Masters of Sighisoara - a whole new continent!

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Masters of Sighisoara - a whole new continent!

Unread postby MadMax » 26 Feb 2009, 11:42

I have just started working on a brand new might and magic inspired continent, it wont have anything to do with Antagarich or any other Might and Magic continent.
I have just finished the map over the continent, the continents name is Sighisoara, at first it has around 20 smaller realms but as time goes the realms war eachother and other events will come to happen in this realm. I am just about to start working on a story about the beggining of this continent. I wont release the map yet.. I will wait to see if I should make any changes or so to the map first. Ofcourse new maps will come up as time goes by and wars and such makes bigger border changes :)

Now you probably wonder why I post this here?
Well HOPEFULLY Yurian_Stonebow and Magwyan will join me in making a campaign about this :)
I also hope that they like the idea and want to keep on working with me and I hope that you eventually will become available to play the full timeline of this continent :)

Msg me if you have any question and I will try to answer them all :)

Thanks for showing intrest and every post here is welcome! :D Specially ones supporting! :D

EDIT: I am now putting up links to our maps on the first page, other useful link may be revealed here later too! ... mit=Search

In chronological order they are:

The Elemental Cube (NEW!)

Masters of Sighisoara I - The Murdered Inn-Keep
The Rogues Hideout
A Sighisoara Christmas
Prime Suspect
Masters of Sighisoara II
Masters of Sighisoara III
The Sorceress' Child (Prologue to Campaign IV)
Masters of Sighisoara IV - Rise of the Celestials (Work in Progress)

MoS Wiki:

MoS Facebook:

Q and A with MoS creator/developer:

News containing MoS:

MoS world map:

MoS Universe Draft map:
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Unread postby theLuckyDragon » 26 Feb 2009, 15:31

Sighişoara is a town in Transylvania :)
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Re: A whole new continent!

Unread postby Lord of the Guns » 26 Feb 2009, 16:10

And does it does anything with the World of Axos/Axeoth?

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Unread postby Corlagon » 26 Feb 2009, 18:56

Speaking of whole new continents, I recently dug up NWC's official info on the third, unused continent on Axeoth... but that's neither here nor there :devious:

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Unread postby MadMax » 27 Feb 2009, 20:17

Ok to reply to all:

TheLuckyDragon- Ah I see intresting :) :P

Lord Of The Guns-Nope non might and magic worlds are involved its a whole new continent! :)

Corlagon- Congratulations :P haha

Well the progress is moving forward, I have started to write down some minor info about the different countries of the continent, I have just written down like 4/20 countries atm but as I said, I am making progress.

What currently has been done: The first map of Sighisoara is done, 20 countries has been named and their borders have been set.
4/20 countries had some info written down such as the way the country is led and how big population there is and what kind of population.

What is going to happen in the near future: I will start by trying to set some major happenings for the continent and maybe start working on some informations about important people and a little further I will connect the major happenings with the important people and compose some letters between the people and kings and such! :)

I hope it sounds intresting!! :D Everyone is welcome to post both keep it up comments and critisism :)

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Unread postby Yurian Stonebow » 03 Mar 2009, 09:21

"Well HOPEFULLY Yurian_Stonebow and Magwyan will join me in making a campaign about this"

Keep up the good work, HoP. You know you can rely on me for assistance.
I've noticed your potential of becoming a high quality map maker and a story writer, so consider yourself encouraged to continue working on the project.

The same thing applied to Maygwan when he first arrived to Heroes III map making scene. I downloaded some of his very first maps, recognized the talent, teamed up with him and then encouraged him to continue and now he has produced some very good material amongst his many works, and he continues to improve his skills to this day.

I always try to encourage new talents to emerge on the H3 map making front. After all it's my favourite HoMM game and making new quality maps for the game gives the game many years more of being at the top of the pops.

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Unread postby MadMax » 03 Mar 2009, 09:35

Yurian Stonebow wrote:"Well HOPEFULLY Yurian_Stonebow and Magwyan will join me in making a campaign about this"

Keep up the good work, HoP. You know you can rely on me for assistance.
I've noticed your potential of becoming a high quality map maker and a story writer, so consider yourself encouraged to continue working on the project.

The same thing applied to Maygwan when he first arrived to Heroes III map making scene. I downloaded some of his very first maps, recognized the talent, teamed up with him and then encouraged him to continue and now he has produced some very good material amongst his many works, and he continues to improve his skills to this day.

I always try to encourage new talents to emerge on the H3 map making front. After all it's my favourite HoMM game and making new quality maps for the game gives the game many years more of being at the top of the pops.


Thanks for showing support :) I am keeping up my work and I will update here every friday of what I have done :) I am also working all by myself (Yurian will be helping out making maps later and is also being support :P)
so you know I am working hard :)
HoMM3 was the first Might and Magic I ever played so I have bands to that game to haha :)

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Unread postby MadMax » 06 Mar 2009, 21:28

I am currently still working on the nations! Here are a little sneak-preview on two of the countries called Jarall and Radria (both are cities for Wizards and witches!):

Wildlife:Experimental creatures that the archmages uses to gain knowledge and power.
Population Size: A very small population with very much power.
Rule:Jarall is the country which controls and rules over all Wizards and Witches in Sighisoara. Also the strongest Battle Mages and the wisest Wizards are being honoured with a place on Jarall. Jarall is ruled by the three best archmages in Sighisoara: Rafaeel, Allysander and Yzabell.
Enviorment: Jarall is mostly desert. But also there are some mountains and a tiny forest.

Inhabitants: Mages and Battle Mages.
Wildlife:Experimental creatures roam the beautifull land.
Population Size: Mediocre.
Rule: Radria is rules by the three Archmages of Jarall.
Enviorment:Radria is one of Sighisoaras most beautifull countries. Known for the big waterfall by the capital Cetrix. There are lots of meadows and a beautifull jungle. Streams of water runs through the wonderfull landscape.

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Unread postby maygwan » 09 Mar 2009, 08:50

hiya punk first of all it sounds very interesting and could you send me a couple of maps based on this new continent.

secondly i have been working with yurian probably close to a year now and i do believe that every time i do a map it gets better and improves with practice, i would encourage more people to make maps. Even if the first few fall short just keep going and you will eventually get it right.

Yurian as definately helped me produce better work and i too am an homm3 fan i do like 1-2 but for me 4 and 5 fell short of the mark in a huge way so even though i do own both i have never really got into them.

anyway time always plays a part in map making and i have little time at the moment but i do still have a few maps left that i am working on so will finish lata in year but i wll definately help on this idea.

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Unread postby MadMax » 09 Mar 2009, 12:11

Yes ofc Maygwan I will send it right away :) Alltough no heroes maps :) Just a regular drawn map :) And also I will send you the info on the different nations (currently done with like 15/20 nations :) I will probably finish the nation info by tommorow or today :) ) And then I will start working on some events and letters and stuff from different important people. Then when I am done with that I will start working on the background information on the nations and then some new border changes and stuff that will eventually occur :) Thanks for showing interest :)

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Unread postby maygwan » 12 Mar 2009, 13:12

Check your email hop i have been working on a skeleton map of your new continent.


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Unread postby MadMax » 12 Mar 2009, 15:05

yes very nice indeed thanks alot :) Alltough you won't be playing all the continents at the same time :) Atleast not in the first campaigns :)
come on ppl show your intrest for this ;) :D

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Unread postby maygwan » 12 Mar 2009, 20:16

No worries hop its sort of a base map which i can work from. anyway the campaign i would like in 4 parts with the maps
part 1-medium
part 2-large
part 3-large
part-4 xtra large
i don't like working with small maps as its very difficult to add all the details
likewise with medium maps too but for a campaign medium is a good starter.
what i need from you max is what homm3 version you would like me to use
You have my email once i get the story and info i will start work on part1.

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Unread postby MadMax » 13 Mar 2009, 15:45

Well I have Heroes complete lol :P I looked at the map and I think it looks good Maygwan! :D I really look forward working with you! I look forward to it ALOT acctually you are talented :)

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Unread postby maygwan » 14 Mar 2009, 07:24

I wouldn't go as far as that hop lol but thanx i do get better with practice.
anyway i am ready to work on map 1 so mail me the info when you are done
on the factions and part of the continent you want to use aswell as the main hero and the baddies.

that way i can get started on it while you continue to finish off all the back ground info.


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Unread postby MadMax » 14 Mar 2009, 08:56

Don't worry Simon :) I am almost finished with the nation info now and I will then start working on the major happenings and important persons (which is what you will play in the campaigns) so that you can get started and going my friend :)

Also would you people be intrested in a explore map when you can explore the world of Sighisoara?? Like just roaming around and get a sneakpreview of the content? :)

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Unread postby Yurian Stonebow » 14 Mar 2009, 10:13

And don't forget that I'm always lurking here around somewhere watching over you guys. ;) Well, jokes aside, you can contact me in any way you want, so feel free to drop me a note when you're in for a chat or wish to consult me in Sighisiora business.

The concept and art work of HoP's Sighisiora is a good one and he keeps polishing up the work as days pass by. Like I've said before, it's nice to encounter such enhtusiasm as the two of you have shown. With HoP's design, Maygwan's zeal for and emerging talent in H3 map making and our coordinated team work, the project looks really promising setting the standart for later cooperation.


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Unread postby MadMax » 14 Mar 2009, 12:06

Yes everything is moving forward and as I said soon the nation info are finished and then I will emai yurian and maygwan so that they can read and tell me what they think, then I will choose factions for the different countries, and Maygwan will work up a explore map so people can just sail around Sighisoara and take a sneak peek of the continents and such :) I will probably add some information and stuff to the map too, so that you may read a little about the different nations and stuff! :)
Do you guys like the idea? :)

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Unread postby Yurian Stonebow » 19 Mar 2009, 09:46

Friday is approaching fast and we're waiting for a new and detailed update :)

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Unread postby MadMax » 19 Mar 2009, 17:37

Dont worry about that :) And next friday there will be a little bigger update ;) People will hopefully like it and pay intrest in it :) Look for some minor updates by tommorow ;)

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