What should the 1st patch include?

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What should the 1st patch include?

Unread postby theGryphon » 15 May 2006, 12:30

Please all, no HV bashing here. Just your "ideas".

For whatever it's worth, the following is the list of items I want to see in the first patch:
- Fixes for game performance: Hearing about memory leaks and all, this is the top item in my list.
- AI fixes: No AI is perfect and the performance of AI may be tweaked step by step in subsequent patches. But, it should not do stupid choices like exploding his own troops, unawareness of the adventure map, his enemies etc. From what I saw in the Demo battle AI is OK. But adventure AI and strategic AI are the determinants.
- UI fixes: I heard there are still some spelling errors, too bad. Any UI bugs should be cleaned as soon as possible. These may include inappropriate scaling of frames, images or text, and inappropriate wording, etc.
- "True" support for high-res widescreen: In the Demo, 2D images are stretched to fit the screen (can't say anything about 3D). This makes the whole UI look undetailed and cheap. The number of widescreens is increasing day by day and a 2006 game must provide a true support. I don't think this should be hard to include.
- Ability to save/load during battle: This would be great.
- Button for "wait": The middle button for "defend" could be divided in half. So simple.
- A new Treant: Is this too much? ;| He should be slow and heavy looking with roots and all. Now it looks like a huge insect with bushes on top, lol.
- A highscore table: Inspired by others :D
Last edited by theGryphon on 15 May 2006, 12:58, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What should the 1st patch include?

Unread postby Marzhin » 15 May 2006, 12:36

theGryphon wrote:- Ability to save during battle: This would be great.
Maybe not, but the ability to LOAD a game during battle would be great ^^

I agree at 200% with the rest, even if I kinda like the insect-treant

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 15 May 2006, 12:38

Just two things are needed:In game desciin of creatue bilities and a way to exit battles,wheter its a "load" or a "back to mainmenu" button.Everything rest can wait a bit.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 15 May 2006, 12:44

Also the game slows down alot if you zoom or move the camera. Something should be done about it.
And pleasew, for the love of all that's good in the world, GET RID OF Sev. AND JUST PUT IN Several. You know how lazy that makes you look?
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Unread postby Marzhin » 15 May 2006, 12:52

ThunderTitan wrote:Also the game slows down alot if you zoom or move the camera. Something should be done about it.
And pleasew, for the love of all that's good in the world, GET RID OF Sev. AND JUST PUT IN Several. You know how lazy that makes you look?
Off-topic : In fact when playing the H5 demo, I can't help but think those Nival developpers ARE quite lazy... :devious:

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 15 May 2006, 12:53

Marzhin wrote:
ThunderTitan wrote:Also the game slows down alot if you zoom or move the camera. Something should be done about it.
And pleasew, for the love of all that's good in the world, GET RID OF Sev. AND JUST PUT IN Several. You know how lazy that makes you look?
Off-topic : In fact when playing the H5 demo, I can't help but think those Nival developpers ARE quite lazy... :devious:
I thought this is going to be a non whining thread :disagree:

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Unread postby theGryphon » 15 May 2006, 12:55

Yes, please. Thanks DL ;)

Btw, saving during battle can (must) be disabled in MP, I guess.
Loading during a battle. OK, I change it to save/load during a battle :)
Last edited by theGryphon on 15 May 2006, 12:58, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread postby Romanov77 » 15 May 2006, 12:56

Code optimizations and performances improvements on low end system
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 15 May 2006, 13:05

DaemianLucifer wrote: I thought this is going to be a non whining thread :disagree:
From what I heard it's not whining, but truth.

Oh, and they should fix the whole bodies disapearing if a creature walks on them.
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Unread postby Marzhin » 15 May 2006, 13:21

DaemianLucifer wrote:I thought this is going to be a non whining thread :disagree:
Ooops sorry :D
But don't get me wrong : I like Heroes V, I can't wait for the release. I think it's going to be a great game. But there are still some flaws and much of them are pure lazyness from Nival, IMO. So I hope it will be corrected by patches, for the least.

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Unread postby Orfinn » 15 May 2006, 13:40

Agree with most of what you guys have mentioned. It really should be an load option during battle because there isnt always a possibility to surrender or retreat either by shackles of war or during a siege. Its sometimes painfully when you have to fight through the battle when you know you are going to lose.

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 15 May 2006, 13:44

Oh,and the editor,of course!A full map and campaign editor.

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Unread postby theGryphon » 15 May 2006, 14:04

ThunderTitan wrote: Oh, and they should fix the whole bodies disapearing if a creature walks on them.
Good one, that really is a bug!

Small things but buttons for stack split and garrison-hero transfer would be nice.

Aha! I got something big! I want the hero doll back!

Another one: Although I'm comfortable with the way UI is in general, I liked the creature recruit screen in the Beta better. They must change the current one at least to allow the stats for unbuilt/unupgraded dwellings. Now you have to either memorize everything or look at a stats chart (which does not come with most versions). :disagree:
Last edited by theGryphon on 15 May 2006, 14:08, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 15 May 2006, 14:07

Is the creature multiplier bug present in the full version?Did someone try MP?If so,it also shoud be corrected.

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Unread postby theGryphon » 15 May 2006, 14:09

What's a creature multiplier bug? Excuse my ignorance...
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 15 May 2006, 14:16

Oh just my way to call the bug that happened to few people in MP duels when you get dozens of same creature stacks in the place of one.Here,check it out.

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Unread postby theGryphon » 15 May 2006, 14:29

Hehe, looks funny, but not on a $50-60 product :disagree: I'm sure they already fixed it.
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Unread postby Thelonious » 15 May 2006, 14:51

I want the Editor. Big time. HoMM IV has shown how important it is.

I want it with at least all the features from HoMM IV. And it should be able to make campaigns.

The rest: maybe some more single player maps. But Fabrice told us that aint gonna happen... so...

(just wondered, if they don't incluede mulitplayer maps in which you fight AI maybe the whole AI was never made properly and that's why they're waiting with the editor... it's just given several options (single player and Campaigns) and Ubi hopes we won't notice it missing if they focus on multiplayer from the beginning)

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 15 May 2006, 14:58

Thelonious wrote:The rest: maybe some more single player maps. But Fabrice told us that aint gonna happen... so...
I mustve read the wrong thing then,as he said that all in all therell be close 60 maps(6x5+16 is 46,not nearly close to 60,so we are to expect at least some new maps)

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Unread postby Znork » 15 May 2006, 15:01

Thelonious wrote:I want the Editor. Big time. HoMM IV has shown how important it is.

I want it with at least all the features from HoMM IV. And it should be able to make campaigns.

The rest: maybe some more single player maps. But Fabrice told us that aint gonna happen... so...

(just wondered, if they don't incluede mulitplayer maps in which you fight AI maybe the whole AI was never made properly and that's why they're waiting with the editor... it's just given several options (single player and Campaigns) and Ubi hopes we won't notice it missing if they focus on multiplayer from the beginning)
more maps in the first patche lol! What is wrong withe you people! If the games only problem is that there is no map editor and there are to few maps. You should be happy bothe of this issus he allredy anouced will be fixed!
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