Random Dwelling Yesterday, 12:25 by MoonShine (1 reply) in Heroes V-VI Hey guys!
My problem is when I want to link a random dwelling to the random town... I hit "space" button...
[M&M7 Mod] Real... Yesterday, 11:47 by Vinevi (10 replies) in Might and Magic Version v1.2 is out. Portraits are now properly dithered. Player portraits now have properly generated...
Might and Magic 6,... 19.12, 21:39 by Vodun (8511 replies) in Might and Magic Hello. Most probably you have to switch compatibility mode of mm8.exe and MM8Setup.exe to WinXP SP 2...
Might and Magic 6,... 18.12, 13:04 by liledition (187 replies) in Might and Magic Travelling to Tatalia with boat will dump you in water. If you do not have waterwalk or fly you will...
Ultimate Mod for Heroes IV by NimoStar, follow discussion at HC here.
Provides wide screen support, UI spells optimalizations, new abilities, spellls and units. Incorporating almost all known goodies and enhancements till this time, created by other modders.
Random Dwelling Yesterday, 12:25 by MoonShine (1 reply) in Heroes V-VI Hey guys!
My problem is when I want to link a random dwelling to the random town... I hit "space" button...
[M&M7 Mod] Real... Yesterday, 11:47 by Vinevi (10 replies) in Might and Magic Version v1.2 is out. Portraits are now properly dithered. Player portraits now have properly generated...
Might and Magic 6,... 19.12, 21:39 by Vodun (8511 replies) in Might and Magic Hello. Most probably you have to switch compatibility mode of mm8.exe and MM8Setup.exe to WinXP SP 2...
Might and Magic 6,... 18.12, 13:04 by liledition (187 replies) in Might and Magic Travelling to Tatalia with boat will dump you in water. If you do not have waterwalk or fly you will...