era3 logoERA3 - framework for mods. Sucessor of WoG. This is the latest instalement by Bersy. See the thread will all stuff. ERA3 is surpassing ERA2.

  • Happy Christmas 2021

    Celestialheavens wish you Happy Christmas all Roundtablers and our faithful readers and contributors, being from the past, present or the future ones.

    Merry Christmas, steady health and ability to sustain your good mood in any times, twice in these enchanted period.

    And, ..a lots of presents! Shall not forget this. :)

    As a small Christmas gift, we prepared a mod overviews, to play the old

  • ERA3 Released!

    era3 update poster

    In a hurry new major version of ERA was released. This is jump from 3.0.6 to 3.1.2, what are the changes?

    • Playable Santa Gremlins
    • Random numbers generator get "Mersenne Twister" algorithm. To be better.
    • The EPM