
According to the manual, there can be at most 3 hits/misses in a row on all Incorporeal stacks, after which the fourth try will be forced to miss (after 3 hits) or hit (after 3 misses). This counter is global (for all stacks), not tied to each stack. However, there appear to be some exceptions with simultaneous "Pack Hunter" attacks. Thanks evilp.
Comments (11)   


With patch 1.5 you can save those apocalyptic battle moments and show them to grandma during the next family gathering. Thanks dschingi.
Comments (5)   


We finally found it, the mysterious Dwarven Ghost! Thanks Blackbeast.
Comments (16)   


A beautiful drawing of the Angel and the Scout by Natsuki 3, found on deviantArt.
Comments (26)   


"Giovanni is just the coolest vampire hero I know about in any Homm game. And with lip-sync even better, to show off those fangs. And for me those red eyes are a bit hypnotic... or shall we say seducing, don't you think?" Thanks Erik.
Comments (17)   


The artwork on the cover of the Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven box, as created by fantasy artist Larry Elmore, best known for his work on countless Dungeons and Dragons products.
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The unnamed new faction of the Tribes of the East (TotE -- the first time we have an article in the name of a Heroes expansion) looks familiar to anyone who has played Dark Messiah. I just can't wait for Fall 2007.
Comments (113)   


High quality screenshot of some creatures from the Sanctum, the new Renegade town of the Ghosts of the Past mod.
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A screenshot of the upcoming King's Bounty: Legend, formerly known as Battle Lord. "Gameplay is divided into two major sections: adventure mode and battle mode. While playing in adventure mode the gamer controls their character in real-time. With several classes available at the start of a new game, the player moves through the adventure map seeking various treasures, fighting monsters and accomplishing quests tasked to him by the local stewards. Once in battle mode the gamer assumes the role of a war chief, leading his troops in tactical turn-based combat. Battles take place on land or sea, in dungeons or castles or even in some items! The hero himself doesn't participate in the combat, but can assist his troops by casting spells or summoning different creatures."
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The infamous beta test Treant, as drawn by Lord of Chaos. That critter is behind one of the most popular Heroes V mod.
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