Heroes of Might and Magic

  • Heroes of Might and Magic 3: Day of Reckoning - Major Project Update

    The Heroes of Might and Magic 3: Day of Reckoning team just revealed some major updates, showing the Palace town screen, creature evolution charts and some very beautiful map screenshots. I'll share parts of the update, but I highly recommend reading the full post.

    "Day of Reckoning – Project Update #1

    The holidays are over, and many of us are back to our usual routines

  • Upcoming Interview with David Mullich

    Upcoming interview with David Mullich

    It's been quite some time since I last scheduled an interview for the Celestial Heavens YouTube, so it was about time to make it happen again! 

    Sir Mullich

    Marcus Pregent, Level Designer Heroes of Might and Magic 3, Might & Magic 6, Part 1

    Marcus Pregent, Level Designer Heroes of Might and Magic 3, Might & Magic 6, Part 1

    F I N A L L Y 

    I present to you, the first part of the interview between me and Marcus Pregent. 
    Once again, I want to

  • Upcoming interview with Marcus Pregent

    The time has come for us to book in our next interview!

    This time, we will be sitting down with Marcus Pregent, who worked as a level designer of Might and Magic VI, then progressed to Heroes of Might and Magic 3 for which he made the Armageddon's Blade campaign and some more single scenarios. One of the more notable ones being "Faeries".
    He was also involved in Shadow of Death, creating

  • Part 2 Michael Wolf (Level Designer) on Heroes of Might and Magic 3 The Forge, HoTA and more.

    Part 2 Michael Wolf (Level Designer) on Heroes of Might and Magic 3 The Forge, HoTA and more.

    So, after staying up until 4 AM editing this video, it is finally ready for your viewing!

    Since, like I mentioned, I stayed up until 4

  • New, exciting upcoming interview, and Part 2 with Michael Wolf

    Hey again everyone!
    It's me HeroOfPunk... Oh wait, actually. PoL was nice enough to make my wish come true, I am officially MadMax instead of HeroOfPunk, a name that has been with me since I was 15 and had a 40 cm Mohawk.
    Oh well, on with some more interesting news!


    My math exam is finally over, which means I will now have time to finalize the edits of Part 2 of the interview with Michael Wolf, a legendary Heroes of Might and Magic 3 Level Designer!
    ICYMI, here's the first part of the

  • Michael Wolf (Level Designer) on Heroes of Might and Magic 3 Map Making, Part 1

    Michael Wolf (Level Designer) on Heroes of Might and Magic 3 Map Making, Part 1

    Guys, girls and dinosaurs, it's HeroofPunk (and I really wish I could go by another alias by now..) I present to you, Michael Wolf!

    Michael Wolf brought us maps such as "Twins", "Heroes of Might, Not Magic" and the "Secret Campaign" from Armageddon's Blade which brought us a good play, but also some good laughs.

    So, Tim Lang (our interview with him can be found

    Celestial Heavens - Facebook

    Hey guys! 

    First things first, I am extremely honored to be a part of the mod team here at Celestial Heavens. For over 10 years, I've been on and off this forum. Most of you will recognize me as the kid who made a ton of promises that never came true, but also as the creator of the Masters of Sighisoara-series of campaigns for Heroes of Might and Magic III: SoD (Oh, and HoTA now

  • Music For Heroes

    I'm big fan of music in Heroes Series, really being touched by Heroes III. music, which were my first ones, and after some years even more by music from Heroes IV.

    Time passed and there's one thing which is always remarkable about Heroes series - and that's the music. Always been here, always inspiring. With people humming the melodies and bearing them where they go.

    It doesn't matter whether we are talking about NWC Heroes fiddled to the perfection under Jon Van Caneghem's baton. Or about new Heroes from
