Artificial intelligence - should provide you competition, for your entertaining or beating you to the bushes, if you are a tad slower. Anyway, it's mostly an Automatical Intelligence in many games..

  • Quantomas AI Public Beta Ready

    Huge News
    A bit silently, in LotA thread, Quantomas announced that his AI is ready for public testing!
    To all fans of LotA, if you are interested to see the new advanced AI of Heroes V come to life or take part in the project, you are welcome to join us on Discord.
    Prerequisite: you need Heroes V the Tribes of the East standalone expansion, version 3.1. We recommend the ...
  • H4 Map Generator Updated

    Hello everyone! News from iLiVeInAbOx05:

    A new H4MG build is ready for download. Go here to get it! If you haven't tried it out yet, read the instructions, otherwise just scroll to the bottom of the page and download it :)

    The AI Enhancing portion of the H4MG has come far enough along that it’s ready to be released.

  • AI Enhancement Tool - first test results

    As we wrote in previous news article, we has some progress with AI Enhancement Tool programming. We decided to put the tool to test.

    To do that we chose one of the maps selected for World Championship 2016 Heroes 4 online - W16 El Dorado. We let the AI play this map twice for two months. First playthrough was AS IS (AI-1), and second playthrough AI was aided by scripts from AI Enhancement

  • AI Enhancement Tool: first progress

    Those of you who watch HoMM4 forums closely, probably remember the idea to create an AI enhancing utility. The general idea is to give players an instrument with which he/she can turn on and off different scripts to help AI. It's not real AI, of course, we rather help it cheat to the degree that is acceptable and fun for a player, and all on one centralized dashboard. 

    The initial discussion is here: Call to H-IV mapmakers - AI enchancing scripts 

    We at Equilibris Team tried

  • Artificial Intelligence

    Artificial Intelligence Overview

    Ever wondered how the computer's behavior changed when you changed the map's difficulty from Easy, Normal, Hard, Expert, and Impossible? Wonder no longer as this page will tell you everything you need to know.

    Easy Difficulty

    AI doesn't consider the dangers it faces from enemy Heroes when moving it's heroes.
    AI will underestimate the strength of

  • H5: Quantomas AI Discord

    Quantomas AI - New AI for Heroes V!
    And this is our thread, let say predecessor.