The portrets in M&M
The portrets spices up M&M,making it more interactive.In the previous games you had serveral portrets but there wasn't alot of interaction between them and the characters seemed very neutral/statue like.Now each portret is an"interview screen" like in a reality soap were everyone comes to tell how the day went/complain about their fellow companion in certain situations as death,insane,drunk,disease...If a mages spell goes wrong and hurts a companion,the other responds with something like:"watch what you're doing amateur"..for example..Wich means the portret will have a surplus value for the interactions ingame.Their will be relational talk and acknowledgment between characters in the party.If someone got a powerfull wand/beautifull artifact,he she will pose with it proudly on occasion,or hit a companion on the head(when aggressive for instance).characters will have the possibilty to partly enter each others portret,lean on the border of the portret etc.So when you drop a small nice thing form male to female character inventory,and she likes him,she will lean on towards him and say something like "you'll always be my sugerpie"
In the beginning of the game you can set some preferences for how the characters act: hysterical,hypercinetic,aggressive,passive,dim,silly,rightreous,smart,serious,sarcastic,stupid,crazy...
Characters will be possitionable,allowed to switch places.
It becomes like a puppetry show
4 Main Characters
2 slot free for a villagers/mercaneries (freed prisoners,...can always join no matter if you already have 2 hired)
Pets are summonable(alliance and race restricted)
Game Dificulties
Easy:old fashioned hack and slash
Meduim:when creatures respawn they will set up defences
Hard:creatures semi scale to your level
Insane: Monsters do extra damage, monsters scale slightly higher than your level.
Will be more biological correct(speed,way of movement,...) have better AI
Better difined body shapes,possibility to hit some bodyparts,stun/disable creatures(a skill with x procent chance of succeeding per level)Monsters have a "nature":some are agressive,other cowardly,....
Turn based is still an option.
Monster droppings
-You can upgrade items with the same item type
-creature bodies have images of carrying items,so that you can easily judge if there is anything worthwhile upon the body.
-1 mouseclick:just collect money
-2 mouseclick:examine it's body-to loot/or to hide crime/...
Quests are meant to assist in defining your character
It creates a situation where you must come to an understanding of what is happening before applying your own decision or making your own judgment,and some quest must be implemented in a way your can't make a decision undone by just loading an earlier savegame.There will be multiple methodes of quest achievement.
beside the usaul quests in RPG's(deliver/get something,kill someone,get object(s),....)
there will be other quests:
-some are class/race specific and require special skill(s) to be accompliced.
for instance someone could ask your gadgeteer to build a hot air balloon,or an inkeeper could ask your bard to perform...
when yo perform well that character can become famous,a way to get in contact with Npc's who have more powers.
-some were you don't know if they are right or wrong or even "true",quests with betrayals,...Some Npc's wanna help you,others wanne trick(with ambush,posoined gifts,...)
-some to get to a place only known from tales/sometimes those places exist:and then there are unique things ,creatures,objects,herbs, get there will then only be possible if you build the hot air balloon for instance.
for other places you need a specific druid promotion,in the end it is impossible to get to all those rare places in the same game.
-puzzle quests;need a piece of one quest to solve the next/other one.
-quests with a time limit.
-strategical quests
-promotion quests
-quest were you have responsibilities:to organize an event,were you lead a project....
Enough quests types/specific path quests/sub quests... for a replayable entertaining game.
Non linear,with very little linearity
-Just like in the old M&M games you will have the possibility to advance your character by following a certain path,
solving quests ,gaining new titles and powerfull skills as you develop in the game
-Or you can make the choice to let your character transform and develop his/her "special gifts"
The transformations will be available during the game.Some of them just take time(like a level up system)others require a ritual and/or certain sacrificement to be accompliced.
Clothes and Objects
the ability to dress your character like you want it dissapeared in M&MIX
wich is ofcours a big nono! M&M is a bit like playing with barbie.
your creative,...

there should be more alliance related objects:To show your devotion,if wanted..perhaps they can add some comic stuff if you have to do special quest in dresscode like going to a gala :p
Item Values
The value of items will be balanced enough you can't get extremely rich in short period.
The value of common items you find alot in M&MX will be lower,Buying those will be a little bit more expensive.
Upgrading items with the same item type will increase the value a bit.
Rare and Valuable items are not easy to find and can't be upgraded
Creating a more long term way of the player managing the his money
players will be able to equipe their characters with any clothes,juwelry,disguise,even armour/weopon (according to the classes.)
Some classes can't get better at certain things but they can wear it,depending on the class it could bring penalties with it.(for instance if the mage uses a plate armour)
So weopons and armour,... work more like an attribute:
By using a weopon type you would increase the "skill" in that weopon.
In this way you can't distribute skillpoint anymore like it always has been in M&M,as you earn them by "acting" towards the new level(for example you fight alot with the sword so thats were get better at when leveling up.)
When leveling up you can choice a new "usage style" with the weopon/a new way to increase the durability of spells/new way to disguise yourself,...The level up style would be "learn to use things" literally,meanwhile learning new ways to use it and other tricks with it(were level ups will be more about:chosing a new way to use
Disguise:make up,mask,wig,cloak,racial uniforms(particular items correspond to each other to make an outfit of some sort? IE. Erathian royal plate armour, Erathian royal guard’s gauntlets, Earathian royal guard’s halberd etc)
Juwelleryboth the ability to wear and create for gadgeteer):rings,bracelets,crowns,helmets,amulets,piercings
Other:perception,armsmaster,meditation,merchant,body building,unarmed,learning,disarm traps,....
more class specific skills and atributes are listed in the promotion section below
Here are the 6 basic classes to chose from and all the promotions
All will have special atributes,and sometimes they gain some typical objects for that title as a reward for the quest.Ofcours promotions are race/alignment restricted.
Starting attribute:melee,power attack
Inventory option:place to sharpen weapons
RTS mode speciality:authority
Initiate roles:
Champion-----retaliation,divine guidance,Last stand,proud
Dread Knight-----Dreadful Countenance,devour strenght,Malice,Ominous fate
Paladin-----Aura's,magical resistance,Detection(of magic,traps,truth,..a paladin knows when someone is lying),sympathize
Commander-----tactics,evasion,leadership,preparation(turn based each of party moves first)
Gladiator-------dual weapon(can use 2 weapons,wether it are axes,spears,swords)Piercing damage,adrenaline,vitality
Barbarian------stunning blow,beast within,might over magic,battlecry
Lord-----health regeneration,disintoxication(faster recovery),nobility,purifying blood
Sammurai-------katane,mental dicipline,warden circle(swift blades deflecting any missle attacks),third eye(When active, the next physical attack is evaded)
Dragonslayer------fire resistance,challenges(gaines extra xp by attacking higher level),handle animal,scalp dragon
Elite Guard------lawsuit,racial uniform,call gaurds,bluff
starting attribute:pickpocket,critical hit
Inventory option:lockpicks can be used in the disarm traps and lockpicking section
RTS mode speciality:negotiation
Initiate roles:
Villian------sabotage,connections,corruption(gains extra skill points if you handle quests like a bad guy),deceive
Assasin------Mark of death,assasin's promise,seeping wound(monster health degeneration),unsuspecting strike
Spy------decode,learn secret,disguise,hide crime
Robber-----blackjack(knock citizens unconcious+loot),smuggle(extra inventory option),contribution(robber contributes extra money to party each month:depending on level),
Avaricious(when your party dies you'll lose less money)
Shadowdancer-----lunar guidance(more powerfull at night),dark empowerment(ally target stronger dark spells),illusionism(double image,...),the lotus
Prowler(panther transformation)----------overwhelm,physical perfection,panther leap,predator
Jester---------magical cards(slightly skilled in magic),entertain,bootlicker,fool(when acting with this character it won't affect reputation)
Seducer--------seduce,innocence,drug,sex appeal
Starting attribute:ranged combat,search(constantly)
Inventory option:dig for objects(some rare objects are buried and can only be attained with a ranger)
RTS mode Speciality:investigation
Initiate roles:
Master Hunter-----intuition,trace,avenger,survival
Marksman-----Double shot,concentration,focus,parry
Sniper-------precision,eagle eye,distance shot,magical arrows
Beastmaster----Beast mastery,beast within,peacefull night(can't be amushed)identify monsters(unique)
Hero----courage,connections,justify(receive extra skill points if you handle quests like a good guy)benediction
Gadgeteer-----repair items(unique)gadget making(mix objects),creativity,beautify
Witchhunter-------witchcraft ward,judgement,destroy corruption,Interrogation
Cannibal---------consume corpse,life essence,cooking,biology(knows lot about the bodyplaces/functions and can us this as advantage)
Mercenary--------axe mastery,accountability(you're the first persone people would ask for favours) ,highest bidder,bounty hunt(gaining extra benefits from)
Werewolf-------nocturnal rage,howl,faster aging,regeneration
starting attribute:resistance(poison,disease,..),sef magical immunity
Inventory option:extra place to bless/curse items
RTS mode speciality:reputation
Initiate roles:
High Priest-----weather controle(sour rain,sunray) cleaning nova(dispell all magic+silence),telepathy(unique),twilight(knows some rare spells)when this character dies it will be an eclips
Priest of Light-----Exorcism,shrug darkness,master of blessings,prayer
Priest of Darkness----posses,shrug light,master of curses,dark gifted
Heretic----Demonology,pyromancy,sacrifice,voodoo(can select a target,when in other city get his voodoodoll and nobody will know you killed/disabled that target)
Ninja----unarmed,thrown criticals,powders(fog,irritation,...)Martial Arts
Zaelot----unarmed,purify,Artifacts(ability to use the powers of ancient relics,artifacts others can't)Spiritual Attunement(when someone of the party heals you,you automatically receive mana too)
Valkyrie-----cheat death,Gallantry,regeneration,fury
Monk-----stone fist,teach,self-defence,concentration
Ritualist-----invoke ritual,binding ritual,spawning,incense
Zenmaster------self immunity,warrior stands,sun salutation,balance
Bishop-------remove cursed item,divine,requiem(Disables preemptive attack from surrounding undead monsters) anti magic
Starting attribute:druidic oath(gets some bonuses if they stick on to this oath,or penalty if they do not stick to the oath
,activate(druid circles,teleports(if there are any),ritual circles
Inventory option:teleport items to HQ
RTS speciality:creation
Initiate roles:
-greater druid
High Druid------primal bond,Owl’s Wisdom,Bear’s Endurance,Bull’s Strength
Shaman---camouflage,herbalism,True Seeing(character sees through Ethereal and Invisibility effects),natures wrath(all natural beings do more damage)
Gaurdian----shapeshifter(cave bear,dire wolf,...),naturale balance,immunity,gaurd(take damage for ally)
Mystic-----mysticism,unknown secrets(makes ethreal effects stronger,also secrets of dreams),body controle(have monster npc's do things for you like set of traps,...commanders are powerless against this skill),dreameater
Witchdoctor------witchcraft(shrink/transform enemy creatures),ritualism,spirit bag(can prison elements and suck their powers,transforming them in exta hp,resistance etc)occult(brew things with unique effects,extra inventory option)
Runemaster -----runelore(runes of corruption:take more mana for an enemie spellcaster,Rune of banish:dismiss a summoned creature,rune of protection),rune armour,scribe body(effect of rune more powerfull,something like quickspell)hammer(ony the runemasters can use this weopon)
Herbalist---------harvest(herbs),medicines,green fingers,plant growth(manipulation)
Shapeshifter-----------polymorph self,polymorph creature,True Shapeshift(also atributes from the creature),Speak language(of any creature)
Faun(satyr transformation)-------------panflure,rootstrap(are held in place by the roots till the character dies/or get disabled...),overgrow,create maze
Revenant-------consume nature,wither,avenge,unleash
Starting attribute:magical armour,sorcery
Inventory option:enchanting items and magical experiment/mess with the effectivness of items
RTS mode speciality:manipulation
Initiate roles:
Lich---(transformation)mana tap,dark container,soulforge,powerspell(eyes glow red and spells do 50% more damage)
Overlord----(transformation)Fiendcraft,gating,demonseed,devil form
Archmage-----Arcane (excellence,omniscience,...)magic mirror,mark of the wizard,sorcery
Alchemist-------alchemy(alchemy bench also extra inventory option),consume artifact,science(change effects en effectivness of potions)bomb throwing
Elementalist-----summon(element covers your character,can't hit your character until the element is defeated),
Communing(connection with elements),orb(unique weapon of the elementalist),energy(power of summoning,damage the orb does,...)
Warlock------dark ritual,destruction(increase effect of all damaging spells),counterspell,sap magic(magic damage by enemy reduced by 20 procent)
Battlemage------staff&arms,blunt,block,heavy armour
Spellsword(acrobatic wizard)------willpower,acrobacy,parry,swordmenship
Oracle-----time manipulation(time magic),visions,Omnipresence,trance
Each races weakness,abilities and
promotions, transformations, pets are restricted too
Racial abilities:diplomacy,religion,handiness
Racial weakness:mind spells,diseases
Knight(champion,dread knight,dragonslayer)
Thief (pirate,jester,robber)
Ranger(master hunter,werewolf,hero)
Cleric(high priest,valkyrie)
Racial abilities:,growth,magical affinity,fast mana regeneration
Racial weakness:iron weaponary,dark spells
Knight(elite guard,sammurai,paladin)
Thief (seducer)
Ranger(master hunter,beastmaster)
Cleric(high priest,priest of light,zaelot)
Druid(high druid,herbalist,shapeshifter)
Pets:evil eye
Racial abilities:wither,magical affinity,visions
Racial weakness:light spells,iron weoponary
Knight(elite gaurd,sammurai,dread knight)
Thief (shadowdancer,prowler)
Cleric(priest of darkness,ninja,zenmaster)
Racial ablility:consume magic,fly naturally,poison and diseases immunity
Racial weakness:intense heat and cold
Buildings:luxery assesoires and "natural environment" gardens,...
Cleric(priest of light,bishop,valkyrie)
extra racial promotion for female pixies:fairy godmother(only character who can wield a magical wand,grandmaster perfumier,...)
Pets:none combative pets
Racial ability:forge,inexhaustibility(bonus endurance),heavy weoponary
Racial weakness:drowning,poor eyesight
Buildings:renovation and defences
Druid(high druid,runemaster)
Racial ability:
Racial weakness:
Buildings:traps for buildings
Thief (villian,assasin)
Cleric(priest of darkness,ritualist,ninja)
pets:Non-combative pets(cats,wolf,...)
Racial ability:keen hearing,saving trows,hide
Racial weakness:manipulation of mind
Racial ability:battle rage,bash,hardiness(resistance to stun,...)
Racial weakness:low starting intelligence value,their aggressive ways make them socially weak with other races(diplomacy and stuff)
You can spend some points on the following
each race has diffrent starting values...
Chosing for male or female will also make a minor diffrence in those values:
Males have more might and endurance
Female have more accuracy and Intelligence
you can still give characters any name
Shape:faces and body parts,colour hair,eyes,lenght, every bodypart can be costumized..
condition:fat-average-atletic-fit-slim affects things like endurance,vitality,..
there will be some standart characters available(like in previous M&M games) if you want to skip this part.
Each race will have a standart male-female model to make editing a bit easier
Each race will have some standard settings wich could be costumized.
faith(in life,oneself,others)
smart---------dumb(in behavior)
serene-----------drama queen
expansive--------kept back
altruism---------ego centric
believable-----------ambitious(goals in life cyclus will be more effective)
encourage whats necessary-----------convenient
open for improvement--------self satisfied
develope self (how able the character is to change personality during game)---------stays the same(during whole game)
Birthsigns are to distinguish the party members from each other a bit more.
It's not just a bonus,will tell more about the characters background,maybe even personality,also will have some effects ingame.
some have boosts for mage,fighter,thiefs,..
sometimes also a disadvantage is connected to it..
some signs are kinda neutral,or for any character type good)
Every month a specific sign will also get a small bonus,penalty,or there will be a special event...
Biological Bodyscreen
Beside the character screen with visible equipment there will be a biological bodyscreen
With visible organs,skeleton and recieved body specific damage and stuff
-flesh colour means everything functions properly
-Golden means that part is very active)brains:when very intelligent for instance,heart and or lungs when you have a good shape,genitale area when fertility is high and attracted to someone,...some are permanent,others periodical...
-yellow:lightly damaged/in no good condition
-grey:a rare condition,virus,if you're character becomes an undeath or vampire too
-red:badly damaged,malfunctioning
-black:inactive,disabled,broken(when it's an important organ it can result in death if you wait too long to heal)
totally black when dead
Also transformations sometimes gain new body parts,organs(or they lose some of them)... a quest is involved for transformations or curing viruses.
Condition of the body affects vitality,endurance,speed,....
When you resurrect a character the black parts will return to yellow,and it will take time to fuction with full capacity again,but if it was golden(very active) it will eventually become golden agian if it wasn't a temporarly effect but because of a characters attribute.Gaining beter armour and more hp/strenght,some skilltypes decreases the chances your body will get damaged quickly.Some herbs/potions in the game can make certain organs and body parts very active temporarily,increase condition etc....
in previous M&M games there were only the need to sleep/eat.
Now also the age you'll chose for a character makes diffrence because every phase of growing up will have needs,"goals" and gain extra skill points or bonuses if those are satisfied...some can unlock new quests or even new possibilities ingame!
Teenager 18 (excitment and adventure)
Young Adult till 25 (responsability,mating,indipendence)
Adult till 50 (wealth,romance,carreer)
Elder 50+ (knowledge,faith,social contact,environmental satisfaction:older characters will gain a bonus if it goes to their likings)
Turn on's and turn offs(set fetishes)
When your character reaches the age of a young adult/or starts in this phase
you're character will be able to select 3 turn on's and turn offs
A specific personality,experience,specific type of clothes/armour,a specific class type,objects,make up,race types,rich peoples,older/younger,gendertype,undeath,...everything is possible.this will determine who or what your character is attracted to.
You can make the home of your partner a personal Headquarter,or conquer a guild or castle(in different manners)
to make it your personal HQ,and home for your family(ies) you can have more than one HQ and abandon/sell it at any time.
You can buy special gifts to "seduce" can start a relation with someone in the party as an npc.
A relation in the party will have some advantage for your party preformance
A relation with an npc will have advantage for your reputation in a society.
(need a Druid/cleric/sorcerer or combination of those to complete some of the transformation (rituals+quests))
your participating characters need to be at a certain level in order for the ritual to be possible to succeed.
Sometimes you have to collect objects over the land or be at at specific place at a specific time in order the ritual could succeed.
Transformations are also race is like a "class retirement" .If you chose to transform you give up you're
former titles.there will be a certain incubation period(penalty) for each transformation.depending on your class some skills will be reset,lose a procent of your skill points depending on level,but wich you will be able to spend on the special gifts of that creature.
Like normal classes they have upgrades and gain more special gifts by time as they will gain knowledge about their new body and racial abitities.Only high ranking members of a guild are given the privilege of transformation.
Transformations will have far more racial abilities as the normal races.
Few skills they can learn,unlike the classes,Though some will be able to get GM at skills no other class could become
Sorcerer class-demoniac/overlord and necromancer/lich
special abilities:
Lich:steal mana,dark container,soulforge,powerspell(eyes glow red and spells do 50% more damage)
Overlord::Fiendcraft,gating,demonseed,devil form(temporarely)
Wight -Wraith-banshee
special abilities:fear,freezy atmosphere,posses,banshee howl
Vampire-Vampire Lord-Nosferatu
Special ablilities:bloodlust,levitate,lifedrain,Mistform
Medusa-Medusa empress-Gorgon
special abilities:poison,snakespeed,reflection,patrify
Centaur-centaur captain-centaur marauder
special abilities:kick,pound,spear GM,mount(attack as one persone together)
Halfling transformation:Woodspirit-Satyr-faun
panflure,rootstrap(are held in place by the roots till the character dies/or get disabled...),overgrow,create maze
Minotaur-minotaur lord-minotaur king
bloodrage,thoughness,axe GM,cleave
Naga-naga templer-naga Gaurdian
snakespeed,multiple swords,no retaliation,cutt off
Genie-Master genie-wishmaster
special abilities:lucky day,create food,high value,Rejuvenation
special abilities:seduce,Glamour,song of temptation,tsunami
Harpy/Harpy hag/Doomharpy
special abilities:vicious claw,curse,rage,Deathstrike
Zombie-plague zombie-Rot zombie or lord of decay(if your charactertype has mana)
zombie stats are cureable in early phase
immune to self magic
Pets are summonable units for certain charactertype(s)
they have an upgrade tree system.As they increase level the pets create a spiritual/physical connection with the character.
They use their abilities as much as they can,instead of promotions pets upgrade when they reach a certain stage.
Wich pets your character can get is also alliance can give it a name,experience,..
You have combative and non combative pets,summonable and permanent pets.
-Non combative haven't got combative skill but have special powers and are permanent
Also reputation adjusts accorded to those permanent you have will be implemented.
-Combative pets could be permantent and Summonable depending on whether they are created/generated by magic or not
Non combative pets
Evil eye
Succubis(overlord's optional lover)
Rare gaurdians
Some times depending on your allaince,class(druids),place and time/situation..rare creatures temporarely come to your aid
will be alot more involved ingame
Joining a guild could be done by payment,doing a quest to show competence or loyalties
In case of accepting guilds loyalty quest you could get banned from the opposite guild,if that guild is in a guildwar.
Guilds will have "main quests" and small monthly quests will be handed out by the guilds.
The ability to join a guild is class specific.
There will be a guild Ranking system:the higher your ranking becomes by doing their quests and stuff, the more facilities will be available to you,and you get access to particular guild specialities.
Enough quests will be given to people/rulers and diffrent associations,so not everything will depend on guilds.
Only in magic guilds you can be trained to expert and master level (to be GM you mast find teacher/leader in the world). apart from paying the price for teaching you must complete a special quest sometimes
Elemental guild(fire,earth,water,air,depending on wich town some are more specialized in one specific element)
Self guild(mind,body,spirit)
Dark guild
Light Guild
-the warrior guild
-the thiefsguild
-merchant guild
-crafters guild is race associated and have specializations
-Dwarfs:renovation and defences -Human:Improvement of buildings
-Elves&Dark elves:decoration of buildings
-Goblins:traps for buildings
are a sort of guilds not officially recognized by a government(followers of the snake,order of dragon,shadow guild,circle of witchcraft,blood brotherhood..)
Some of the associations will fuction like guilds:will be joinable,others will just have quests for you,some are just like other dungeons.
associations could get involved in guildwars.
Banners/signs:It makes the party recognizable,loyal to a guild,gives players the possibility to be "recognized" in the gameworld.
-npc's will automatically believe/disbelieve you
-you become well know if that sign you're bear is from a powerfull guild/society/..rumors amongs npc's begin to appear
-To give a personale feeling to the party.
Normal:torch light,firebolt,Hypnotic Lure
Expert:fireball,energy blast,erruption,Fire Spike,glowing gaze
Master:meteor shower,inferno,boiling blood,immolation,burning soul
GM:disintigrate,explode(enemy creature)
Normal:wizard eye,feather fall,lightning bolt
Expert:jump,shield,sonic boom,silence,fog
Master:invisibility,implosion,fly,chain lightning,Pandemonium
Normal:stun,slow,itching skin
Expert:stone skin,stone to flesh,Armormelt,razor cloak,elemental shield
Master:rock blast,death blossom,Telekinesis(lift objects/corpses and open chest),earthquike,Crush
Gm:mass distortion,Quicksand
Normal:poison spray,ice bolt,frost
Expert:water walk,recharge item,acid burst,dehydrate,awaken
Master:enchant item,ice blast,town portal,blizzard,maelstorm
GM:Lloyd's Beacon,tsunami
Normal:remove fear,mind blast,fear
Expert:cure paralyse,berserk,Mind Stab,Psionic Blast,Feeblemind
Master:cure insanity,Psychic Shock,mindflay,Cerebral Hemorage,oblivion
Gm:enslave,phantasms(figments of the imagination for the enemy)
Normal:detect life,bless,turn undead
Expert :remove curse,Preservation,Heroism,Lamentation,Dissonance
Master:spirit lash,raise death,shared life,Feast of Souls,phantom force
Gm:resurrection,spirit rift
Normal:cure weakness,heal,harm
Expert:cure poison,hammer hands,flying fist,energy boost,regeneration
Master:cure disease,magical protection,body atunement(immunity),renewal,seed of wellness(cast a x time before you attack monsters in order to work)
Gm:power cure,cure condition
Normal:reanimate,toxic cloud,fatigue
Expert:controle undead,plague,sorrow,vampiric weapon,cancellation
Master:dragon breath,armageddon,magic leach,pain reflection,hand of death
Gm:souldrink,Legion of doom(raise army of skeletal warriors,liches)
Normal:destroy undead,light bolt,dispel magic
Expert:paralyze,day of the gods,gaurdian angel,golden touch,blinding flash
Master:prysmatic light,day of protection,hour of power,sunray,song of peace
Gm:divine intervention,sanctuary
Witchcraft(grey magic):
Normal:cats grace,confidence,misfortune
Expert:curse,sleep,magical lock,blue fireflow (dancing blue fires harming creature),motion controle(you will have few selectable options to chose like dance,crawl,bend over,hink while pointing nose,frolic,act to collect money,..afterward you could for instance lift the creature in the air with telekinesis following by the GM explode fire spell...fireworks!!!!)
Master:bind(object to person),shrink,banish,terror,vortex(swerling mass of magical energy)
GM:Soulbag(trap souls from enemies and gain some of their powers),dragonshape
ReputationReputation is area specific
The main way to raise reputation is to perform quests in a righteous or morally correct way
and affects the following:
-how gaurds respond
-What villagers are willing to tell
-Which kind of alliance leaders will search contact with you first(by playing you go in a certain direction,still you could change your mind)
-the proposals you get from good/bad characters...
-The prices to heal/buy/travel,...
-wich personages are eager to join
RTS mode
This RTS mode is optional to play and actually is part of the story
It intensifies the feeling "the world changes",that things happen around you ,city wars,evolvings,expansions,integrations,events,..
It helps defining the npc's roles.(If we see rts from the "npc's view") so the rts element is part of the AI system of the npc's while you're in the normale m&m mode during most parts of the game.
You can play M&M without really using the new rts mode/even knowing it's there..Only the most powerfull and prominent characters will be noticed "using" it.
It allows the player to play a detailed role in society,emanate authority,play M&M in a diffrent way
To participate even more in the reach a "goal" or compete to/eliminate npc's,take their role a bit,or totally.. possible(other npc's will act according to the role)..when you think the time is right,and you think to know what you should do
The most important thing in this M&m RTS mode is your goal.
the strategic part of the is reaching that goal with the methode you're using(there will be plenty of)
Originality in reaching that goal will be rewarded.
You can only start the RTS mode with succes if you have enough money or with a "sponsor"
unless you're leader of a society you can't controle a society directly(with armies,buiding,products,...) but only take part in it.
To switch to this mode your party must enter a building/throneroom,....
Every class type hass a speciality in the RTS mode in wich they excel
The skills and mastery level they earned in the normale m&m mode will also contribute to the rts mode:how able,good,succesfull they are in the rts at certain roles.
the specialities in the RTS for every classtype:
you have to think about what class is best for the job to reach your goal easily,wich isn't always an easy choice.
cause different factors will be important in reaching a goal.Its better to think before acting.
sometimes if your character gets promoted in a way that the society doesn't like/opens a shop that isn't tollerated, it has a negative effect and its better to set someone else on the job or to inform what the townpeople need before starting a shop.Besides an Inventory and quest log,there will be a "contracts list" with all ownerships,deeds,citizen documents,...and that kinda stuff visible for every character you "activate" in this RTS mode.having multiple projects in multiple societies will be possible,but need even more strategy for a goal to succeed.
You'le have to switch now and then between the two game modes:to "set something right" or to get something for the shop/building yourself in some cases,you could sell products from the society wich goes automatic,or decide to chose everything that will be sold(the ones you find)
Each race also has a speciality concerning building improvement (mentioned before)
how willing they are to help you improve depends on reputation with them
ofcourse you can bribe if you're rich...
-Dwarfs:renovation and defences
-Human:Improvement of buildings
-Elves&Dark elves:decoration of buildings
-Goblins:traps for buildings
-Faeries:building luxery assesoires and "natural environment" gardens,...
-Half orcs:demolision
types of homes and HQ
-castle(a castle can be a polis of all kinda buildings in a deffended environment)
upgrades like throne room,keep,gatehouse,ballroom,stock,wine cellar,kitchen,hall,training grounds,barracks,bedrooms,dining hall,canons,...
-guild(upgrades concerning the guild)
-house(how big and beautifull you can build it depends on how good the reputation is,and ofcourse how much you can spend,wich eventually has effect on how much you can upgrade the house)
cave and hideout:another option if you like it cheap
(For some characters as the thief and villian it has lots of advantages,upgradable with torture room,smoggler hole(could have public sales in another society),thieftoolshop for instance)
some buildings to emanate authority and/or have influence:
-Mage tower
-necromancers palace
-shadow forge
-dryade forrest
-the thief related hideouts
Buildings to create and enforce effects;
instead of selling items you could start your own shop,wich sometimes make you earn way more money,
and you can earn respect (shop has some kind of reputation) and if you're very good you can earn a honour title
for example:perfumerie:pixies can gain the title fairy godmother
shop(blacksmith,alchemist,giftshop,parfurmier,thiefs toolshop,butcher,bakker,magic shop,liberary,mines)
-witch/druid,... circles
-creature dwellings(druids)
-mystic pond(enables the pegasus pet)
-griffin nest(enables the griffin pet)
-elemental planes
buildings to improve transportation
To ability to move fast is very important for lots of diffrent reasons.
Also for a good functioning starting a business like this you controle how fast a society can "act" towards other societies and stuff like that.With good or bad intensions.
(you can also discover new ways to travel,a mage could share his townportal skill eventually to benefit the shop,or a gadgeteer could design a hot air balloon or caravan to use for the in fact finding ways to improve is important for the shop to gain aknowledgement.
when you think the time is right,and you think to know what you should "support" ,you know what the purpose could start rts yourself.It's a mixture of the old m&m view and "rts".
You could have a temporarely role in the rts(building a house n small stuff) or a permanent (functions with autority)
-Arena:all difficulty levels like always
But also a big competition,with lots of npc created parties who you're able to challenge,place bets.
-Some kind of quizzes/riddles
-Dart game(increasing accuracy after a while)
Maps and documents
The worldmap in M&m will give an idea of the world,not accurate (with seadragons and other drawed stuff upon it)Kingdome maps you can buy at shops.(with every place that society knows about,places they could reach in the area)
the rest will be like a like big puzzle,so you won't have townmaps at the start,maybe a npc provides you with the first piece to get on the road...
-some pieces are given by npc's to show you something(for example the thiefguilds location if he/she trusts you)
-you'll have to explore (the locations of ancient treasures,dungeons,illegal associations,...)
(sometimes you just have an indication and you'll have to find the place)
as you find locations sometimes you can be rewarded for it.(kind of bounty hunt,provide society map update)
-political maps(territorial borders,war plans,..) if you can get your hands on them you can start blackmailing,or increase/decrease reputation with societies.
-you can you can produce diffrent maps with diffrent locations for others
-you can take notes
-you(and others) can mark things on your map and share the "upgrades" with a society to help them improve or trick them with false locations(can also be you who's tricked in any case you'll be able to remove the locations afterwards)
-architect plans(can unlock new styles,stronger buildings and you also know the weakness of a building by them)
design panel:make your own architect plan (design a machanical thing(hot air balloon till gaint gollem)/buildings at the location you would like to build it,sketch the tunnels of a dungeon to provide this information to others who might need it.when your building is finished you can bring the paper to the townhall and they'll make up the price and stuff.
if the building is not promited bij the society you can always contact some kinda illigale association.for instance the necromancers for a necromancers palace.smaller upgrades,like the torture room,throne room can be added later
it could be anything;house,shop,castle,tower,a bar...
In some cases you'll need deeds to hold the place,how you get them,by force or honnest...
they could lead to something or give the right information of someone.
others are just to entertain,a bard could "use" them.
More things will be added /tuned later, mainwhile any suggestions/comments welcome xxx