HoMM 5 >Towns and creatures >Life

The town of Life

The town now has a larger focus on magic and angelic aspects, but does not have any war machines. However, the skills of metallurgy are still present, even with the departure of the alchemists. Overall, this makes the life town stronger than it was. The heroes are still priest(esse)s and knights.

Level 1:

Squire (Squires' guild)
They still hit things with their little flails and can still inflict stun. Their defense has increased a bit to make up for their speed, which is mediocre at most. The most important function of the squire is to defend the Marksmen in the early levels.

Marksman (Archery range)
The marksman does decent damage and still shoots without ranged penalty. Their defense is quite low, so they do need protection. Marksmen are a bit faster than the old crossbowman.

Level 2:

Halbardier (Guardstower)
Halbardiers attack with a long weapon that does very decent damage. However, they die quite easily, due to their low defenses. However, they gain a 50% increase in defense when defending, becuase they use the halbard blade to dodge attacks.

Healer (Hospital)
The healer is a spellcaster with a decent defense and a completely neglectable attack. The healer can cast heal, bless, spiritual armour and heavenly wrath (level 1 DD). Great in combination with combat heroes.

Level 3:

Swordman (Training barracks)
These troops fight with swords and do decent damage. They have medium speed and a good defense. They wear armour, but are not completely covered in plate armour.

Cherubin (Heavenly portal)
Winged attacker with the ability to cast any ward desired (including life ward, but there is no might ward). They attack with heavenly light which comes from their hands (melee attack). This attack does 50% additional damage to undead.

Level 4:

Monk (Monestary)
Ranged attacker, but this time with a decent damage. They should also have no melee penalty and a death ward. The monk should look like the zealot from HOMM3, because the HOMM4 look is just plainly horrible.

Paladin (Cathedral)
The guy in shiny armour is back and still has a double attack. They have a decent attack and defense and are now a bit faster. They also have a death ward, like the monk does.

Level 5:

Champion (Jousting arena)
They still ride horses and they still have a jousting bonus. They are not top level anymore, so their damage and defense have been scaled down a bit. They are still decent and fast units when compared to others. Numbers are low to medium.

Zealot (Abbey)
The zealot is a spellcaster who can cast regeneration, celestial armour, heal and divine fire (level 3 DD). They have medium numbers, but have decent defense. Their melee combat abilities are neglectable.

Level 6:

Archangel (Altar of light)
Fast attack units with the ability to cast Ressurection and raising the morale of the entire army by one. They do good damage, but are killed fairly easily, so use them wisely. For some reason, they looked more impressive in HOMM3. You get three per week at comparable cost.

Valkyrie (Divine gate)
These female warriors were send by the heavenly forces to defend and lead their followers into battle. They have fair speed, but will never be as easily manouvrable as the flying angels. However, they do more damage and are much harder to kill. The Valkyrie always has maximum damage and the presence of valkyries in the army increases the attack of the entire army by 10%.

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