
I think the tank picture was submitted as a POTD at least five times. So here is another one of those new "mechanics" introduced in Hammers of Fate. Thanks evilp.
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The Hammers of Fate heroes do that lip-moving thing and get ready for their next mission. Now I wish I could ride a Mammoth too... Thanks evilp.
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A Green Orc.jpg

A nice Dark Messiah mod by skribb changes the skin color of the Orcs to what it should have been in the first place. You can download it here if you are interested.
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Paper Doll.jpg

The revamped inventory screen introduced with patch 1.4, one of the little extras of the latest update. Thanks Vokial.
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As we get closer to the release of Hammers of Fate, let's take another look at the original dwarven city of Might and Magic VII.
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arturchix proudly displays his Heroes of Might and Magic V tarot cards, a very rare promotional item to say the least.
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Kevin has a hard time getting even with his executioner... or keeping combat interesting for 10+ hours, according the the early Dark Messiah reviews.
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The Silver Edition of Heroes of Might and Magic V is scheduled to launch at the same time as Hammers of Fate... and we can guess that a Gold Edition will probably follow with the second expansion. Thanks ToTheGame.
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The two-page Dark Messiah ad in the December edition of PC Gamer (sorry for the poor scan). The issue also includes a one-page hands-on written by Greg Vederman.
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A cool Heroes of Might and Magic V mouse pad (that you can get from the Disciples of Sareth site). Thanks dk3dknight.
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