
A game of Heroes of Might and Magic V on my new Samsung LN-T4661F 1080p 46" LCD TV. The picture quality of the game is great, if a bit overwhelming at first when you're used to a 19" monitor, especially when rotating the camera. I plan to try other games soon, including Dark Messiah.
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"So breaking fingers stop the gas exhaust? Gas free Djinns! Now thats gonna help to cut down on the CO2!" Thanks to Orfinn.
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On Rakshasas' Revolt, Razzak went Titanic when he tried to load 118 Obsidian Gargoyles into his ship. Thanks fiur.
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Lazzlo showed up with his Hammers of Fate skin in a multiplayer game of Islands of Wonder.
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One of the new screenshots on the Russian gaming portal. Tribes of the East is looking good so far.
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Four level 4 spells? Duplicate weakness spells? What kind of mage guild is that? Thanks evilp.
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Svea was not invited to the Nival Happy Hour, so he took a quick look inside to see, you know, what the offices looked like. Thanks fiur.
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There was a little incident during a game between Fiur and Destro23 on the map Forgotten Kingdoms. Kaspar and Diarel appear to be a little too close for comfort. Thanks Fiur.
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The Image of the Month of the Might and Magic Tribute features a fallen adventurer next to what appears a camp fire. Or is it some kind of evil spirit? Thanks Gizzzmo.
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The bad guy of the Elwin and Shaera campaign of Heroes of Might and Magic IV will return in Legends of the Ancients. Let's hope we will be able to play the first book of that campaign soon.
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