Orcish Mage.jpg

We can add spells for barbarian in the map editor and the computer will cast level 1-3 spells... Thanks evilp.
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Tribes Easter Egg.JPG

Here is what appears to be a Tribes of the East...er Egg. It's a nice change from the tanks I guess. Thanks evilp.
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Screenshot for the new Might and Magic RPG for Nintendo DS - "Might and Magic Clash of Heroes". Thanks Kotaku and Naval Singh.
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Screenshot from Master of Monsters 3 Special Edition - only released in Japan - a turn-based strategy game created before HoMM. It was first made for the Sega Genesis in 1988-89. Thanks Hellspawn.
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HeroofPunk is working on the first Sighisoara campaign for H3; read more here: https://www.celestialheavens.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=9845
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Scene two of Fanelia´s Plague battle; the Champion AI controls him and it doesn´t do very well in this untypical situation. It took two more battles to beat this hero (he still had 2 mana after the first one). Thanks Maciek.
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Scene from "Fanelia´s Plague", day 2. This level 40 archmage has all of his skill trees full and has the "soulstealer" sword among other artefacts. Stay tuned for the end-of-battle screenshot... Thanks Maciek.
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The Trees of Ashan.JPG

"The elves must be using a new kind of fertilizer..." Thanks Bandobras Took.
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"A wallpaper image that I made from the Heroes V: Tribes of the East video. I redid the silhouette at the end in Illustrator so that it looks nice and clean for a wallpaper. The enclosed image is 1680x1050." Thanks Capt_Tripps.
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An old outfit of Queen Isabel, long before her interrupted wedding.