Magic Strategies
Here's a collection of magic tips and strategies. If you have anything you'd like to add, please e-mail it to rogue@strategyplanet.com.
Armageddon + Black Dragons
The classic power combo. Give a strong magic hero the Armageddon spell and some Black Dragons (who are immune to magic) and you can destroy most armies very quickly. This combo works with anything that is immune to Magic or Fire Magic including Phoenix, Magic Elementals, and Efreet Sultans. However, Black Dragons are used most frequently with Armageddon because Dungeon towns not only have a good chance to get the spell, but one of Dungeon's heroes (Malekith - I think) actually starts with the spell.
Submitted by Rogue
Dragonflies are cool. They're fast, they dispel spells, and their bite causes weakness. To get the most use out of this, put a few stacks of 1 Dragonfly each near the top of your army. Now if your opponent casts a beneficial spell such as Bless on one of their creatures, you can it it with a Dragonfly. Not only will Bless be Dispelled but the enemy will have Weakness put on it, and it will use up it's retaliation for the round, so your other creatures can attack it without risk of being hurt. This saves you from having to cast spells like Dispel, and you can use your magic points (and one spell per round) on more important things.
Submitted by Rogue
Spellcasting Creatures
This is similar to the Dragonflies strategy above. If you have a creature that can cast spells (Ogre Magi or Master Genies) fill open slots in your army with stacks of 1 of these creatures. Then have the stacks of 1 cast their spells on your bigger stacks of creatures. (Example: if you have 20 Ogre Magi and one open slot in your army, split the Ogre Magi into a group of 1 and a group of 19. Then have the 1 Ogre Magi cast Bloodlust on the 19 Ogre Magi and other creatures in your army.)
After they run out of spells, they can still be useful for using up the enemies retaliations.
Submitted by Rogue
Unicorn Resistance
Unicorns have a Magic Resistance that protects all adjacent friendly creatures, but doesn't work on the Unicorns themselves. The simple solution to protect the Unicorns is to have to stacks of Unicorns standing next to each other.
Submitted by Rogue
Frost Ring/First Aid Tent
Have a relatively tough creature act as "bait" and get into a position where it can be surrounded by several of the enemy. Then, when it is surrounded, cast Frost Rings around the creature to hurt all of the ones surrounding it. A first aid tent helps the "bait" survive longer, and the Counterstrike and Fire Shield spells can make this strategy more effective. This strategy probably won't work against most human opponents, but you can keep much of the computer's army tied up for a while like this.
Submitted by Harukaba
Surprise Attack
Using spells like Flight or Water Walk can allow you to cross mountains or water and attack an enemy's castle when they aren't prepared for a fight. Just watch their castle and until they move a large portion of the army out of the castle for some reason. Of course, this only works if your opponent doesn't know you have those spells. Otherwise your opponent will probably keep his castles guarded well to prevent that from happening.
Submitted by Angelspit
Summon Boat
Well-timed and well-placed uses of the Summon Boat spell can allow you to sneak past strong enemy defenses such as powerful heroes or garrisons. This can make some campaign maps, such as Steadwick's Fall, much easier.
Submitted by Harukaba
Teleport + Dendroid Soldiers
Teleporting your slowest creature to the enemie's frontlines makes them much more useful. Golems, Dwarves, and Dendroids are all good candidates for this. Dendroids are best though, because they also bind things they attack which can really disrupt your opponent's strategy.
Submitted by Angelspit
Berserk + Dendroid Soldiers
If your opponent has Dendroid Soldiers in their army, you can cast Berzerk on them, and they'll attack the closest thing, (which should be another part of their army). Then the creature that was attacked will be bound by the Dendroids, effectively stopping them both from doing anything.
Submitted by Biggus
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