Search found 36 matches

by HealingAura
26 Jun 2006, 19:51
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: tbd
Replies: 3
Views: 1852

Found my 3rd bug:
Sometimes a ship disappears

BTW, can you add me to the list? :)
by HealingAura
08 Jun 2006, 14:14
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: Shadow glitches on 7600GT
Replies: 16
Views: 9143

I've never heard of you before Gothrak but your words of wisdom sure made me laugh a lot :D. Especially the multiplayer tips :-D

I too hope the gorgons will be in Heroes V but I do prefer them to get a not-sneezing attack :devious:
by HealingAura
04 Jun 2006, 21:03
Forum: News
Topic: Nival Answers
Replies: 89
Views: 29245

Nival Answers

Afterall their the ones saving the franchise, no?

Back then we got worried that EA games will (not). Aren't we lucky? :)
by HealingAura
04 Jun 2006, 15:58
Forum: News
Topic: Nival Answers
Replies: 89
Views: 29245

Nival Answers

Combined artifacts, nice yet another move to the H3 universe, well why not add carvans or something useful along those lines. Oh sorry didn't mean to mention one of the HIV improvements. How about adding letting heroes travel together or let scout armies roam without a hero? How about ruining this g...
by HealingAura
04 Jun 2006, 14:15
Forum: News
Topic: Nival Answers
Replies: 89
Views: 29245

Nival Answers

keep in mind that they said "For the patch you are going to need non moded game"
by HealingAura
19 May 2006, 11:17
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: Is this bugged or what?!
Replies: 5
Views: 3869

look here . I had the same problem and they said that you must get the other towns as fast as you can and not waste time getting a large army because the enemy gets a lot of creatures from neutrals (because of the druid's ritual). So try getting an army as fast as you can and capture the sylvan town...
by HealingAura
15 May 2006, 23:34
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: What should the 1st patch include?
Replies: 107
Views: 29691

Ethric wrote:Was possible in H4, so wouldn't be new.
H4 Begone! :devil:
by HealingAura
15 May 2006, 21:44
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: What should the 1st patch include?
Replies: 107
Views: 29691

1. Map Editor
2. More maps
3. "Wait" button
4. Two different camera positions for ground and underground and more if there are more players in hot seat.
5. balance fixing if needed
6. AI fixing if needed
7. bug fixing if needed
by HealingAura
03 May 2006, 22:25
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: Hard Copy Manual & Creature Stat Card
Replies: 15
Views: 7677

C_h_u_c_k_l_e_s just said there won't be a creature stat card for every version :cry:
by HealingAura
01 May 2006, 13:18
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: Dwarven town for expansion
Replies: 148
Views: 45619

Any of you can think of a flyer unit to the dwarven town other than the runefeather aviak? What kind of creature will want to fly when it's snowing? :??
by HealingAura
30 Apr 2006, 17:59
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: Dwarven town for expansion
Replies: 148
Views: 45619

Great town Thelonious :applause: Though, you made a mining-mountain-fire associated town while my town is rune-snowmountain-snow associated. I wonder if Nival and UbiSoft decide to create a dwarf town if it will be fire or snow associated. I also liked your barbarian town but I don't know whether go...
by HealingAura
30 Apr 2006, 16:50
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: Dwarven town for expansion
Replies: 148
Views: 45619

Oh and let's bring in some shiny new mechanical Dragon Golems! :D:D:D Why not?Dragon golems from HIV arent that bad at all.I didnt like them at first,but they grew on me.Sometimes I even pick them over titans. First of all, Dragon gollems will get rusted in the snow. Second of all, I hate those ugl...
by HealingAura
30 Apr 2006, 16:42
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: Dwarven town for expansion
Replies: 148
Views: 45619

I don't think Werewolfs fit at lvl 7 no matter the size. And being huge would just make them look akward. Lvl 4-5 would work better. After a long talk with the lycanthropes they agreed to be downgraded as level 6 creature for the sake of Heroes fans. The lycanthropes looked curiously which are the ...
by HealingAura
30 Apr 2006, 16:26
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: Dwarven town for expansion
Replies: 148
Views: 45619

I didn't mean race-oriented like undead, I meant too many similarities in units from the same town like: dwarf warrior, dwarf archer, dwarven engineer, dwarven raider etc. I just want a bigger diversity... As opposed to human with pitchfork,human with sword and shield,human on horse,human with a ha...
by HealingAura
30 Apr 2006, 16:14
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: Dwarven town for expansion
Replies: 148
Views: 45619

PS: what do you mean by those pictures being only 1/4 size :? so the real thing is the size of the computer screen :?? Sorry, I wasn't clear (they are not 4 times bigger than the pictures). I meant that compared to a normal unit they are 4 times bigger since characters and monsters in that game are...
by HealingAura
30 Apr 2006, 15:33
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: Dwarven town for expansion
Replies: 148
Views: 45619

About the dwarven berserkers, I was thinking of changing the Dwarf fighters to dwarf avengers from dungeoneer but elves heroes are avengers. Also, berserkers fit orcs town more. Mage hunter sounds too much like Witch Hunter from disciples and these guys are humans. And lets not mix between a human u...
by HealingAura
30 Apr 2006, 14:18
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: Dwarven town for expansion
Replies: 148
Views: 45619

I think the dwarves should follow a norse style (as they mostly do). It fits them perfectly well, they are like small, crazy, mead/ale drinking versions of us vikings. :yes: Vikings Rulez! Of course dwarf town follows a norse style. Also, look at the Norse Mythology creatures . You can see that wer...
by HealingAura
30 Apr 2006, 13:40
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: Dwarven town for expansion
Replies: 148
Views: 45619

I don't mind dwarves having flame-thrower weapons or using a very very old rifle (like gremlins) but I don't want to see any flying baloons zeppelin anywhere in any Heroes game. About age of wonders, think of this town as a mix between frostlings and dwarves towns. Next town I will post will be Orc ...
by HealingAura
30 Apr 2006, 12:59
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: Dwarven town for expansion
Replies: 148
Views: 45619

According to my sources, D&D vampires have 29 hp, are Medium sized, have an attack of 1d6+4. Lycanthropes, werewolf lords, on the other hand have 132 hp, are large creatures and their attack cosists of (1d6+11, 2d6+5) which is about 3.5 times stronger than the vampires attack. Therefore, Werewol...
by HealingAura
30 Apr 2006, 11:23
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: Dwarven town for expansion
Replies: 148
Views: 45619

In Heroes 1 we had only one race based town: Knight. In Heroes 2 we had 2: Knight, Necromancer. In Heroes 3 we had 3: Knight, Necromancer, Demons. In Heroes 4 we had 3: Necromancers and Demons in same town and Knights. In Heroes 5 we have 5 race based towns: Haven got 6 Human units (if you can say t...

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