has the increased ranged defense, although it should be scaled down to 50%. My proposal is also that the necromancy skill goes back to skeletons only. The skeleton is quite slow and is therefore less of a threat during combat. This eliminates the complaints about the overpowered vampire stacks from HOMM4, but still gives necromancy its usefullness. Besides, those armies of 5000 skeletons walking around was more fun than the 200+ vampire horde.

Minion (Minion well). The murdered imps were brought back as these small and powerless ghost-like creatures. They lost their mana drain ability, but gained the ability to attack without retaliation. Minions are fast but very fragile. They come in great numbers, though.

Level 2:

Zombie (Graveyard).
Often considered the worst creature of the HOMM series, the zombie comes back in a bit more usefull form. They are still very slow, but have good damage and lots of hitpoints for their level. They gained the ability to infect their target, which is always triggered and decreases attack with 20%. Also, they can move to a dead stack and gain hitpoints by feeding off them. They heal 3 hitpoints per zombie per turn of eating, as long as there are enough hitpoints in the stack.

Ghost (Barren mounds).
The ghost is still fast, but does little damage. It still has an aging attack, but that has been scaled down to decreasing speed by half (not movement) and hitpoints by 20%. It is still insubstantial, which should be able to keep it alive.

Level 3:

Darkhound (Darkhound kennel).
The poor murdered cerberi lost two of their heads (it was too hard to animate three minds at once), but the remaining head now has a ferocious attack. They have a first strike and an acid attack ability (which lowers attack and defense and any creature hit cannot be raised or resurrected). Good attack, but relatively low defense and hitpoints. They are fairly fast, but not incredibly.

Revenant (Crypt).
The revenant is a typical tank-troop unit. They move faster than the zombie, though. The revenant casts either weakness or disrupting ray on it's target, at a 50/50 chance.

Level 4:

Lich (Mausoleum).
The lich now has a dual function. It is a spellcaster, but the only one without a direct damage spell. It has the ability to cast Fatigue, Weakness, Sorrow, Misfortune, Raise Skeleton and for a lot of spellpoints, Mass Cancellation. The lich also attacks as a ranged attacker and does good damage. However, the attack has been scaled down to one target per shot.

Vampire (Mansion).
The vampires will appear in less numbers, since the necromancy ability should not be able to make them anymore. They keep their draining ability and no retaliation. They are still fast flyers, but their defenses have been scaled down drastically. Their numbers in the towns have increased, but it will be harder to fight and keep all vampires intact. It's still a great unit for its level, though.

Wraith (Spirit tomb).
The wraith is now a lot tougher than it used to be. The top creature still regenerates and it sucks two mana per turn out of enemy spellcasters. It also has a panick attack, which makes the target lose it's next turn. I think this creature should not be in towns, but wonder around as a neutral creature.

Level 5:

Screel (Venom laberatory).
It took the necromancers many experiments before they discovered how to make undead from venom-based demons. Finally, they managed to turn dead venom spawns into screels. The screel cannot shoot, but has a fair speed and a very high defense and a good attack. The venomous claws of the screel cause the victim to be poisoned with 25% of the actual damage done. The screel is also hard to shoot, like the skeleton it. In appearance, think of it as a smaller version of a bone behemoth.

Dark Knight (Palace of Darkness).
The dark knights are few in numbers, but they have by far the best damage of their levels. The defense and speed are fair, but they have high hitpoints. The attack of a dark knight is guaranteed to cause sorrow and they also have two retaliations per round.

Level 6:

Bone Dragon (Dragon vault).
The bone dragon is back with its fear attack and its boney structure that protects against arrows. They can fly, but not good (not really fast). Their attacks do good damage, but their melee defense is fairly low. They have a good number of hitpoints to expend, but they are still a bit easier killed than other level 6 creatures.

Grim Reaper (Gate of Doom).
The grim reapers are in fact undead devils. They teleport and attack with scythes. These weapons do good damage. Grim reapers also have good defense, but lower hitpoints than bone dragons. They are able to cast animate dead during battle a few times. This spell can be used on both friend and enemy. If you animate your own undead creatures with this, then 50% of these will be alive after battle.

Comments (2)   

HoMM 5 >Heroes >Combat skills

The combat skill

Every hero needs some means to keep them alive. There are artifacts that are capable of helping, but this still won't keep the hero alive in really big battles. It is incredibly hard to maintain a balance between heroes that get killed too easily and godlike one-man-armies, but I'm going to make a proper attempt.
My proposal is to give every town it's own defensive skills, all with different attributes. Therefore, every hero will have it's own strengths and weaknesses and those hated immortality potions can go down the sink. The defensive skills don't have any subskills, and every hero will either start with the basic defensive skill or obtain this skill very early on. The whole thing would look like this:

Alchemy --> Armory
Basic: AC15
Advanced: AC20, half damage from missiles.
Expert: AC30, direct damage spells reduced by half.
Master: AC40, 30% dodge of attacks.
GM: AC50, adds buffer that must be eliminated first.

Archeon --> Scaling
Basic: AC15
Advanced: AC20, adds permanent stoneskin.
Expert: AC30, adds mind and fire resistance.
Master: AC40, only 10% damage taken from missiles.
GM: AC50, adds defender option, which disables retaliation, moving and physical attacking, but reduces all damage taken by 90%.

Barbarian --> Survival
Basic: AC18, -2 damage from all attacks.
Advanced: AC25, -4 damage from all attacks, +20% HP, 30% magic resistance.
Expert: AC40, -6 damage from all attacks, learn heal spell, 50% magic resistance.
Master: AC60, -8 damage from all attacks, no retaliation, 70% magic resistance.
GM: AC80, -10 damage from all attacks, maximum damage suffered per attack is 50, 90% magic resistance.

Chaos --> Guarding
Basic: AC15
Advanced: AC20, movement within 5 yards requires double movement.
Expert: AC30, fire and lightning resistance.
Master: AC40, magic mirror.
GM: AC50, first stack to melee attack does no damage and suffers confusion.

Death --> Disabling
Basic: AC15
Advanced: AC20, all creatures attack as if they were cursed.
Expert: AC30, adds the undead and skeletal protections.
Master: AC40, stack or creature that kills the hero suffers hand of death spell without resisting.
GM: AC50, damage is split: 25% to hero, 75% to attacker.

Life --> Protection
Basic: AC15
Advanced: AC20, permanent spiritual armour.
Expert: AC30, choose one permanent ward.
Master: AC40, regenerate 30HP every turn.
GM: AC50, one guardian angel precast every battle.

Nature --> Warding
Basic: AC15
Advanced: AC20, luck +5.
Expert: AC30, option to start with anti-magic precast.
Master: AC40, HP +80%.
GM: AC50, attacker must first come within 2 yard radius before being able to iniate melee attack.

Order --> Disruption
Basic: AC15
Advanced: AC20, permanent blur.
Expert: AC30, adds chaos and archeon ward.
Master: AC40, 100% defense added when defending.
GM: AC50, first three attacks have no effect.

HoMM 5 >Magic >Chaos

Chaos magic

Level 1:

- Bloodlust
Basis: Increases target attack by 25%.
Expert: Target also immume to fear.

- Sparks Basic: Damages every target in the three hexes before the caster. Damage determined by level and pyromancy.
Master: Also effects the four hexes behind the initial three.

- Fire aura
Basic: Extra damage determined by level and pyromancy.

- Speed
Basic: Increases speed by 3.
Advanced: Increases speed and movement by 3.
Master: Increases speed and movement by 5.

- Magic arrow
Basic: Damage determined by level and pyromancy. Master: Line of sight requirement cancelled.

- Slayer
Basic: Target does 50% more damage to level 6 creatures.
Advanced: Against all level 6 living dragons or draconics, 100% more damage.
Expert: 100% more damage against giants and titans.
GM: 100% more damage against all level 6.

- Torchlight
Basic: Cancels all darkness penalties on the battlefield.
Expert: Only cancels darkness penalties for allied creatures.

Level 2:

- Confusion
Basic: Target loses one turn.
Expert: Target loses one turn and retaliates with half strength while under spell.

- Mana flare
Basic: Reduces spell point cost of the battlefield by 2.
Expert: Reduces spell point cost for enemies only by 1.
GM: Benefits are only for own troops.

- First strike
Basic: Target attacks before other unit retaliates.
Master: Retaliation is before the other unit does it's initial attack.

- Misfortune
Basic: Reduces luck of target by 5.
Advanced: Reduces luck of target by 8.
Expert: Reduces luck to the minimum.

- Fire bolt
Basic: Damage determined by level and pyromancy.
GM: Line of sight requirement cancelled.

- Spell shackle
Basic: Damage per spellpoint used determined by level and pyromancy.

- Landmine
Basic: Landmine damage determined by level and pyromancy.
Places pyromancy x2 number of landmines.

Level 3:

- Bloodfrenzy
Basic: All allied targets increase attack by 25%
Master: All allied targets also immume to fear.

- Fire ring
Basic: All creatures surrounding target suffer damage, determined by level and pyromancy.

- Fireball
Basic: All creatures within area suffer damage, determined by level and pyromancy.

- Lighting
Basic: Target suffers damage determined by level and pyromancy.
Expert: 50% more damage against mechanicals.

- Magic mirror
Basic: Caster of hostile spell suffers 50% effect of spell cast on target.
Master: Also acts as a 50% magic resistance.

- Flaming lance
Basic: Caster conjures a flaming lance for himself, with damage done determined by level, attack skill, damage and pyromancy.
Master: Ignores fire resistance.

Level 4:

- Cloud of confusion
Expert: All targets within 3x3 radius suffer confusion.
GM: All targets have 50% strength retaliations during spell.

- Implosion
Expert: Target suffers damage, determined by level and pyromancy.
GM: All enemies surrounding target suffer minor damage, determined by level and pyromancy.

- Inferno
Expert: Area effect damage, determined by level and pyromancy.

- Mass first strike
Expert: All allied targets strike first when attacking.
GM: All allied targets retaliate before enemy attack.

- Cat reflexes
Expert: Target attacks twice.
GM: Enemy retaliation occurs after second attack.

- Mass misfortune
Expert: All enemy targets have luck reduced by 6.
Master: All enemy targets have luck reduced by 9.
GM: All enemy targets have maximum negative luck.

- Firestorm
Expert: Sets the weather to "Cindering".
Master: A Firestorm appears on the battlefield.

Level 5:

- Armageddon
GM: Targets all creatures on battlefield, including those with fire resistance.

- Disintergrate
GM: Big damage on target, determined by level and pyromancy. Cannot be raised or ressurected.

- Chain lighting
GM: Hits first target with full damage, determined by level and pyromancy. Damage halved until 5 targets hit.

HoMM 5 >Towns and creatures >Chaos

The town of Chaos

When the war with Paleandra and Great Arcan started, the policies were changed. The government send sorcerers to the communities to enforce the conscription that was issued and they used force if necesarry. The overall control of the army and the land as a whole was increased, bit it did not even come close to the organization of countries like Paleandra and Great Arcan. Still, it was good enough to maintain control and their forces were large and strong.

Level 1:

Gnoll (Gnoll hut)
The gnoll has returned from its retirement in the swamplands of Axeoth. They are no longer equiped with flails, but rather with quarterstaffs. They are very decent level 1 units, although quite slow. They are better used for the defense of ranged attackers and sorcerers. They have a 20% chance of dodging an attack with their staffs. This includes magical attacks. Direct damage spells are not weakened, they either succeed fully or, in 20% of the cases, fail completely.

Bandit (Thief's tavern)
The bandit still has its stealth ability, but carried it over to the battlefield. It now has the option to do a hidden movement. The bandit is visible at the beginning, but during it's turn, becomes invisible for the enemy and then moves within their normal movement range. They become visible again when either attacking or walking right next to an enemy troop. If bandits stay hidden for three turns and all other troops are dead, then this equals fleeing. Aside from this ability, they are fast, but weak.

Level 2:

Harpy (Harpy cave)
The harpy still has that pesky hit and run attack, but they are fairly weak creatures. If the enemy gangs up on them, they are lost, so use their ability wisely. Their movement is now one of the highest in the game. They are overall quite weak, but compensate for that in numbers.

Evil Eye (Pillar of eyes)
The evil eye has fully joined the ranks of the armies of Chaos. They still come with that irritating random spellbook. Their damage is fair at most and their defenses are horrible. They also suffer from the melee penalty and do not cast their spells when melee attacking. They come in decent numbers.

Level 3:

Minotaur (Maze)
The minotaur lost its ability to block melee attacks, but they gained an incredible hand-eye coordination, which allows them to block ranged attacks 50% of the time. They always have maximum positive morale. Their defense is good and their attack is fair. They are quite slow, though.

Manticore (Cave of wings)
The manticore has returned in a somewhat weakened form, but they are decent creatures for their level. Of course, they can fly and they attack with stings, that always cast a spell, but this can be either "magic arrow" (3d/manticore, 35%), "curse" (35%), "misfortune" (15%), "confusion" (15%). Their attack and defense are not that great, but they are equiped with an order ward and have decent growth.

Level 4:

Gorgon (Gorgon lair)
Everyone's favorite cow is back and they have taken back the death stare that the medusas borrowed in HOMM4. They do not kill creature at a certain chance with a certain number per gorgon, but more with a formula like the medusas. Because of their high levels, their ability will still make the level 6's shiver in fear. They have great defenses, but their attack is no more than average. Medium speed.

Erinye (Avenger's guild)
The Erinye is a tough competitor for the place of the gorgon. They are fast and have good defense, with a slightly below-average attack. Their value mostly shows in long, tough battles. For every Erinye that dies, the remaining Erinyes in the same stack gain 1.5% attack and defense.

Level 5:

Talurin (Thunder dome)
The Talurin is a creature, loaded with the forces of lightning. They can run over the battlefield really fast and punch with their fists as fast as lightning (pun intended), which does good damage and has a 20% chance of paralysing the target for two rounds. They are also fully immume to lightning and have good defenses. Their weakness lies in low numbers. Visually, they look a lot like the HoMM3 energy elemental.

Efreet (Lava pool)
The efreet is back to cause more mayhem. They have gained the spellcasting ability, just like their genie antipoles. Efreeti can cast: Firebolt, Magic Mirror, Aura of Fear and Fire Aura. Next to that, they have a speed and movement that is close to teleporting and are hard to kill, because of high defenses and the fire shield. Their physical damage is not that great though. In a one to one fight, the Talurin would always win, but the efreet numbers are a bit higher.

Level 6:

Black dragon (Dragon cave)
The black dragon can go on with being the one-per-week ultimate big bully. Because of their numbers, they are not that great and there are now many other creatures with speed and mobility to match them. Of course, they still come with absolute magic resistance and a breath attack.

Nightmare (Dark woods)
Nightmares are weaker than the black dragon, but you get two per week and they are a good choice, even next to the dragon. They now cast a cloud of terror, which works the same as the cloud of confusion, except that it causes terror. They have the ability to teleport and have a first strike. Their attack and defense are a little below average of their level, but they have relative high hitpoints.

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