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- Rampart Units -

Town Hall
Cost: 2500 gold
Provides owner's kingdom with 1,000 gold per day
City Hall
Cost: 5000 gold
Provides owner's kingdom with 2,000 gold per day
Cost: 10,000 gold
Provides owner's kingdom with 4,000 gold per day; only one may exist at any one time in a kingdom; if a player with a Capitol takes over an enemy town that has a Capitol built, the enemy Capitol is destroyed
Cost: 20 wood, 20 ore, 5000 gold
Promotes dwelling construction; provides owner's town with defensive walls that protect it during a seige
Cost: 5 ore, 2500 gold
Increases base creature growth by 50%, adds one turret to the Fort, strengthens the town's walls, and adds the town ditch
Cost: 10 wood, 10 ore, 5000 gold
Doubles base creature growth; adds two additional turrets to the Fort, and further strengthens the town's walls
Cost: 5 wood, 500 gold
Allows owner to trade resources; the rates get better as the number of Marketplaces increases in the owner's kingdom
Resource Silo
Cost: 5 ore, 5000 gold
Provides owner's kingdom with +1 crystal every day
Cost: 5 wood, 1000 gold
Provides owner's armies with First Aid tents
Mystic Pond
Cost: 2 all, 2000 gold
Produces a small random number of a random resource each week
Fountain of Fortune
Cost: 10 crystal, 1500 gold
Adds +2 to a defending army's Luck when defending against a seige
Miner's Guild
Cost: 1000 gold
Increases Dwarf/Battle Dwarf base growth by +4 per week
Cost: 5 wood, 10 ore, 5000 gold
Earns 10% interest on the current amount of owner's gold at the start of each week
Mage Guild Level 1
Cost: 5 wood, 5 ore, 2000 gold
Allows visiting heroes to learn level 1 spells if they have a spell book; spell books can be bought for 500 gold
Mage Guild Level 2
Cost: 5 wood, 5 ore, 4 sulfer, 4 gems, 4 crystal, 4 mercury, 1000 gold
Allows visiting heroes to learn level 2 spells if they have a spell book; spell books can be bought for 500 gold
Mage Guild Level 3
Cost: 5 wood, 5 ore, 6 sulfer, 6 gems, 6 crystal, 6 mercury, 1000 gold
Allows visiting heroes to learn level 3 spells if they have a spell book and Basic Wisdom; spell books can be bought for 500 gold
Mage Guild Level 4
Cost: 5 wood, 5 ore, 8 sulfer, 8 gems, 8 crystal, 8 mercury, 1000 gold
Allows visiting heroes to learn level 4 spells if they have a spell book and Advanced Wisdom; spell books can be bought for 500 gold
Mage Guild Level 5
Cost: 5 wood, 5 ore, 10 sulfer, 10 gems, 10 crystal, 10 mercury, 1000 gold
Allows visiting heroes to learn level 5 spells if they have a spell book and Expert Wisdom; spell books can be bought for 500 gold
Centaur Stables
Cost: 10 wood, 500 gold
Provides your army with Centaurs.
Upg. Centaur Stables
Cost: 5 wood, 1000 gold
Provides your army with Centaur Captains, and allows you to upgrade Centaurs into Centaur Captains.
Dwarf Cottage
Cost: 5 wood, 1000 gold
Provides your army with Dwarves.
Upg. Dwarf Cottage
Cost: 5 wood, 1000 gold
Provides your army with Battle Dwarves, and allows you to upgrade Dwarves into Battle Dwarves.
Cost: 10 wood, 1500 gold
Provides your army with Wood Elves.
Upg. Homestead
Cost: 10 wood, 1500 gold
Provides your army with Grand Elves, and allows you to upgrade Wood Elves into Grand Elves.
Enchanted Spring
Cost: 10 crystal, 2000 gold
Provides your army with Pegasi.
Upg. Enchanted Spring
Cost: 5 crystal 2000 gold
Provides your army with Silver Pegasi, and allows you to upgrade Pegasi into Silver Pegasi.
Dendroid Arches
Cost: 2500 gold
Provides your army with Dendroid Guards.
Upg. Dendroid Arches
Cost: 1500 gold
Provides your army with Dendroid Soldier, and allows you to upgrade Dendroid Guard into Dendroid Soldier.
Unicorn Glade
Cost: 5 wood, 5 ore, 10 gems, 4000 gold
Provides your army with Unicorns.
Upg. Unicorn Glade
Cost: 5 gems, 3000 gold
Provides your army with War Unicorns, and allows you to upgrade Unicorns into War Unicorns.
Dragon Cliffs
Cost: 30 ore, 20 crystal, 10,000 gold
Provides your army with Green Dragons.
Upg. Dragon Cliffs
Cost: 30 ore, 20 crystal, 20,000 gold
Provides your army with Gold Dragons, and allows you to upgrade Green Dragons into Gold Dragons.
Hits: 5576

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