Day of Reckoning

This is a mod for Heroes III, featuring Snow elves. The, so far, only rumoured ancestors to Vori elves of AvLee.

  • Heroes of Might and Magic 3: Day of Reckoning - Major Project Update

    The Heroes of Might and Magic 3: Day of Reckoning team just revealed some major updates, showing the Palace town screen, creature evolution charts and some very beautiful map screenshots. I'll share parts of the update, but I highly recommend reading the full post.

    "Day of Reckoning – Project Update #1

    The holidays are over, and many of us are back to our usual routines

  • H3GG's 25th Anniversary Championship

    What a weekend it has been for Heroes of Might and Magic fans. First, I'd like to congratulate Pumba for being crowned the champion of H3GG's tournament. Even though I do not speak Polish myself, I did spend some considerable time watching matches this weekend. 

    H3GG's 25th</a></p>...				</span>
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    Heroes of Might and Magic III: Day of Reckoning

    Happy New Year!

    Yesterday evening, some very exciting news started circling Might and Magic communities across the web. In addition to that, this was just posted on their Facebook page.

    "Heroes III: Day of Reckoning
    We hope you enjoyed the teaser video from the Day of Reckoning team.
    We are a community made expansion for Heroes of Might and Magic III.
