Creatures | Structures
The home of Might-aligned troops, who have shunned almost all forms of magic. Stronghold armies are native to the dry and rough terrain, while the neutral Might-aligned creatures belong in the deep oceans of the world.
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Berserker (level 1 walker) |
18 HP 12 Attack 8 Defense 2-3 Damage 6 Haste 20/6 Mov. Berserk, Double Strike |
Centaur (level 1 shooter) |
20 HP |
Nomad (level 2 walker) |
45 HP |
Harpy (level 2 flyer) |
24 HP 16 Attack 15 Defense 4-5 Damage 5 Haste 28/12 Mov. Strike and Return, No Retaliation |
Ogre Mage (level 3 walker) |
85 HP 18 Attack 16 Defense 12-18 Damage 4 Haste 19/6 Mov. 6 Mana Bloodlust |
Cyclops (level 3 shooter) |
95 HP 30 Attack 24 Defense 12-18 Damage 4 Haste 21/7 Mov. Area Attack |
Thunderbird (level 4 flyer) |
170 HP 30 Attack 30 Defense 28-40 Damage 6 Haste 29/13 Mov. Lightning Attack |
Behemoth (level 4 walker) |
240 HP |
Neutral Might Creatures
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