"Ssh! Do you remember the fervent discussions about what could have been, when we left Enroth and escaped to Axeoth? When one world ended and a new one was born? Never ending quarrels and nitpicking about the lore?"
We have something for you. Thanks to our members, who formed secret detective brotherhood. And which we may name just at the end. They found a secret, hidden in dark places of the Internet that cannot be named (ever): "Jennifer Bullard's Lost Manuscript Files".
Once there was a gap between Heroes III and IV—there is still, just we learned how to live with it—one world died in flames and a new one was born, but all of that happened really hastily. Let's take a look under the lid, thanks to Heroes writer Jennifer Bullard, at what all could have been in the cutscenes, as new lore, or new heroes. Also let's read some lines from General Kendal's diary. Just don't say "Ouch" too early. Wherever these documents were for all that time, credit for digging them up goes to Corlagon, iLiVeInAbOx05, Erwinner and Karmakeld. Guys, accept our humble thanks!
You can read more about Jennifer Bullard in her Interview from Astral Wizard site archived on our site or the one from Acid Cave.
Note please, that images are for illustration purposes only and were not part of the original files. Click to "readmore" to continue..