
"Careful now, don't drop it or we'll never make the military tattoo team!"
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Storm Caller Matewa using his ultimate ability, Father Sky's Wrath, summoning a tornado on the enemy's deployment area, killing and dazing the enemy forces.
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The pyromancer Lamia and her ultimate ability: Armageddon. This deadly rain of fire and brimstone does not affect the Demons, but inflicts great damage on everything else ...
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In the green corner, a big, bad thing. In the yellow corner, something shiny.

Let's get it on!
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Vampire: "Dude, I'm tired of waving this sword around. What do you say we just settle this with some Rock, scissor, paper?"
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"Ishtvan! Your wars ended long ago. Leave ours to us."
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689 Ancient Behemoths - along with thousands of other creatures - should make for a pretty strong army. I wonder what you'd need to beat it.

Certainly, the defenders are probably wishing they could take the next train outta Dodge ...
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A ghostly appearance in the beta cutscenes ... Looking good.
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When you find the golden goose, you're set for life. As long as you don't make the classic mistake of killing it to get all the eggs at once, of course.
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3500 Naga Queens killed without losses. Looks like it was a fun battle.
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