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Mission Statement
This website exists for the following reasons:
- To promote and sustain interest in Heroes games
- To provide information and strategy for the Heroes games
- To be a one-stop resource for Heroes players
Promote and Sustain Interest
One of this site's goals is to increase awareness among the Mac community of the existence of the Heroes series. This increases the number of players, which makes it easier to find online games, and it also sells more copies of the game, which increases the chances that the next game in the series will come to Macintosh. The Player Tavern, Tourney, and Games sections are the primary pages that work towards this goal.
Information and Strategy
Providing information allows newcomers to see what these games are all about, how they play, and which ones are the best. The addition of a strategy section allows experienced players to learn a few new tricks as well as share some of their own. Hopefully all of this information will make the site useful to anybody - from someone who's never heard of the games before to somebody who has followed the series for years. Games, Training Grounds, and Town Hall are the pages most focused on this.
Player Resource
I also want this site to be the first place any Heroes player goes when they want to find something to help their game. That could be other players, utilities, or links to what they seek. If I provide these resources on this site, it makes it easier for everybody, including me, to find what they need at any given time. The Player Tavern, Library, and Portals sections are my way of providing these resources.
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