Greetings, fellow heroes! I'm ending this wonderful year of 2006 with a small present:

- The Combo Artifacts page is ready for viewing! The Artifacts and Combo Artifacts pages have been linked for easier navigation, too.
- Minor changes/corrections have been made to the H3 creature pages, including some Tip revisions and more information in some 'Specials' descriptions.
- The H3 creature pages now have links to the other pages for easier navigation, and the Neutrals and the WoG Neutrals pages are now linked together as well!
- The Sorceress magical ranged attacks details have been filled in on the WoG units page.

As the new year begins, so will work on the Heroes 3 Town Pages! They will include building pictures, costs, and descriptions, and also giant pictures of the towns fully built and completely unbuilt, inside the town AND outside the town on the adventure map! When the Bastion is complete in the new version of In the Wake of the Gods mod, I will be adding that to the list as well. Hope you enjoy!

Castle | Conflux | Dungeon | Fortress | Inferno | Necropolis | Neutrals | Rampart | Stronghold | Tower

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