Hi, I've been running this site since the spring of 2000, and it's grown to be much larger than I ever expected it to become. I'm grateful for all of the people that visit the site and send me e-mail, for it lets me know that my efforts aren't being wasted. At Mac Heroes, I design all of the page layouts and graphics, do the news, and write most of the articles. Any article without somebody else's name attached to it was done entirely by me.
Aside from running this site, I am also a student at Northern Michigan University, an employee at the NMU Helpdesk, employee at the NMU WebTeam, volunteer writer for Mac OS Journal, and a very outspoken person on many Macintosh and/or game-related forums.
My hobbies include a wide variety of geeky things. Among other things, I enjoy reading fantasy novels, watching anime, playing computer games, role-playing, strategy card and board games, teaching myself to program, making bad graphics, and learning to make better websites. I also like going for walks at night or climbing the little hills we call mountains.
- Real Name: Rocco J Carello
- Age: 24
- Favorite Gaming Quote: "Welcome to the world of WarCraft"
- E-mail: rogue27@mac.com