Elemental Mod for MM7... Yesterday, 14:21 by Tomsod (210 replies) in Might and Magic That's all treasure level 2; the special section of EI shops sells level 2 items both in my mod and...
Might and Magic 6,... Yesterday, 14:10 by toadking (8573 replies) in Might and Magic Information of a problematic scroll with the value is 4294967284 as below:
(EE) Error found at this...
HoMM3 - Best graphic... Yesterday, 05:03 by Blake (2 replies) in Heroes I-IV After talking with fans in the communities I..
- Took xBRZ off completely as that was causing the distortions...
MM9: 2 Character Creation... 15.02, 17:19 by Lone_Wolf (2 replies) in Might and Magic Is the unofficial patch 1.3 from TELP installed ?
There's a cool video review of Dark Messiah of Might and Magic at GameTrailers.com, both in standard and high-definition formats. The author reviews the game for what it really is instead of trying to compare it to titles such as Half Life 2 and Oblivion, and shows you gameplay sequences to support his points -- and I must add that the timing and the narration are just great. The game gets a rating of 8.1 out of 10 with the following bottomline: "Despite a few flaws, this title proves to be a welcome addition to any action-RPG fan's collection." If you're wondering if Dark Messiah is a good game for you, this video will put you in Sareth's shoes and let you experience some of the game's exciting melee combat.
Elemental Mod for MM7... Yesterday, 14:21 by Tomsod (210 replies) in Might and Magic That's all treasure level 2; the special section of EI shops sells level 2 items both in my mod and...
Might and Magic 6,... Yesterday, 14:10 by toadking (8573 replies) in Might and Magic Information of a problematic scroll with the value is 4294967284 as below:
(EE) Error found at this...
HoMM3 - Best graphic... Yesterday, 05:03 by Blake (2 replies) in Heroes I-IV After talking with fans in the communities I..
- Took xBRZ off completely as that was causing the distortions...
MM9: 2 Character Creation... 15.02, 17:19 by Lone_Wolf (2 replies) in Might and Magic Is the unofficial patch 1.3 from TELP installed ?