I have just finished the map over the continent, the continents name is Sighisoara, at first it has around 20 smaller realms but as time goes the realms war eachother and other events will come to happen in this realm. I am just about to start working on a story about the beggining of this continent. I wont release the map yet.. I will wait to see if I should make any changes or so to the map first. Ofcourse new maps will come up as time goes by and wars and such makes bigger border changes

Now you probably wonder why I post this here?
Well HOPEFULLY Yurian_Stonebow and Magwyan will join me in making a campaign about this

I also hope that they like the idea and want to keep on working with me and I hope that you eventually will become available to play the full timeline of this continent

Msg me if you have any question and I will try to answer them all

Thanks for showing intrest and every post here is welcome!

EDIT: I am now putting up links to our maps on the first page, other useful link may be revealed here later too!
https://www.celestialheavens.com/search ... mit=Search
In chronological order they are:
The Elemental Cube (NEW!)
Masters of Sighisoara I - The Murdered Inn-Keep
The Rogues Hideout
A Sighisoara Christmas
Prime Suspect
Masters of Sighisoara II
Masters of Sighisoara III
The Sorceress' Child (Prologue to Campaign IV)
Masters of Sighisoara IV - Rise of the Celestials (Work in Progress)
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