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by accabear
19 Nov 2008, 05:22
Forum: Heroes I-IV
Topic: [ Heroes II ] TCP/IP multiplayer
Replies: 8
Views: 6890

Hamachi doesn't work well. If it does, I heard that the game has a high chance of crashes.
by accabear
20 Feb 2008, 05:28
Forum: Might and Magic
Topic: Might and Magic 6 Sound Files
Replies: 16
Views: 15558

Just open up Windows Media players, click the 'rip' tab and you should have the CD there with the tracks. If you still don't see any tracks click the drop down next to the 'Now Playing' tab and select the CD in it's drive.
by accabear
19 Feb 2008, 08:59
Forum: Might and Magic
Topic: Might and Magic 6 Sound Files
Replies: 16
Views: 15558

That background stuff is things like birds or wind. It's meant to be there otherwise walking around New Sorpigal, you would only hear music and no background wildlife noises. Track one, two, three ,eleven and fifteen are especially brilliant.
by accabear
05 Feb 2008, 07:39
Forum: Might and Magic
Topic: Hmm…(MM8 speculation)
Replies: 15
Views: 7957

Avonu wrote:It's in dragon hunters tavern - so prpbably it is dragon skull .
by accabear
03 Feb 2008, 11:28
Forum: Might and Magic
Topic: Why do I keep playing M&M?
Replies: 15
Views: 7840

Because they’re good games as a whole, and (for me at least) they’ve spoiled most all other games as a result. For example, I hate the Alchemy system in Oblivion, because the one in MMVI-VIII is SO much nicer and more elegant. You just can't play Oblivion for too long before it just becomes boring....
by accabear
03 Feb 2008, 04:24
Forum: Campfire
Topic: Music you like...
Replies: 693
Views: 154336

Pretty good, yes. But the vocals I found... lacking. And I gotta pull out an old cartoon quote here: "Not even the world's best guitarist can save a band who has the chef from "The Muppet Show" on vocals". Man, I can't get KT Tunstall outta my head... Did you guys hear " Su...
by accabear
03 Feb 2008, 04:20
Forum: Campfire
Topic: Our true look [images]
Replies: 3200
Views: 547731

Veldrynus wrote:I haven't measured my sprint time in ages. I used to play as a forward, and my specialty was the reflexes and acceleration, which worked well on the shorter fields. I'm afraid, after like 30-40 meters I would start losing speed. Lazy me. :disagree:
How long were the fields?
by accabear
03 Feb 2008, 04:08
Forum: Campfire
Topic: What's the weather like?
Replies: 2334
Views: 367813

Just past the halfway mark for rain... eh?

Rained pretty heavily today. Been really humid in the last few days and actually fairly hot but definitely no where near as hot as what you are getting.
by accabear
02 Feb 2008, 04:37
Forum: Might and Magic
Topic: Might & Magic Warlords Project
Replies: 71
Views: 33944

I'm certainly very dubious about this but all the best and good luck. I'll certainly have a look though...
by accabear
01 Feb 2008, 09:49
Forum: Hall of the Heretics
Topic: Might and Magic "like" games?
Replies: 20
Views: 10149

I thought the game was not a bad step up, but it could have done with abit more depth. At least it is a very widely and easily moddable game...
by accabear
01 Feb 2008, 05:36
Forum: Campfire
Topic: Music you like...
Replies: 693
Views: 154336

You would think Dream Theater are rich enough to not charge such exorbitant prices... probably just the organizers wishing to rip off poor young adults and teens.
by accabear
31 Jan 2008, 07:24
Forum: Campfire
Topic: Music you like...
Replies: 693
Views: 154336

I haven't heard that one yet. I should get around to doing so. Some lucky friend of mine managed to nab tickets to get to the Dream Theater concert in Sydney. Three hour concert with tickets starting at a hundred and fifteen dollars!
by accabear
30 Jan 2008, 06:44
Forum: Hall of the Heretics
Topic: Might and Magic "like" games?
Replies: 20
Views: 10149

"Stop! You have violated the law!"

Damn I just keep hearing that same line going over and over and over in my head. Following that I get a:

"Then pay with your own blood!"

Stupid guards.
by accabear
30 Jan 2008, 06:42
Forum: Campfire
Topic: Caladont 2.0
Replies: 2268
Views: 381192

by accabear
30 Jan 2008, 03:26
Forum: Might and Magic
Topic: Might and Magic X proposal from a diffrent point of View
Replies: 66
Views: 45880

Sorry I have been rather busy/sleepy over the last few days. I'll get on with a reply to your ideas. Rather I think most of the ideas here are rather sound except for the 'RTS' which although I left to you, I to be honest, am not really sure which direction it's heading in. It looks rather aimless a...
by accabear
30 Jan 2008, 02:20
Forum: Might and Magic
Topic: MM7: Rogue: Hardest basic promotion in the game?
Replies: 18
Views: 18827

I don't recall the thief quest being all that hard... I remember being able to muscle my way through that quest several times. Turn based mode and then beserking one of the swordmasters works... and once one finishes killing the other you can either run away or you can paralyze one and melee him unt...
by accabear
29 Jan 2008, 12:15
Forum: Campfire
Topic: Our true look [images]
Replies: 3200
Views: 547731

Veldrynus wrote:
ScarlettP wrote:You got a problem with Blue?
The problem is not with the individual colors, but their relation to eachother (especially the purple part is the least lucky). I think, a reddish fireb|tch outfit would fit your hair color better.
What is this? Feng Shui?
by accabear
28 Jan 2008, 12:45
Forum: Campfire
Topic: What's the weather like?
Replies: 2334
Views: 367813

It's getting warmer in Sydney... low thirties.... I hope it doesn't become like over the other side with Asandir with a consistent high - mid thirty everyday.
by accabear
28 Jan 2008, 12:42
Forum: Hall of the Heretics
Topic: Might and Magic "like" games?
Replies: 20
Views: 10149 this should help. A nice balancing mod. Oh yeah there is also another mod called 'No psychic guards' on Tes Nexus which I guess makes it less stupid when you break into a place and a guard just suddenly appears to beat you senseless or force you int...
by accabear
28 Jan 2008, 12:35
Forum: Campfire
Topic: All about more food
Replies: 911
Views: 146218

Yep just like me ;| well I did go on a jog a couple of days ago and had some people shout 'Aussie power' at me repeatedly. Heard there were some ethnic gang problems down at the local high school and these guys were trying to demonstrate some kind of point to me. Don't remember if it was actually Au...

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