Macintosh Heroes of Might and Magic -\\- View at 800x600 or higher
Cheat codes

No, this is not strategy and it will not help you get better at the game, but I know some people like this sort of thing. Keep in mind that your rank will show up as "Cheater" and you will not get into the top 10 on the High Scores screen if you use any cheat codes.

Shadow of Death/Heroes III Complete/Heroes Chronicles

The movie "The Matrix" was the theme of the Shadow of Death cheat codes. The same cheat codes were used in Heroes III Complete and Heroes Chronicles. I tested all of the codes in Heroes III Complete, and they all worked. Press tab and type the cheat codes to activate them.

Cheat Code Effect
nwcagents Fill empty slots in hero with 10 black knights
nwctrinity Fill empty slots in hero with 5 archangels
nwczion Gain all buildings in towns you own
nwclotsofguns Gain all war machines
nwcneo Gain a level
nwcnebuchadnezzar Gain unlimited movement
nwcthereisnospoon Gain 999 Mana and all spells
nwctheconstruct Gain 100,000 gold and 100 of each resource
nwcmorpheus Maximum Morale
nwcfollowthewhiterabbit Maximum Luck
nwcwhatisthematrix Reveal world map
nwcignoranceisbliss Hide world map
nwcoracle Reveal puzzle map
nwcbluepill Lose game
nwcredpill Win game
nwcphisherprice Change games colors to a wierd color scheme

phisher price

Heroes of Might and Magic III Codes

These codes have a Monty Python and the Holy Grail theme. They are activated by pressing tab, entering the code, and pressing enter.

Cheat Code Effect
nwcfleshwound Fill empty slots in hero with 10 black knights
nwcavertingyoureyes Fill empty slots in hero with 5 archangels
nwconlyamodel Gain all buildings in towns you own
nwcantioch Gain all war machines
nwcigotbetter Gain a level
nwccoconuts Gain unlimited movement
nwctim Gain 999 Mana and all spells
nwcshrubbery Gain 100,000 gold and 100 of each resource
nwcmuchrejoicing Maximum Morale
nwccastleanthrax Maximum Luck
nwcgeneraldirection Reveal world map
nwcalreadygotone Reveal puzzle map
nwcsirrobin Lose game
nwctrojanrabbit Win game

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