Elemental Mod for MM7... 32 minutes ago by Tomsod (202 replies) in Might and Magic Checking mm7 reference card it seems there are no dedicated quick spell keys.
It probably comes down...
MM6-7-8 internal data... Today, 03:33 by nixin (5 replies) in Might and Magic The game data in Morrowind is primarily stored in .ESM and .ESP files.
.ESM files contain the core game...
[MM6][MM7] CombatStats... Yesterday, 11:23 by torkvato (4 replies) in Might and Magic Mod updated to fully support MM6. Lots of new features added, including GM identification for MM6, training...
MM7: Is there a way... Yesterday, 04:14 by Tomsod (3 replies) in Might and Magic For modifying maps you need MMExtension with MMEditor. In particular, height and texture indices of...
MMMERGE MAW MOD: 2.5.0 Yesterday, 02:39 by ughid (10 replies) in Might and Magic Another player cannot damage dragon hunters in Garotte Gorge either by meele nor spell, so dragon promotion...
Fabrice Cambounet wrote a lengthy post on the official forum after receiving a series of private messages from concerned players. It's mostly a clarification on the communications (or the lack of) between fans and the publisher, the patching process, and the status of the features that have been promised and not yet delivered. He explains that simultaneous turns and the map editor were never planned to be in the gold master: the editor showing up as a game feature on the Ubisoft US Web site was an error. However, both the editor and simultaneous turns will be delivered later. Fabrice also says that the remaining problems with multiplayer are being worked on ("what is remaining on MP is due to personal configurations"), and the game's artificial intelligence is being refined. Despite the initial delay with the patches, he still plans to release patches on a monthly basis. Read the whole thing all here.
Elemental Mod for MM7... 32 minutes ago by Tomsod (202 replies) in Might and Magic Checking mm7 reference card it seems there are no dedicated quick spell keys.
It probably comes down...
MM6-7-8 internal data... Today, 03:33 by nixin (5 replies) in Might and Magic The game data in Morrowind is primarily stored in .ESM and .ESP files.
.ESM files contain the core game...
[MM6][MM7] CombatStats... Yesterday, 11:23 by torkvato (4 replies) in Might and Magic Mod updated to fully support MM6. Lots of new features added, including GM identification for MM6, training...
MM7: Is there a way... Yesterday, 04:14 by Tomsod (3 replies) in Might and Magic For modifying maps you need MMExtension with MMEditor. In particular, height and texture indices of...
MMMERGE MAW MOD: 2.5.0 Yesterday, 02:39 by ughid (10 replies) in Might and Magic Another player cannot damage dragon hunters in Garotte Gorge either by meele nor spell, so dragon promotion...