Adjusting respawn rates

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Adjusting respawn rates

Unread postby Magic531 » 09 May 2008, 13:14

(This is reposted from since I didn't realize about this wonderful forum until now!)

Hi all!

I just started replaying MM7 w/ the BDJ mod. Hadn't played this game in ages and I was increadably
excited! So anyways, I clear out the first island, then lo and behold I rest for a bit, and I realize some goblins have respawned on the eastern shore. Now I'm massive OCD, and I hate things respawning. (just a personal preference) I know things usually respond after 2 years or so, but this totally was like a day or two. Does anyone know if there is a way to turn off respawning? I just dl'ed the MM8leveleditor (which i found out about through the BDJ faq things on his blog) so this might be able to help me, but just in case I thought I'd ask in here too. Thanks!


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Big Daddy Jim
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Unread postby Big Daddy Jim » 09 May 2008, 15:07

The 'additional' Goblins are not due to the Map Respawn rate. They are automatically created by code in Out01.Evt based upon a 'timer event' and a 'no hositle' conditional branch.

If it really bothers you, delete the event. The 'Modders Guide' series provides sufficient info to make this change.

Enjoy The Game!

"BDJ the Coding Wizard has moved out of the Coding Fortress, has retired from Might & Magic game modification, and now lives a peaceful life in Alto Lino, Republic de Panama.

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Unread postby bungleau » 09 May 2008, 18:32

In the original game, those were dragonflies, not goblins. And they still respawned every day.

At that stage of the game, they're a regular supply of gold and XP...quite useful, really... ;)

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Unread postby Bimbasto » 09 May 2008, 20:28

Playing the Mod, any respawn is o'k. It is possible to get some gold pieces and a bit of expierence. Actually on Emerald only three ( if I am right) bunches of goblins are respawning at the time. Very easy to kill them. And it is easy to avoid them, just not to enter the swamp area.

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Unread postby Magic531 » 10 May 2008, 14:11

Ok, i suppose I can deal with it :) In looking through the stuff BDJ posted, it's a little too hardcore for me. C and Java I can handle, but what can I say, I'm too much of a newb for assembly :) (for a hobbiest programmer like me anyways)

Just for a heads up, are there alot of other spawns like that that don't have the normal 2 years trigger?


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Unread postby Bimbasto » 10 May 2008, 14:24

Astually other ones are more/less like in original game. Barrow Downs respawns (if my memory tell me right) in 72 days and Evenmore Islands location every time you are visiting it.

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Unread postby Roj » 11 May 2008, 17:25

Bimbasto wrote:Astually other ones are more/less like in original game. Barrow Downs respawns (if my memory tell me right) in 72 days and Evenmore Islands location every time you are visiting it.
Barrow Downs respawns in 1.5 month approximately.

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