Building Summary
This is just to summarize the buildings that were mentioned in the article about the economy, and a number of extra ones. They will all be written in the following format:
Name of building
- Prerequisits
The following abbreviations are used:
(T) Traders town only
(F) Farmers town only
(M) Miners town only
(U) The building described is an upgrade of this building
Common to all towns of all forms:
Bare terrain
This is not a town, but a hero can found a town here.
Village hall
- Bare terrain
500 gold per day. Allows building of other structures. The minimum definition of a town.
Town hall
- Village hall (U), tavern
1000 gold per day.
City hall
- Town hall (U), marketplace, blacksmith.
2000 gold per day.
- City hall (U), castle, mage guild 3 (2 libraries for might), guildhouse.
4000 gold per day, one per game.
Capitol in exile
- City hall, castle, mage guild 3 (2 libraries for might), guildhouse.
3000 gold per day, can be build when actual capitol is taken, disbanded when occupied or actual capitol is regained.
The six levels of creature dwellings
- Various
Produce creatures.
Fort, citadel, castle and other defensive structures
- Various
I'll be going into more depth about the defenses in separate articles.
- Village hall
Increases town income by 25%, allows resource trading.
Market square
- Town hall, marketplace (U)
Increases town income by 50%.
- Village hall
Allows fast transport between towns.
- Town hall, caravan (U), mage guild 1 (one library level for might), blacksmith.
Much faster transport between towns (not instantanious).
- Village hall
Sells unenchanted items (may sell more, depending on situation).
War factory
- Town hall, blacksmith (U), marketplace.
Sells siege catapults, ladders, rams and storming towers (see: sieges).
- Village hall
Recruit heroes of your own and allied alignments.
Thieves guild
- Village hall, tavern
Gives information about the other players and displays location and ownership of towns.
Lieutenants quarters
- Village hall
Sets a lieutenant to govern and guard the city in absence of a hero.
Captains quarters
- Town hall, lieutenants quarters (U)
Sets a captain to govern and guard the city in absence of a hero.
Five levels of the mage guild
- Village hall, the lower guild levels (U)
Learn spells (not available in might town).
Two libraries
- Mage guild 1
Learn spells from any other school of magic (distrusted and enemy libraries cost more). Available in might town. Libraries advance with mage guild, but maximum library level is 4.
Magic schools
- Town hall, mage guild 2, libraries (U)
Teach the primary magic skill for a price.
- Town hall, a coast
Sells basic boats (lower speed and maximum transport of 3000 XP of creatures).
- Town hall, shipyard (U)
Also sells clippers (high speed and maximum transport of 3000 XP of creatures) and galleons (lower speed, unlimited creatures).
3 horde buildings
- Level 1/2 dwellings
Horde buildings for the two level 1 and one level 2 creatures.
All Traders towns:
Merchants guildhouse
- Town hall, marketplace, caravan
Allows initiation of trade routes. Minimum definition of a traders town.
- Merchants guildhouse
Adds 500 gold per day for every connection with a farmers town. Cannot be build if a storage has been build.
- Merchants guildhouse
Adds 500 gold per day for every connection with a miners town. Cannot be build if a warehouse has been build.
Wood depot
- Warehouse (U)
Allows production of wood as a result of a trade route with a farmers town.
Ore depot
- Storage (U)
Allows production of ore as a result of a trade route with a miners town.
Spell merchant
- Merchants guildhouse, 1 building point
Randomly sells 1,2 and 3 level spells from all schools.
Spell market
- Spell merchant (U), 1 building point
Randomly sells 1,2,3 and 4 level spells from all schools.
Spell hall
- Spell market (U), 1 building point
Randomly sells any spell from all schools.
Gathering hall
- Merchants guildhouse, 1 building point
Allows recruitment of heroes from mistrusted alignments (not available in might town).
Gathering beacon
- Gathering hall (U), 1 building point
Allows recruitement of all heroes (available in might town).
School of elegance
- Merchants guildhouse, 1 building point
Teaches nobility to any hero for a price.
- School of elegance (U), 1 building point
Teaches nobility, attack, tactics and scouting to any hero for a price.
Bankers hall
- Merchants guildhouse, 1 building point
Better rates on all non-creature money transfers.
Improved blacksmith
This is not a building that you buy. Your normal blacksmith will sell more things in a traders town if there is a trade route with another town that has certain buildings.
All farmers towns:
- Farmers guildhouse
Increases creature production in home town and possibly other town.
Wood depot
- Farmers guildhouse
Increases wood production in various ways.
Potion store
- Farmers guildhouse, city hall
Sells a variety of potions.
Fishermen's wharf
- Farmers guildhouse, shipyard
Increases gold production by 500 per day.
All miner's towns:
- Miner's guildhouse
Increases gold production by 1000 per day.
Ore depot
- Miner's guildhouse
Increases ore production in various ways.
Gem depot
- Ore depot, not another depot
Increases gem production in various ways.
Crystal depot
- Ore depot, not another depot
Increases crystal production in various ways.
Mercury depot
- Ore depot, not another depot
Increases mercury production in various ways.
Sulfur depot
- Ore depot, not another depot
Increases sulfur production in various ways.
Master smithy
- Miner's guildhouse, city hall
Sells variety of artifacts: item, treasure and minor.
This was it for the the buildings that are common to all towns. The following buildings will be for each town specifically. I will attempt to keep everything as balanced as possible, but still keep the towns unique. Note that I did not include the buildings related to defenses and sieges.
Tower of animation
- Town hall, mage guild 1
A hero linked to the tower gives a 10 increase in adventure map movement to all animated objects (golems, catapults, ballista's, etc.) in the same army.
Master forge (M)
- Town hall, master smithy
Master smithy also sells one major artifact per month.
Transformer (T)
- Town hall, blacksmith, mage guild 2
Turn a resource into gold at a better rate than most marketplaces.
- Village hall, marketplace
Permanently adds 5 defense to visiting hero.
Pinnacle of fate (F)
- City hall, mage guild 3, level 4 dwelling
Decreases luck of all enemies on the map by 1.
Plasma pool (M)
- Town hall, mage guild 1, level 4 dwelling
Adds 10% to creature growth.
Vines (F)
- City hall, mage guild 2, castle.
All enemy movement within 15 tiles from the gate takes double movement points.
Firefly swarm
- Village hall, mage guild 1
Adds some mana to a pool each day. Pool can be accessed during siege or used instantly by visiting hero.
Stoneskin pool
- Town hall, mage guild 2
Permanently adds 8 ranged defense to any visiting hero.
Breeding pits
- City hall, market square, level 5 dwelling
Increases creature production by one third on base production.
Training hall
- Village hall, level 2 dwelling
Permanantly adds 3 to melee and ranged attack.
Wrestling pits
- Village hall, level 1 dwelling
Permanently adds 3 to melee and ranged defense.
Ram foundry (M)
- Town hall, war factory (U)
Allows the sale of steel rams, which do 50% more damage to walls.
Freelancer's guild (T)
- Marketplace, merchant's guildhouse
Allows the sale of creatures for resources.
Mana Vortex
- Town hall, Mage guild 2
Doubles a hero's spellpoints once per week.
Thieves Guild
- Village hall
Gives visiting heroes 1,000 XP once.
- City hall, mage guild 3, level 4 dwelling
A firestorm permanently rages over the city.
Ash pit (F)
- Town hall, mage guild 1, farmer's guildhouse
Trade wood for mercury or sulphur at a very good rate.
Goldrain tower (T)
- City hall, mage guild 1
Adds another 500 gold to daily production.
Pinnacle of darkness
- Town hall, mage guild 1
Town and 10 tiles surrounding are permanently dark (weather effect).
Necromancy amplifier
- Town hall, mage guild 1
Increases necromancy effects by 10%.
Labour fields (F)
- Town hall, farmer's guildhouse
Daily gold production increases with 2 for every skeleton sacrificed and with 5 for every zombie sacrificed.
Skeleton Transformer
- Village hall, mage guild 1
Transforms any creature into a skeleton.
Undead transformer
- Town hall, mage guild 2, skeleton transformer (U)
Transforms any creature into an undead of choice at a maximum level of the creature level -1.
Pinacle of despair (M)
- City hall, mage guild 3, level 4 dwelling.
Lowers the morale of all enemies on the map by 1.
- Town hall, level 2 dwelling, mage guild 1
Raises the morale of any visiting army by 2 and by 3 during a siege.
- Town hall, blacksmith
Increases adventure map movement for a week.
Spirit temple
- Town hall, abbey
Raises a hero instantly from death (in other towns, it has a cost and takes one day).
Pinnacle of Hope (T)
- City hall, mage guild 3, abbey
Raises the morale of all allied troops by 2, regardless of position.
Rally flag (M)
- Town hall, marketplace
Increases creature production by another 10%.
Healing pool (F)
- Town hall, mage guild 1
Permanently adds 5 spell points to any visiting hero.
Clover field
- Village hall
Raises the luck of any visiting army by 2.
Pool of visions
- Town hall, mage guild 1
Shows the exact composition of any army within the town viewing radius.
Pool of mystery
- Town hall, mage guild 2, pool of visions (U)
Gives the owner one random resource per day (not gold).
Pinnacle of fortune
- City hall, mage guild 3, clover field
Raises the luck of all allied troops by 2, regardless of position.
Concocter (F)
- City hall, mage guild 2, potion store (U)
Sells any potion in the game, excluding immortality.
- Town hall, blacksmith
Increases viewing radius of the town by 10 tiles.
- City hall, mage guild 3, watchtower (U)
Displays the location of all enemy heroes on a map.
Treasury (T)
- City hall, blacksmith, market square
Provides 10% interest per week.
Beacon of winter
- City hall, mage guild 2
Turns 5 tiles surrounding the town into snow, per day.
- Town hall, mage guild 2, level 3 dwelling
Hero staying in town gains (100 + 10xLevel) XP per day.