• The Shadows over Ashan - Community DLC Pack

    Shadows Over Ashan (TSoA) is a so-called "global modification", meaning that it works like any official DLC. It will add new things to the original game, specifically a new nation/town and units which you can play in both single player skirmish maps and multiplayer maps on one PC (hot seat).

    The original Wryn Pendragon: Umbramancer (WPU) project was canceled, but its strong foundations gave rise to this DLC. Except for campaigns and a script-based systems, everything has been

    Hits: 1616
  • The Succession Wars Mod

    The Succession Wars, a total conversion project intended to revive the legacy of Heroes II on the basis of Heroes III with references to the classic role-playing Might&Magic series by New World Computing.


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  • Thundermaps

    At https://thundermaps.celestialheavens.com you can find  maps from Humakt83.
    These range from Heroes III to Heroes IV, mostly focused on Co-op playing with your friends. smile9
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  • Tim Lang

    Tim Lang was the lead designer of Might and Magic IX.  Hits: 2888
  • Tips & Tricks

    Hits: 644
  • Tournament

    Announcements about tournaments.

    Hits: 2503
  • Tracy Iwata

    Graphic and VFX artist, having paws on many M&M games art. Hits: 3905
  • Trial by Fire

    Heroes 7 expansion. Featuring to the first and last one for this game. It's about dwarves, cuz they win the poll in Shadow Council.

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  • TSoA (alias tag)

    This is an alias tag for The Shadows in the Ashan Community DLC Hits: 705
  • Tutorial

    Any game should have one.

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  • Twitch

    Twitch TV, often used for meetings devs with fans.

    Hits: 2814
  • Ubisoft

    Ubisoft bwUbisoft - Gaming company which in August 2003, acquired the rights to the Might and Magic franchise for US$1.3 million after 3DO filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. From that time they are responsible for a new Might & Magic (Heroes) games and Spin-offs.


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  • Ultimate Mod

    Ultimate Mod for Heroes IVUltimate Mod for Heroes IV by NimoStar, follow discussion at HC here.

    Provides wide screen support, UI spells optimalizations, new abilities, spellls and units. Incorporating almost all known goodies and enhancements till this

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  • Umbramancer

    Wryn Pendragon: Umbramancer is Heroes 7 mod developed at worldofheroes.cz

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  • Unity

    The Lost Tales of Axeoth: Unity - Heroes IV Campaign

    What's special about this campaign, is that it's based on a script written for H4 by Terry Ray, who wrote the stories of the 6 campaigns featured in the original game. This story along with another script, was never released for H4.

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  • Unofficial Community Patch

    UCP - Aims to fix all the bugs, which Heroes VII have. Recommended!
    As of Christmas 2021 the latest released version is 1.3. For more, take a look to moddb.

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  • VCMI

    vcmi logoVCMI is NOT another mod, instead it's rewrite of HoMMII. engine giving it new possibilities. Years of intensive work resulted in creating application with impressive amount of features. Among current features are:

    • Complete gameplay mechanics
    • Almost all objects, abilities, spells and other content
    • Basic battle AI and adventure AI
    • Many GUI
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  • Verok

    Hits: 1234
  • Walkthroughs

    Want to help out? Read our walkthrougs!

    Hits: 18739
  • Warriors of The North

    King's Bounty: Warriors of the North - I think Freya is not here, never played. But valkyrs and bersekrs aplenty.

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