As you can see, the minimap is right at the top as always, but at this point it appears to be less detailed than the Minimap in Heroes III. There doesn't seem to be colored dots for all of the buildings and heroes on the map. I don't know if this will be added eventually, or if the minimap in Heroes IV will only show terrain.
Immediately below the minimap is a box showing your resources. The same seven resources from the previous Heroes games are in Heroes IV as well. They are: Gold, Wood, Ore, Crystals, Mercury, Sulfur, and Gems. On interesting thing is that the gold is shown as 10K instead of showing the exact amount like Heroes III did. King's Bounty displayed gold in this way as well, and this wouldn't be the first thing in Heroes IV that was also used in King's Bounty but not the other Heroes games.
To the right of the minimap and resources is a row of icons that would display various information screens and perform different actions on the map. The flag would probably be Adventure Options, which, in the past, gives options such as Dig and View Puzzle Map. The next icon is what appears to be turning gears. I would guess that this takes you to the System Options, which gives you the Load and Save choices among other things. The cave icon would probably be to toggle between underground and above ground views. The picture of a castle would be the Kingdom Overview which gives you detailed information about everything you own such as : number of mines, creature dwellings, towns, etc. There is a vertical divider before the next four icons probably to seperate the informative and game affecting icons on top from the bottom four which deal with more specific in-game actions.
The next icon looks like a town, and this would be where you access the list of towns you control and view the town screen. Below the town icon is a horse head which would be the 'move army' icon. This would cause the selected army (if any) to move along the selected path (if a path is highlighted). The book lets the active hero cast a spell on the adventure map, and finally, the hero head icon gives you the list of heroes and lets you select them.
Below the resources are three army icons. A horsehead is on the left side of each icon and the bar below the horsehead represents the movement while the bar on the right represents spell points remaining. Two smaller icons to the right of each face show skills the hero has. I don't know what the significance of showing those two icons there is though. I think these army/hero icons would be replace by town icons if you clicked the town button on the right. This is just a guess.
Below the army icons is a group of seven icons showing the contents of that particular army. In this case, you see a necromancer hero, 20 Nightmares (a new creature) and 30 ugly little guys. Below these icons is the typical Day, Week, Month information, and next to that is the Hourglass which serves as the End Turn button. If you are playing in 1024x768 resolution, this is the bottom of the screen.
The rest of the interface is only showing if you are playing the game in 1280x1024 resolution. It appears to show detailed information about a selected hero, such as name, class, health, damage, secondary skills, etc. The Luck and Morale icons are crudely drawn on the right side, and will probably be redrawn before the final game is released.