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Unread postby asandir » 29 Jan 2007, 06:41

and that signalled the end of the cooking game, if that's what it was ....

well, nevermind, I tried ;)
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Unread postby winterfate » 30 Jan 2007, 03:51

and that signalled the end of the cooking game, if that's what it was ....

well, nevermind, I tried
Too bad we couldn't eat the food! ;)

I've been trying to make up a game idea, but nothing groundbreaking comes to mind... :(

Anyone have any feedback on my game ideas?
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Unread postby Omega_Destroyer » 30 Jan 2007, 03:52

So how does the spell game work again?
And the chickens. Those damn chickens.

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Unread postby winterfate » 30 Jan 2007, 03:57

Well, I had a very rough idea.

1) I would have to create the spells. or

2) I was thinking the people who sign up could make their own spells, then measures would have to be taken to make sure the spells are costed correctly.

After that insanity...:)...the ground rules would have to be set. We could have 16 players (for example), set up the player order, then the magic point allowance, and finally let the players have at it :D.

Phew...it's a lot tougher than it looks to make a game... :)
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Unread postby Omega_Destroyer » 30 Jan 2007, 03:59

I might just have to pull out the ol "chickenator" spell.
And the chickens. Those damn chickens.

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Unread postby winterfate » 30 Jan 2007, 04:04


The basic spells, IMO:

1. Some sort of negation spell, causing a spell cast to backfire (HOMM5 Counterspell for example...or any counterspell for that matter).

2. Basic damage spell.

3. An amplify/diminish spell (increase/decrease spell effects).

But, like I said, I think the players could make up their own spells and then a library of sorts could be made containing all the spells so all may use.
I might just have to pull out the ol "chickenator" spell.
What does that spell do?

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Unread postby Omega_Destroyer » 30 Jan 2007, 04:19

It turns people into chickens. The only thing that can counter it is the "antichickenator" spell.

Fans of Baldur's Gate will get it.
And the chickens. Those damn chickens.

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Unread postby winterfate » 30 Jan 2007, 04:28

Oh ok, I remember...hahaha.

Been a while since I've played BG though...

EDIT: If no one minds, I could work on the Unit Draft idea and start the game out soon (it would have to be on a weekend though, as I have more time then).

That is, unless, gravyluvr wants to create the Fantasy Draft for HOMM3 (then I'll wait for that :D).
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Unread postby winterfate » 13 Feb 2007, 01:24


Sorry for the double post...but um...what do you guys think about the Unit draft.

Here's how it could work:

1. One of the Heroes games is chosen.
2. A list of the towns is made (along with the neutral units).
3. We could have around 16 players, then each player (in a predetermined order, can pick a unit for his/her army).

Basically, what gravyluvr was thinking about, but using the units instead of the Heroes.
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Unread postby asandir » 13 Feb 2007, 01:26

It might be workable, but we'd need to outline the full rules, and what we're actually trying to achieve .... a better army? or just what units we like?
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Unread postby winterfate » 13 Feb 2007, 01:32

Hmm...good question. Well, if 16 people play and we use H3...let's see:

There's nine towns (including Conflux): That makes 9x7= 63 units.
Neutrals, there are a few more.

So, I think it also comes down to whether each individual unit (whether upgraded or not) can be drafted. That would double the town count at 126 which means the max of 7 could be used as the drafting limit.

We should put the objective of the draft to a vote though:

"Which would you prefer?"
A draft for the "perfect" army, or a draft for your favorite army...

I think it could work either way, at least in H3.
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Unread postby asandir » 13 Feb 2007, 01:34

it could work I guess, would you place a "cost" against higher tier units to have those be saved up or would it be more of a high tier first and then down to the lower tiers
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Unread postby winterfate » 13 Feb 2007, 01:38


How about:

1 - 4 = 1 point
5 - 7 = 2 points

Then have each player have 10 drafting points perhaps?
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Unread postby asandir » 13 Feb 2007, 01:40

it may be something to consider, now I suggest pm'ing K and seeing what he thinks
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Unread postby winterfate » 13 Feb 2007, 01:45

PM sent!

Now, it's time to play the waiting game ;).
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Unread postby Kalah » 19 Feb 2007, 01:24

In the famous words of Tom Hanks: "I don't get it."

Seems to me this game far too much resembles the Auction game, except that it has fewer "items" to fight over. And what do we do with the beasts once we drafted 'em? I mean, in the world of sports there's competition for the best players available at any given time, but that's because there's a season coming. Are you contemplating setting up teams with creatures in opposing armies in some kind of a league after the drafting is over? Have you any idea how much work that would be, and how chaotic the outcome would be if players were to battle it out in a forum rather than by actually playing the game?

Player 1: "My master hunters shoot your liches. Calculations show I win."
Player 2: "Your calculations, you mean. Mine show I win, because of my defensive bonus."
Player 1: "Yeah, but I got lucky."
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Unread postby winterfate » 19 Feb 2007, 02:05

Good point...

Hmm....I don't know.

I'll have to think up other ideas then :D.

EDIT: How about a Tower of Doom? :)

OK, here's how it works:

Basically, 16 people join up. Characters are created (the system could be unique or AD&D'ish, with AD&D classes and stuff). I'll try to keep the creation process simple.

Then, those 16 enter a Tower comprised of a series of floors. They have to fight their way to the top. They can form alliances, or attempt it solo.

That one sounds fun, IMO...

As usual, all that's left is to work out the chinks...

Character classes:

Fighter - The classic weapon guy
Cleric - Spellcaster that uses light and dark spells, healing magic.
Thief - The picklocker, stealthy guy
Mage - The spellcaster that does what the cleric doesn't. Destructive and Summoning Magics abound :D.

Standard RPG fare basically.

Spells: Since I'm already shamelessly ripping the HOMM spell trees...why not have the HOMM spells themselves?

Stats: And while we're at it...have the stat system too?
Battle System: Pure and simple (suggestions are welcome):

Attack - Defense = Damage (1 point must system; thus all attacks do at least one).

EDIT: Stats for each character class:

ATK: 4
DEF: 4
Spellpower: 0
Knowledge: 0
(only atk and def grow)

ATK: 2
DEF: 2
Spellpower: 2
Knowledge: 2
(Spellpower and Knowledge influence trapsetting and lockpicking)

ATK: 1
DEF: 2
Spellpower: 2
Knowledge: 3

ATK: 1
DEF: 1
Spellpower: 3
Knowledge: 3

When you level up you can allocate a stat point to any stat (except Fighters that have to pick Attack or Defense).

How Spellpower and Knowledge affect Thieves:

Spellpower: Trapsetting. The potency and duration of traps set is affected by Spellpower.
Knowledge: Your ability to pick locks is affected by Knowledge.

HP calculation: 10 + ATK + DEF
Fighters gain 4 HP per level, Thieves and Clerics 3 HP, and Mages 2 HP.
Thus a fighter has 18 HP at level 1
A mage has 12 HP
A thief has 14 HP
And a cleric 13 HP

Special abilites:

Fighter: As a fighter levels up, he/she will get various abilities...along the lines of:

Bash: Once per combat, the Fighter may stun his/her opponent. A stunned opponent cannot act, and if it was casting a spell, loses concentration.
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Unread postby theLuckyDragon » 01 May 2007, 11:15

1. Rage of the Carrots
2. Quiz
3. Seek, Find, Post - Season 7
4. Hang Man - Part 3
5. Hang Man - Part 4
6. RT Championship
7. Part of the Whole
8. Caladont
9. Christmas One-Word Story
10. Cooking game

11. Million GP auction

12. Find the Flaws
13. Diary of Yog the Barbarian

14. Might&Magic Riddles (I'm up, but anyone can submit a riddle -- you don't want me inventing another one, do you? :))
15. Twilight of Peace -- related threads: Sign-up thread, OOC comments
16. Part of the Whole - Part 2 (seems like Stefan should give another hint)
17. Quiz game (to be locked in the near future, apparently; I'll update this after Kalah pushes the Button)
18. How well do you know Heroes? (Pol's question is unanswered)
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Unread postby Kalah » 01 May 2007, 12:02

Thanks for the update.
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Unread postby asandir » 02 May 2007, 04:14

16. Part of the Whole - Part 2 (seems like Stefan should give another hint)
or god forbid that anyone guesses!!! :D
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