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Shaera's father, Gramin, was one of the leading Archers responsible for carving out the present land of Aranorn and because of it has achieved a place of status among the Elves.  When he was asked to join the Elven Court - a sort of community of leaders, nobles, and master-craftsmen that has been making the decisions for Aranorn since the Elf King's death (he had been the real leader of Gelu's army).  There are more than three hundred members of the Elven Court, so nothing ever gets done quickly.

Shaera has come of age in the recent years since the Reckoning and often joins her father at the functions (balls, festivals, etc.) of the Elven Court.  She has achieved some status of her own at the Elven Court as the most beautiful Elven woman in Aranorn.  She finds all this attention embarrassing.  Her days are spent sitting for painters and sculptors who have begged her to be their subject.  At night, she is always accompanied by some Elven bachelor attempting to court her.  She never refuses because she doesn't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but she wishes that she had more time for herself.

Lately, there has been talk among the Elven Court that a ruler must be chosen, someone strong but wise who can speak for Aranorn when dealing with neighboring nations.  Everyone agrees this decision should be left to the wisest of them, the Elder Council of Druids.  Unfortunately, the Elder Council works even slower than the Elven Court.  They watch, listen, and pretend to be unconcerned with this very important decision but many believe they are studying every member of the Elven Court, looking for their new king.

In everyone's opinion, the obvious choice is Lord Harke, a veteran ranger and one of the most powerful members of the Court.  Shaera's father is a supporter of Harke, and he's let it be known that Harke is fascinated with her.  She has even gone on a few dates with Harke, and some of her friends have started calling her Queen Shaera.

But during a recent dance, a tall young elf named Elwin managed to keep her on the dance floor for two hours.  Neither of them wanted to stop.  Elwin was graceful, and funny, and he had asked her a question that no other man has ever asked.  "What do you like to do?" he said.  "You know, when you're not capturing the hearts of every man in the room."  At that moment, Shaera fell in love.

Unfortunately, Elwin is a Druid who has never acted in defense of their country.  He seems more interested in court life than anything else, and he even has a reputation for being arrogant.  He argues with just about everyone he meets, about any subject, and is known for manipulating a conversation to make others look like fools.  Shaera finds herself in a troubling position.  She likes Lord Harke.  He's a good man, but she can't seem to stop thinking about Elwin no matter what others say.

Shaera is still very young, so she's unsure of herself and where she fits in the busy world of court life.  However, she's a smart girl with enough common sense to make her appear wise beyond her years sometimes.  She still has her naive moments.  Unfortunately, her desire to not hurt anyone's feelings has resulted in a lifestyle that gives her no time to do what she really wants to do - raise and train birds.  She loves all birds, but especially the sleek predators such as the falcon or the eagle.  For her, there is no greater experience than watching one of these creatures soar through the sky.  Shaera has some training as a Druid, but she uses it mostly when dealing with her birds.

Shaera appears to be eighteen years old.  There is no denying that she is amazingly beautiful.  She stands 5'9" with the lithe body of a dancer.  Her waist-length hair is often compared to the rays of the sun.  Her large blue eyes are like a clear sky in winter, and they're capable of piercing your soul (or so some men describe).  At court, she always wears dresses in shades of blue, but during the few moments she gets to herself she usually wears plain, brown leathers.

Lord Harke

Lord Harke

Harke came from a noble family, so he has been around the Elven Court all his life.  But as was his family's tradition, he joined the Forest Guard as soon as he was old enough and immediately became an officer (due to his family's connections).  Fortunately, he was a capable commander.  Sometimes he pushed his men too far, or took on an enemy that was too strong, but despite his losses he would always come out the victor in the end.

Harke found that he enjoyed war and stayed in the Forest Guard far longer than anyone expected, including himself.  This ended up working in his favor because his endless list of victories and accomplishments have earned him the respect of most Elves, even though who don't like him.  His last campaign as a Ranger was in defense of AvLee against the Dragon Queen, Mutare.  He served under a human Ranger named Tarnum Dragonfriend, leading the Sharpshooters to excellent results.  Harke retired afterward with highest honors and was immediately asked to join the Elven Court.  Since, he has orchestrated alliances and friendships within the Court, making himself the most powerful person in the Court next to the Elder Council.

By the time of the Reckoning, most of the Forest Guard had followed the Elf King and Gelu into war against Kilgor.  Unfortunately, that left few soldiers behind.  Harke was one of the key people who organized his people's flight through the portals to the new world.  For him, it was a task that needed to be done, but when others panicked he had not.  For that, many see him as a hero.  He has helped re-organize their society and along with the Elder Council convinced creatures such as the Sprites, Wolves, and Griffins to join them.  This new kingdom was named Aranorn, and everyone knows that Lord Harke took part in creating it.

So, when the Elven Court made the decision to name a new king (Harke was largely behind making this come about), the name that was on everyone's lips was Lord Harke.  Harke has accepted their votes humbly, but waits for the wise choice of the Elder Council.  During all this political maneuvering, Shaera made her first appearance at Court.  When Harke saw her, he immediately fell in love.  Harke believes that the Elder Council will name him king, so he has concentrated all his efforts on making Shaera his wife.

Harke owes much of his success to his stubbornness and ambition.  He never gives up.  Even when the results of a battle turned against him, Harke would gather some of the survivors and harass the enemy with guerilla tactics until he could raise a force capable of attacking again.  Harke has committed much of his life to protecting his country, and later to solidifying his position within the Elven Court.  He has many allies, but few friends because Harke never really gets close to people.  He constantly does favors for others, but everyone knows he will expect one in return some day.  Finally, he's reached the point of his life where he's looking to raise a family.  From the first day he set eyes on Shaera, he swore that she would become his bride.

Harke appears to be 40 years old.  He's sturdy and muscular for an Elf, but still lean by human standards.  He has broad shoulders and stands about 6'4".  His reddish-blonde hair is kept short and neat, and his goatee has a distinguished looking gray streak down the middle.  Harke is handsome in a distinguished way, and always smiling.  He carries an ornate longsword at his hip, and usually wears green and white.  By the standards of the Elven Court, his clothing style is often subdued, almost practical.

Tawni Balfour

She's the daughter of the pirate captain, Black Balfour, and a serving wench who died when she was an infant.  Once or twice a year Black Balfour would show up at the inn, pay the innkeeper to care for Tawni, and play with his daughter - which was the only parenting she ever received.  Growing up in one of the rough sailor towns, Tawni quickly learned how to take care of herself.  She also learned the finer arts of thievery until she slipped aboard her father's ship when she was a teen.  Tawni was discovered when they were out at sea, but according to tradition her father forced her to walk the plank.  Tawni floated there in the ocean for most of the day, certain she would die.  But when night came her father's ship returned.  Because she didn't cry or beg to be rescued, Black Balfour took her aboard and named her a member of his crew.

From that day forth, Tawni excelled both in battle as well as navigation.  She was preparing to take the ship from her father, by force if she had to, but Black Balfour was killed in a duel with another pirate named Captain Swift before she got the chance.  Although Tawni became captain of the ship, she always felt she hadn't earned it.  Now, this ambitious young woman is ready to make her mark on the world.

Tawni has found this new world full of possibilities, and with all of the chaos she is emerging as a forceful leader.  She knows that there isn't anyone else to lead the creatures of this land, and she intends to do so - even if it requires force.

She's strong-willed, not very lady-like at all, and crafty.  It takes intelligence as well as strength for a woman to survive on a pirate ship.  And there's just about nothing Tawni won't do to achieve her goals.  With a cutthroat view on life Tawni has gone far and is known for her calculating ambitions.  However, the one thing that rules her more than anything is her obsessive drive for independence.  This is what fuels the creation of the Chaos town and their beliefs as everyone is given room to express themselves whenever they want.  Even though she rules, she does not control. If someone gets in the way of one of her goals (even if they're just expressing their independence), she takes them out.  Usually, this means she kills them.

Tawni is a long-limbed woman, usually scantily dressed in black leather because she knows the look distracts men - which is just how she likes them, confused and stupid.  Tawni, however, almost always appears angry - even when she's not.  She's very tan, almost brown-skinned, with jet black hair tied in a single ponytail.  Tattoos of dragons and sea serpents wrap around various parts of her lithe body.  She is never without a weapon, and when battle is likely carries a scimitar on her hip and daggers on both arms and legs.

Starting Skills:   Basic Scouting    Basic Seamanship    Basic Backstabbing    Basic Combat    Basic Toughness

Modified: 08/31/00



Waerjak met an old Barbarian named Tarnum who claimed to be the ancient and well-known Barbarian King Tarnum the Tyrant who led the Barbarians out of slavery hundreds of years ago.  Tarnum tells Waerjak where he went wrong, and that they must work together to restore the true history of his people.  Waerjak did not believe Tarnum's story until after a raid, when Tarnum was killed.  The next day Tarnum walked back into the camp and Waerjak realized this Barbarian was telling the truth and he had a great task to perform.

Of all the people in the Tribal Lands Waerjak is probably one of the most noble.  He believes in a fair fight, honesty and justice.  He is a very courageous man with aspirations of greatness.  He can be a little impetuous at times, but does seem to have a basic instinct for right and wrong.  Waerjak believes that endurance is a far more admirable trait than strength, because giving up is the greatest failure.

Waerjak is a large man, but not large among his own people.  He stands 6'43" and weighs 230 lbs of taut muscle.  His brown hair is cut short with white limed spikes on top.  He usually wears leather armor, a bear cloak made from the bear that killed his father, and wristbands of various animal claws.

Starting Skills:  Basic Tactics    Basic Leadership    Basic Combat    Basic Toughness    Basic Resistance

Modified: 08/31/00


As the second son of the famous knight Kentaine, Worton has had a lot to live up to.  The only problem is, how can anyone possibly live up to that?  So, Worton hasn't even tried.  He skipped out on much of his knight training in order to hang around the less scrupulous members of society.  Any time he got caught stealing, or roughing up some unlucky drunk, the King's Guard would let him go free as a favor to his father.  Worton used whatever means necessary to get ahead, and he even became a knight by blackmailing and knight who had acquired a hefty gambling debt to stand by him and name him worthy.  NOTE:  After the good campaign, he will forever be known as Worton "The Bastard" because of his false claim to be the son of King Gryphonheart.

When Worton came to the land of Palaedra, he realized his opportunity to reach farther than he ever dreamed - to become King of this new land.  Knowing that his father had disappeared along with King Gryphonheart's blade, he arranged for a copy of the weapon to be forged so that he could claim that he was the bastard son of Gryphonheart and the only surviving heir.  It was, of course, all lies and in the end the plan backfired thanks to the involvement of his very own parents.

Worton is a bitter and selfish young man who always seeks the easy (and often unlawful) solution to his problems.  He was a bully and a thief when he was young.  Now, he's a knight of questionable virtue with a quick tongue, and friendly smile that always makes him appear harmless.

Worton in 6' tall with a heavy build, though muscular beneath the flab.  He has a friendly face, his mother's smile and her shocking red hair.  He's usually neat and clean-shaven.  He only wears his armor in battle.

Starting Skills:  Basic Tactics    Basic Leadership    Basic Combat    Basic Scouting    Basic Backstabbing

Modified: 08/31/00



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