HoMM 5 >Towns and creatures >Order

The town of Order

The town of Order has had some thourough changes. They lost the people who made the mechanical units and were driven to the mountains. So no more golems and dragon golems for the academy. Instead, they will focus more on snow and ice and on guards for their towns. The magic of Order will mostly stay intact. However, there is always room for a few new spells.

Level 1:

Halfling (Halfling burrows)
The good old halfling should stay in the academy as a level one unit. They are still the weak ranged units that they always were since HOMM2. Their looks in HOMM4 were actually quite good.

Gremlin (Workshop)
It turns out that they had not perished completely in the Reckoning. They are a little stronger than their HOMM3 cousins, both in attack and defense. They still attack with ball and chain, but are not ranged attackers. Instead, they are fairly fast. As a special ability, they can swing that ball in a wide range, hurting more than one stack.

Level 2:

Snow Dwarf (Cold mines)
These dwarves stayed true to the academy. They have been trained to survive in the cold high mountain ranges and are better units than their HOMM4 cousin. They are opposed to the Mountain Dwarf and the Warrior Dwarf from the Alchemy towns. The snow dwarf has no penalty for walking in snow and in addition to a 50% magic resistance, they are completely immume to cold spells.

Ice Gargoyle (Marble excavation)
The most useful kind of stone found high in the mountains is Ice Marble. Ice Marble is actually crystalized ice and is very hard and durable. While the academy lost their ability to animate golems and machines, they gained the knowledge that they once had to animate the flying statues. Using Ice Marble, it gave them a creature, immume to cold spells and with an additional defense, due to the enchantment in the stone. The Ice Gargoyle therefore has a natural stoneskin.

Level 3:

Mage (Mage tower)
The mage is still here. They too, have hardened in the harsh climate of the high mountains. They have an increase in hitpoints and defense, but their attack is still pathetic. Their spells are the same, except that they no longer cast blur, but summon smoke clouds, to obscure more targets at once (same as the HOMM4 vail of blinding smoke).

Sentinel (Guardians guild)
These elite troops are capable of wielding two blades at once, which allows them to do very good damage. They are also fast, but wear no armour, which lowers the defenses. They can never be persuaded by the charm or diplomacy skill and are fully immume to mind or fear spells.

Level 4:

Genie (Altar of wishes)
The favorite Order creature is still here. They have a variant of the heavenly shield added to their spell books, which gives all genies in the stack a 40% increase in hit points, but it is only castable on itself. The amount of genies per week should be scaled down to five or four per week to counter this. The ice bolt, illusion, mirth and song of peace are still there.

Iceborn (Ice gate)
These are actually the ice demons from HOMM4. The ice demons were never really comfortable in the lava and desert terrains of Nekross and lived in a mountain range at the borders. When they heared about the slaughter of the demons everywhere in Nekross, they quickly fled the country and traveled to the mountains of Great Arcan, where they offered their services to the government. The government accepted their help and started to teach them how to get away from the evil of the necromancers. The ice demons were good pupils and were renamed "iceborn". The government under Lord Reed still denies any accusation of brainwashing. The iceborn still have their freezing ability and are very hard to bring down. Their speed has not changed either.

Level 5:

Naga (Golden pavilion)
Only the strongest of the Naga species survived and made it to the mountains. They still attack with many swords and the enemy cannot retaliate. They gained the ability to slow down enemy movement within a range of five yard of them to a crawl. This makes them excellent defenders for ranged attackers and spellcasters. The better choice when going for a defensive ranged-spellcast strategy.

Yeti (Yeti cave)
The yeti is a tough creature with a high speed and a good attack and defense. They are skilled climbers and therefore, negate any obstacle of the battlefield, including quicksand. They can also end their turn on an obstacle. Yetis are the better choice when going for an attacking strategy.

Level 6:

Cloud Titan (Cloud temple)
This is the titan as everyone knows it. Big giant, throwing with lightning bolts. He had to be renamed "cloud titan" to oppose the "lance titan" from the Alchemy town. The appearance in HOMM4 was quite good. They can keep it more or less that way.

Frost Giant (Ice temple)
The frost giant is both a spellcaster and a melee attacker. Attack, defense and hitpoints are a bit higher than those of the cloud titan. The frost giant attacks with a staff and can also cast Mass Slow and Solidify Mind (target looses ability to retaliate). It should look like a giant in a light blue mantle with an icebeard and a crown of ice crystals.

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