- by Kalah
"I was reading the thread about how hard the map Disputed Island is to win at Heroic. When I was playing (as in the forum, Sylvan against Necro), I discovered that the AI Cheated BIG time: he was walking over the dead ocean like he had Boots Of Levitation, but he didn't have them. So after a few days I hunted down and killed the cheater." Thanks Fiur.
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- by Kalah
To all the Naga lovers out there, here is some concept art from 2004 showing what could have been a member of the Academy line-up. Thanks Vlaad.
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- by Kalah
Mystic Phoenix (left) and Kareeah Indaga (right) submitted superb entries for the Favorite Hero event of the Round Table Olympics. The other entries of what ended up being a pretty solid art contest can be found here. Please vote for your favorite piece!
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- by Kalah
A collage of Heather's painting based on Dark Messiah: she plays the game every day and paints something from the game afterwards. You can view more of her creations on her MySpace page. Art and video games are closely related.
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- by Kalah
The Water Walk spell from Might and Magic VI found its way to Heroes V, on the multiplayer map Hourglass. Thanks Fiur.
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- by Kalah
The French magazine "Cyber Stratège" had a special issue dedicated to Heroes of Might and Magic V. They were kind enough to list a couple of fan sites, including this one ("The largest site in English dedicated to all Might and Magic games. It contains an enormous amount of information."). Thanks Marzhin.
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- by Kalah
"This is an interesting link between the future of HoMM5 and Dark Messiah. You can see the loading screen from DM next to the map of Ashan from Heroes 5. There are Stonehelm, Heresh, the kingdom of the dead and the capitol city, the orc temple from DM and the orc island. At the end of the campaign we learn that Raelag will go East, and there we will see the new race in the new Addon. Some say Nagas, others orcs, I think that this is good proof that the next race will be the Orcs." Vokial has a more detailed analysis of the future of Heroes on his site.
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- by Kalah
Many fans are very fond of any connections between the old universe and the new one. Here is Asha’s Cairn, a Rampart city in the Armageddon's Blade expansion. Thanks Kareeah Indaga.
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- by Kalah
A zoom on the background of the Heroes V boxshot reveals the presence of what could be an orcish archer. Thanks to Zénithale from the Archangel Castle who found this on a poster.
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- by Kalah
Row, row, row the boat, gently down the... grass? "Create a new random map, use the water brush, brush all of the map then save," explains evilp, the Lord of Modification. It sure makes the navigation skill more useful.
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