
"Since when could Dogwoggle throw boulders like the Cyclops...?" Submitted by Koh Zi Han


The Elevation Tool doesn't work on water. Or does it? Submitted by Zend.


With the new Object Painter, it is possible to place objects on rock terrain. Heroes placed this way are able to move around and visit adventure objects; this could very useful for mapmaking assuming NWC doesn't "fix" this bug. Submitted by Knight of Thorn.


I thought I'd never see the day when a creature made of pure fire freezes. Does the Fire Shield still work? Nope. Submitted by Sir Timotheus.
Comments (6)   


"I was making a map and I can not decide whether I want to deduct ore or ore. Any suggestions?" Submitted by willy134


An army went under the Fog of War after a merge. Submitted by Zend.


The new artwork for the Phoenix in Heroes V presents some interesting speculations. Post your thoughts in the forums!
Comments (5)   


"Deciding which way to go in a map can be hard at times, but with this horse it could take all day..." Submitted by Lord Arturius.


Getting to that second town might be take more time than you originally thought... Submitted by Paladin.


"This dragon just can't wait to get out of the mountain..." From Kalah's upcoming multiplayer map, Treasure Mountain.