Good Old Games - This is platform for games distribution, without DRM. Need to say, the GoG is fully owned by CD Project.

    Hits: 3153
  • Greatest Mod

    Heroes IV. Greatest Mod by NimoStar, thread here. Hits: 2431
  • Gregory Fulton

    Gregory Fulton - Lead Designer of Heroes III

    He's currently working on a new game called FANSTRATICS, check it as a tag. Very informative about Heroes lore and new game as well. We have also interview with him, thanks to Xel here.

    Hits: 6140
  • Hades Mod

    heroes7.5Hades Mod - Alias Heroes 7.5 aims to bring in better textures and Inferno faction. This mod is also compatible with UCP mod and TSoA, so you can have it all. Probably most common setup for Heroes VII nowadays.

    Check it ... Hits: 8123

  • HD Mod

    Heroes 3 fan made utility by baratorch - completely necessary for nowaday playing. You can find it here.

    Hits: 4114
  • Heroes 7.5

    Heroes 7.5,is alias to Hades Mod

    Hits: 4794
  • Heroes Chronicles

    TarnumHeroes Chronicles - are separate Add-On for Heroes III. They told us story about Tarnum, the immortal hero. Know these, we know already Solmyr and "aspirants" like the vile necromancer Sandro. And also Gaving Magnus, an uplayable character, who is The Immortal King of

    Hits: 2051
  • Heroes III: The Board Game

    h3 tBG logoHeroes III: The Board Game

    • Core Box Factions: Castle, Dungeon and Necropolis
    • The game is described as 1-3 players, 45-130 mins, recommended age 14+. So far they are not considering to release also version without miniatures (minis).
    • Kickstarter Campaigns
    Hits: 8157
  • Heroes IV Map Generator/Utility

    This is tool developed by iliveinabox05, it's a Heroes IV map, editor and generator. And it also can read h3 maps and conver them to h4.

    Check it here.

    Hits: 1561
  • Heroes of M&M Inspired Games

    There are many games inspired by Heroes of Might & Magic series. And they all belong here, even if they don't bear mark of the franchise. But honor the legacy.

    Hits: 1773
  • Heroes of Might and Magic

    Hits: 1832
  • Heroes Online

    MMHO - Might and Magic Heroes Online was a free-to-play MMORPG released in September 2014, developed by Blue Byte, published by Ubisoft as part of M&M Heroes franchise. Its last day was at 30.12.2020. Hits: 1389
  • Heroes Orchestra

    Heroes Orchestra logoHeroes Orchestra is famous polish symphony orchestra, with focus at gaming music. Mostly from Heroes and Might & Magic.

    "We are Heroes Orchestra! Group of musicians, video games fans and, above all, soundtracks from them. Did you play Heroes? You? Your friends? Dad? Mum? Grandma? Do you know that music?

    Hits: 7014
  • Heroes VI

    mmhviMight and Magic: Heroes VI developed by Black Hole Entertainment with use of their own proprietary engine. After Black Hole Entertainment filled bankrupcy, as they failed to convice Ubisoft to finance them over approved budged, the last patches and addons were finished by Limbic

    Hits: 2857
  • HoMM

    Heroes of Might & Magic, also known as Heroes 1. There's only one known precedessor and that's King's Bounty. Heroes of Might and Magic: A Strategic Quest was released in year 1995. Fully developed and produced by NWC.

    Hits: 4205
  • HoMM: Olden Era

    homm oe logo yt

    2024-08-22 - Newly announced iteration in Heroes series, located on Jadame, meant as prequel before times of Heroes I-VII, in the same timeline like  M&M VII: Day of the Destroyer

    Developer is ... Hits: 1240

  • HoMM2

    Heroes 2 game, developed by 3DO and published by NWC - old classic. It does have two Add-Ons: Price of Loyalty and Succesion Wars. The two most popular fan mods here are Succession Wars and Project Ironfist. Lots of maps as well.

    Hits: 28068
  • HoMM3

    Heroes 3, probably still most successful game in the series, spiritual successor of Heroes 2, after all - it's based on the same engine. There also exists Heroes 3 HD by Ubisoft but it's missing both Add-Ons, Armagedon Blade and Shadow of Death - on the other hand, Ubisoft released it also as an Android game. Developed by 3DO and published by NWC. Among with Heroes 4, it have the best map editors which warranted thousands of maps and campaigns created. Recommended mod here is ERA2, which is "WoGified", meaning that it contains

    Hits: 27717
  • Homm3HD

    Hits: 1741
  • HoMM4

    Heroes 4 game developed by 3DO and published by NWC, this is the latest game from the original team. Bringing in new ideas and not completely polished, as the previous one. However, if you get on fan made Equilibris Add-On, your are back on horse!

    Hits: 16272