Death Path new HotA... 07.03, 21:50 by SimHotA (1 reply) in Mapmaking Guild Hello everyone!
I created my first HotA map about two months ago, and I'm searching for someone who...
Might and Magic 6,... 05.03, 20:20 by jeremy001 (8578 replies) in Might and Magic Hello ,
I have fixed the Czech language in MM7. It was a lot of work, but I believe it’s done well....
I was fighting this battle and I puppet mastered a stack, then I did phantom forces on it and ended up with -4888 mana. The funny part is that I can't even do my racial abilities like mark of the necromancer :( I also noticed there is no way to tell durability of blade wall unless it says on the spell description in the book. Thanks to Sath.
Death Path new HotA... 07.03, 21:50 by SimHotA (1 reply) in Mapmaking Guild Hello everyone!
I created my first HotA map about two months ago, and I'm searching for someone who...
Might and Magic 6,... 05.03, 20:20 by jeremy001 (8578 replies) in Might and Magic Hello ,
I have fixed the Czech language in MM7. It was a lot of work, but I believe it’s done well....