Here's a small something for you on a slow news day ...

You've probably all heard about kids who play "too much" computer games, and how this affects their lives in a profoundly negative way. God knows I have. Truth be told, the slightest deviation from anything study and career related may have a detrimental effect on your career, but there are also studies showing that focusing too hard on work can cause people to burn out more quickly. The typical median solution of playing games but focusing on other, more "serious" matters too, seems the most sensible solution ... but are you really suffering from an illness if you spend several hours a day playing games?

A recent Norwegian study effectively reports that the "big gamers" are essentially healthy, and that people who have actual daily life problems from playing games too much, (compulsive gamers) have problems in other areas of their lives already:

  • The "big gamer" is almost always a boy, and plays online games 4-5 hours every day; ca. 10% of boys aged 12-17 are found in this group.
  • The "problem gamer" uses computer games in a pathological, destructive or compulsive manner; only ca. 0.9% of youngsters aged 12-17 are found in this group.
  • Most "big gamers" see gaming as a positive social interaction.
  • Most "problem gamers" have other illnesses, something called co-sickliness.

Conclusion: If you're actually compulsive in your gaming behaviour, it's a sign that you're having other problems you should be treated for. If not ... game on.

How many hours a day do you spend online? How many are spent on gaming? Do you feel like it's too much? Discuss!

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