
The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 26 Jun 2006, 19:48

When my dragons restit the fire shield it says something like: "Frost shield failed,dragons resist"

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Unread postby HealingAura » 26 Jun 2006, 19:51

Found my 3rd bug:
Sometimes a ship disappears

BTW, can you add me to the list? :)
Death is not the answer to everything, torture also has its merits!

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Unread postby imp » 27 Jun 2006, 12:43

on "Dungeon Campaign Map2:

The Keymasters tent in the undergound is labeled "tan" but looks red. There's only one Guard post on the map though, which is tan. "

My above-ground guard is red and says red, my underground tent is red but says tan, my key doesnt work on the aboveground tent. I'm stuck!


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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 27 Jun 2006, 17:28

imp wrote:on "Dungeon Campaign Map2:

The Keymasters tent in the undergound is labeled "tan" but looks red. There's only one Guard post on the map though, which is tan. "

My above-ground guard is red and says red, my underground tent is red but says tan, my key doesnt work on the aboveground tent. I'm stuck!

That got introduced by the patch.But youll just get some resources and an artifact behind that border guard,so its not that important.

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