• Creature Quest

    ico cqCreature Quest


    Mobile game designed by Jon Van Caneghem and his new company VC Mobile Entertainment, available for iOS and Android. Yes it does have that magic touch of Might & Magic, John did that again!

    More about the game (release date, tips, etc..

    Hits: 18188
  • Dark Messiah

    Dark Messiah is role-playing game (yes, we believe it can be described as such) with a heavy focus on action, you will get a breathtaking tour of the new world of Ashan, and witness some dramatic events. You play here for Sareth.

    Dark Messiah of Might and Magic (also subtitled "Element" on Xbox) is a first-person action game, with RPG elements. The game, first as PC version, was released by Ubisoft at 24 October 2006 and developed by Arkane Studios, with other developers as Kuju Entertainment, Floodgate Entertainment and

    Hits: 8325
  • David Mullich

    David Mullich e3 2016Famous Project Manager not only on such projects like Heroes III and Heroes IV. For whom you can play the speediest hero ever, Sir Mullich, who made his first appearance in Heroes 3 Armageddon Blade and up. And is banned in MP or HotA.

    Generally stoic, Sir Mullich is prone to spasmodic fits
    Hits: 3403
  • Day of Reckoning

    This is a mod for Heroes III, featuring Snow elves. The, so far, only rumoured ancestors to Vori elves of AvLee.

    Hits: 3833
  • Discord

    Discord - chat for gamers. Hits: 1725
  • doc

    Duel of Champions Revival game alias.

    Hits: 844
  • Dragoness: Command of the Flame

    Dragoness: Command of the Flame - King's Bounty like game, or homm like game if you like. But's really very much of the first.

    DEVELOPER: Crazy Goat Games (Maciej Struzyna and Janina Wojciechowska)



    Minimal Requirements:
    OS: Windows 7 SP1 64-bit or later
    Processor: Intel i3 6th gen
    Memory: 8 GB RAM

    Hits: 2686
  • DRM

    Digital Right Management - so for older games via GoG is never presented and for newers is, at least like UPlay app from Ubisoft. Thankfully this is not much destructive tool, it could be worse.

    Hits: 8755
  • Duel of Champions

    Duel of Champions Revival

    Might & Magic: Duel of Champions is a free-to-play trading card game, which was available on Steam or via the game's website, as well as on the iPad app store. It was available for cross-platform play. However the game was officially shutdown on October 31, 2016. Inspite of that, game was

    Hits: 2933
  • Enroth

    Planet and continent, till its destruction with the clash of Armageddon Blade(Gelu) and Sword of Frost(Tarnum) on the end of Heores of Might & Magic III. Hits: 4014
  • EoC (alias tag)

    This is an alias tag for Ubisoft mobile game Era of Chaos. Hits: 997
  • Equilibris

    Equilibris is Heroes 4 Mod. Latest version (as of 2022) is 3.60 Beta with HD support, grab it here.

    Hits: 5988
  • ERA2

    ERA2 contanins Era II. + WoG 3.58f [converted to mod]. So far, this is the most complete modification of HoMMII.

    Most comprehensive discussion about ERAII., including downloads is over HC, here.

    Hits: 1723
  • ERA3

    era3 logoERA3 - framework for mods. Sucessor of WoG. This is the latest instalement by Bersy. See the thread will all stuff. ERA3 is surpassing ERA2.

    Hits: 3794
  • Fabrice

    Fabrice Cambounet - Heroes of Might and Magic V Producer, also Senior Producer in Clash of Heroes and also helped with Heroes VI. and MM:Legacy Hits: 2974
  • Facebook

    Hits: 1696
  • Fanstratics

    Fanstratics Logo

    'FST' or 'Strats' shortly. A new game in development by Greg Fulton,lead Heroes III Game Designer. You can watch it being born by signing up theirs newsletter here.

    Hits: 12409
  • FHeroes 2 Enhanced

    Free Heroes 2 by ciplogic is an engine recreation of game Heroes 2 (of Might and Magic) with UI and coding enhancements.

    However work is suspended from year 2018.

    Some people notice that issues are untouched and sadly they will remain as such. As for now, I have lost the interest to strongly go into code and fix issues, for various reasons, including a heavier setup. Though I will not close it, as people can contribute simple fixes as PRs and if they kind of work on my

    Hits: 1883
  • fheroes2

    fheroes2Free implementation of Heroes of Might and Magic II game engine based on SDL, under active development by fheroes2 Resurrection team. You can watch their annoucements here.

    Build is available for Windows, MacOS and Linux. Technically you should own Heroes 2 or at least demo of Heroes 2 to playing it. Homepage of the

    Hits: 12262
  • Gelu

    Hits: 1669