Thundermaps site was updated with two new multiplayer maps. All are team based XL-maps with underground. Especially Thundermaps has been blast to play with friend.


Mixture of Races Mixture_ug

Map Name: Mixture of Races
Author: Humakt
Size: XL
Version: H3:SoD/Complete
Multiplayer: Yes
Underground: Yes
Teams: 4
Players AI/Human: 8/8
Special Victory Condition: None
Special Loss Condition: None

Strange alliances have formed across the land but a turmoil is at hand. You and your ally must defeat the other players.

Thundermaps Thundermaps_ug

Map Name: Thundermaps
Author: Humakt
Size: XL
Version: H3:SoD/Complete
Multiplayer: Yes
Underground: Yes
Teams: 4
Players AI/Human: 8/8
Special Victory Condition: None
Special Loss Condition: None

Emerge into the gauntlet of the ages and conquer the thundermaps.

Tunnels Of Zaan TunnelsOfZaan_ug

Map Name:Tunnels of Zaan
Author: Humakt
Size: XL
Version: H3:SoD/Complete
Multiplayer: Yes
Underground: Yes
Teams: 4
Players AI/Human: 8/8
Special Victory Condition: None
Special Loss Condition: None

Ages ago Overlord Zaan built mysteroius tunnels which connected this world to others.

Now Overlord Zaan is gone and it is time to venture to the tunnels and conquer the worlds.

Gauntlet Of Spheres Gauntlet Of Spheres Underground

Map Name:Gauntlet of Spheres
Author: Humakt
Size: XL
Version: H3:SoD/Complete
Multiplayer: Yes
Underground: Yes
Teams: 4
Players AI/Human: 4/4
Special Victory Condition: None
Special Loss Condition: None

 You and your ally must conquer this gauntlet.

PS We are preparing list of all maps being uploaded from "Jul 17 2015" to presence.


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