
Some beaches in Ashan have stairs that lead into the water, but lack access for the disabled. The AAPD - Ashan Association of People With Disabilities - are currently looking into the matter.
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Scenery from the upcoming expansion.


The final boss: The Evil Queen Pulsating, Bloated, Festering, Sweaty, Pus-filled, Malformed, Slug-for-a-Butt!
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I asked you to send in pics of your gear and I have had literally a response. Here is DanTanna's setup: Vintage Altec Lansing front speakers with Definitive Technology front, surrounds and sub; Outlaw Audio home theater processor and 5x200 watt Outlaw amp with the laptop running the show. A Mitsubishi 65" HD TV is used as a monitor.
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We have seen the Lurker in its artwork form - this is how it will look in-game. What do we think of it?
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The rediscoverer of Necromancy, Belketh taught the art to the Wizards of the Seven Cities.

More about Belketh can be read on the official site.

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If you have enough heavy hitters, you can do some real damage ...
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The H6 Faceless to appear in the Dungeon lineup in Shades of Darkness. This will no doubt mean that the cosmetics departments in Ashan will get into trouble, as there is little need for makeup on non-existing faces.
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Not much left of the town, but it still seems to generate a lot of income ...

Thanks to Peredhil.

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Heavy wisdom.

Like, freakin' Gandalf levels of wisdom-ness.

Thanks to Peredhil.