Heroes of Might and Magic 1.1 Patch
This patch fixes some memory leak related crashes in Heroes of Might and Magic.
Download: macintosh
MacMager 1.3
This utility helps improve your spell selection in Heroes II for Mac, because the game currently does not have proper spell randomization in the mage guilds. It was written by Bryan A. Tumbula, and you can see his web page here.
Download: macintosh
HOMM2 Saved-Game Editor
This utility allows you to edit saved games of Heroes of Might and Magic II. It was written by Bill Levay who has given me permission to post this here.
Download: macintosh
HOMM III Map Auto-Typer
This utility is for Macintosh users who want to put the correct resource fork on downloaded Heroes III maps so the system will display the correct icon. The maps will work either way, and it's just an appearance thing. You drag and drop maps onto the Auto-Typer to make it work. I do not know who wrote this.
Download: macintosh

HOMM III Score Calculator v1.0
This is a stand-alone version of the Online Score Calculator that can be found elsewhere on this site. The Windows and Macintosh version were programmed by 'Woo', one of the players in my Rogue's Challenge competition. I wrote the Mac OS X version myself. They are all based on code from the online score calculator.
Download: macintosh -\\- windows -\\- mac os x