Legends of the Ancients (LotA)

Legends of the Ancients - Ubisoft approved project about good old known heroes in new Axeoth, freely continuing where Heroes IV left, homepage is here.

Books were released all but not maps - ongoing project. Currently curated by Quantomas and been incorporated in his AI mod, grab the latest version here. As long as Quantomas will finish it to perfection and upload it back to main pages. devious

  • Heroes 7.5 Sanctuary Faction in Action

    Sancturay Faction in Action, courtesy of Heroes 7.5 Team smile teeth

    Now, that's something what may take me back. Once it will be ready and if they will succeed to fix that damn AI. At least a bit. More about Heroes 7.5 here,

  • Happy Christmas 2021

    Celestialheavens wish you Happy Christmas
     ..to all Roundtablers and our faithful readers and contributors, being from the past, present or the future ones.

    Merry Christmas, steady health and ability to sustain your good mood in any times, twice in these enchanted period.

    And, ..a lots of presents! Shall not forget this. :)

    As a small Christmas gift, we prepared a mod overviews, to play the old

  • Legends of Ancients - Book III. available for Download

    After years of waiting there's finaly available Book III. This is because LotA team revived in previous year and got aboard new member - mctronic. Congrats!

    And if you would be interested, contact them. They are still looking for a new volunteers, to create and test maps. Book IV is ahead!


    Dear CH Community,

    The Legend of the Ancients (LotA)

  • Heroes V - The Long Tale of Legends of the Ancients

    Back in 2006 Marzhin announced that he was working on a Heroes V project named 'Legends of the Ancients'. A four-part campaign for Heroes V taking place in the old universe (of Heroes IV - Axeoth). The campaigns takes place after the original stories in Heroes of Might and Magic IV, and were to follow the stories of iconic characters such as Nicolai Ironfist, Lord Harke, Lysander, Malustar and Gauldoth Half-Dead to name a few.

    The first 2 campaigns, also refered to as 'Book 1 &

  • H5Camp: LotA-1

    Legends of the Ancients (LotA) - Part I. in english

  • H5Camp: LotA-2

    Legends of the Ancients (LotA) - Part II. in english

  • H5Camp: LotA-3

    Legends of the Ancients - Part III. in english