Portals to Other Places of Interest
Here are some links you may find interesting. Brave heroes may enter any of these portals, but I can not be held responsible for whatever lurks on the other side.
Developers and Publishers
Reviews and Features
Contact Heroes Players
Strategy and Fansites
Download Utilities
- Stuffit Expander is needed to uncompress downloaded macintosh files.
- WinZip is needed to uncompress downloaded windows files.
- Easy-Gz lets you use files that have been gzipped, a common compression format used on Linux.
Gaming Sites
- GameSpy has information on virtually all present and upcoming games.
- Strategy Planet links to sites for strategy games, including some HOMM sites (like this one.)
- Mac OS Journal is a site I write for that covers everything Mac-related.
- Macgamefiles.com has demos and updates available for many Macintosh games.
- Mac Game Database has information and reader ratings of Mac games.
- MacGameReviews is a site that lets readers submit their reviews for their favorite games.
- Clan MacGaming is a good site for information and competition in the world of Mac games.
- Macupdate is a good place to go for game demos and updates.
- Inside Mac Games is a good site for gaming news and reviews.
- MacGamer, formerly known as MacGamer's Ledge, is another site for gaming news and reviews.
- Happy Puppy is a gaming site that covers Macintosh, Windows, and Console games.
Other Worlds
- Spiderweb Software makes a lot of very good and inexpensive RPGs for Mac & Win.
- Mac Baldur is a site devoted to Baldur's Gate, which is a good game you might want to look at.
- Clan Lord is an online RPG for the Macintosh that has been around longer than EverQuest.
- Neverwinter Nights is a game I expect to be playing a lot when it's finally released.
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