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Heroes III Complete

Heroes III Complete is a repackaging of Heroes III that was released in December 2000 for Macintosh and a few months earlier for Windows. Heroes III Complete combines Heroes III: the Restoration of Erathia with the two expansions (Heroes III: Armageddon's Blade, and Heroes III: The Shadow of Death) and all of the games have all of the patches and updates already included.

More Information

I'll go more in depth about this game in the future. I think it is a worthwhile purchase for any fan of Heroes III, for the expansions add a lot of new stuff (not just new maps).


Heroes III Complete for Macintosh will not network with the original Heroes III, and neither version networks with the Windows or Linux versions.

One mean bug has been found in Heroes III Complete. It is called the "Spoils of War bug" and causes the game to crash when you attempt to start the Spoils of War campaign. (From Restoration of Erathia.) Here's the fix posted by Allan Marcus on the mailing list:

Here's what I did. I restored my game from right before I won the Save the Queen (or whatever its called) scenario. I then won the scenario and started the Spoils of war scenario right away. That seemed the work. When I saved after I won the queen scenario, then later tried to start Spoils, I crashed. The trick seems to be to actually win Queens, then start Spoils in the same session. After that I was able to save the Spoils games and restart HOMM at will.

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